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Everything posted by PB666

  1. -3 (-) Note to mods, one of the problems with the game is that the gui does not give consistency, you keep having to make sure you are on the right page and/or refreshed. I just logged in, for some reason the game looged me out it sent me tomthe wrong page after logging in, ........., the so-called sabatoge effect is prolly due tomlatency in server and unequivilent information being sent out.
  2. I understand what you are saying and yes i've seen the complex math, the original proponent called it a metatheory, but changing the name doesn't change the problem, once the slit is passed in space-time. Insult or no insult, a photon that passes through the slit 13.7 billion years ago, you have the possibility of a near infinite number of outcomes that begin to accumulate, where is the information stored in the system, including photons that are absorbed moments after they are produced and photons that will travel to the 'end' of the universe via the same wavefunction. You yourself do not have the ability to do the math, no one does. If you say you can i simply say false. Don't argue with me, cause I won't believe otherwise. The problem here you say wiki is wrong, that's OK, but I was using it to verify what Hawkings said himself on TV, apparently thats not OK with you either, so apparently you believe a MWI that the top physicist who believe, but you believe something different. This has its own wavefunction. First a minority of physicist favor MWI, second, you think a-hah I can create a mathematical solution and if I can it must be the answer. And while it is true mathematically consistent solutions can be favored over those that cannot, there's a saying garbage in garbage out. And when we talk about superpositions, suffice it to say the most intelligent physicist cannot and does not have all the information, because simply stated the fundementals of the universe do not lend themselves currently to concrete answers. I seriously doubt they ever will. Having done a ton of monte-carlo analysis, the best statistical formulas typically show their weaknesses when confronted with actual data. If you have the complete data set, which I assure you no physicist has, you can make perfect statistics (like fisher exact test) if you have a powerful enough computer to fill out all the possibilities and compare with the best held formulas. These become just guesses, and in doing so you realize where the formula's begin to fail. Here-in lies the essential difference CI makes a minimum number of conclusions and owes the fact it is incomplete. I think that is a really justified conclusion because although things like double slit and diffraction occur as a result of electrostatic interactions, space-time is not simply electrostatic, and something like a pilot wave theory could be correct. Im not saying it is, and i'm not arguing that MWI is an impossible explanation, but I'm arguing that based upon what we know CI appears to best represent the state, and only because it is caual partial indeterminancy. When uncertainty is explained in 3 different major camps and physicist are divided in good lots between these camps, thats pretty good grounds for standing back and waiting for better science to be done. This is the same problem we have with the Cannae drive, you said basically that you knew that a different affect could not exist, either it was basically emitting matter or that some measurement was messed up, then you belittled the proponents for not understanding momentum or quantum mechanics. To date your interpretation is not supported, two papers have been published on the cause, but you don't see me waving these around in the air as solution. Science is not 'I know', science is 'I question and then I test to find answers'. The same thing we catch with FTL communications and quantum entanglement, though I suspect it cannot be used to communicate, the issues relies in the stuff above. And MWI is a metatheory that can explain why it cannot be used to communicate, the problem is that a lot of papers are finding ways of excepting this, somehow you seem to be waving them off. This I why I said a long time ago you like to concretize problems, its probably a mechanism you have created in your mind to make the world easier to understand, but the world is not concrete, and you are simply guessing.
  3. Was responding to you, not him. And thread itself is pretty idiotic, sooooo.
  4. Uh....what......change the title?
  5. Ironically, yesterday i was at JSC (NASA rd 1) and i was looking for parts for my launch, but not for a rocket. You guys can go into space till your hearts desire, me i sit back and watch everything from the water. Not a martain, not an asteroid either, and pretty much sure im not a bird cause I cant stand flying. I leave that up to the youngsters with all the energy and dreams of folly.
  6. If you are not alive before you are born, get a refund of your parents zygotes. How many zombies do you need to screw in a lightbulb?
  7. Granted, a thief grabs it and runs with it as fast as he can, he's hit by a bus with scattering the computer in a thousand pieces, unfortunately though with a broken computer you cannot read this message. I wish IPAD didn't suck so badly
  8. If that were the case NASA would have replaced thier mirror in the first salvage.
  9. The primary mirror is defective, there are corrections, its useless. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble_Space_Telescope#Flawed_mirror
  10. bill did not inhale, either.
  11. Its interesting that I revive this thread with a link to NASA renewing the hubble program for 5 more years, and a statement that it might last a decade more. But the posts that follow are all about what might happen after 2025, about a company that may not exist, probably would not have any interest in hubble and headed mars in its dream . . . . . . . . is there some kind disconnect from reality here, maybe prescriptions have expired?
  12. Oh mighty lord necro, but why this one?
  13. To make sure it was fried. He to bonlam peacock not flock wisen mock, was it a frock?
  14. Although this is a massive deviation from the topic. CI - wavefunction collapse - assumption of wavefunction collapse is ad hoc MWI - all aspects of the wave function exists as many-worlds. Lets give an example, in this double slit experiment we kepp the verticle axis confined, allow the verticle axis to represent diversity. Our unit length is the planks sclae (l). The projection is a meter away from the slit. The projection is then a probability function of with 1/l as the number of bins. In that moment the states of everything along that meter of length are all being measures, because of nonuniformity in quantum foam where the photons land and the various distances travel there 10-10/(planks time) variation in time.. There forvwe have a change of state matrix just for a local event of MWI with rough 10^50 different possibilites, of course we have to add back in the horizontal component, etc. It we dont even examine the whole universe but only focus on local interactions on approaches and almost infinite number of parallel outcomes within tiny amounts of time. This is almost identicle tobwhat Stevn Hawking said on his PBS special ,genius'. The niity griity between the two is that copenhagen infers a wavefunction collapse, but the reality is that there is an undefined resolution of the information that is in the wavefunction attributed as a state change in observation. The wavefunction has to change as the particle is observed, the question is how, what process occurs. Process is sonething that occurs through time, but Carlo Ravelli basically argues that at this level ignore time, just pretend it does not exist, and so a photon could be in all places at once, representing the wavefunction, but the wavefunction must resolve because in space-time a photon is detected. Therefore copenhagen basically has it that in this non-temperol roll through all possibilities one has to be plucked as a processional reference. The buggaboo in the interpretation is that suppose the screen is 1000 ly away, the processing of the event may be timeless but we also know that the timeless photon has traveled 1000 ly, but in the last moment can decide to be anywhere along a thousand light year wide screen. This seems to be problemation until one realizes that the quantum spacetime foam is really plastic, it could accomidate such resolution, but that does not mean it does. The MWI interpretation would have the creation of more universes as the photon traveled away from the double slit, really ancient photons could have a near infinite number of worlds just devoted to their fates. This concept is known as universal decoherance, where over time the universes no longer coincide, but drift from each other,msonthat some MWI have added another non-occamic process that cohers the universes together.
  15. MWI is just what it says and just hiw hawkings describes its and its a guess. MWI is equivikent to the planet vulcan, its a guess that is most likely wrong. Copenhagen makes non pretense that it doesn't know the resolution answer, which is what i like,mscientist should answer 'we don't know' instead of saying 'there must be a vukcan out there we don't see'. MWI is not needed.
  16. Banned for having more likes than me.
  17. 2/10 no one will see it unless it goes viral. Create a program that automatically tags every photo on the internet, notifications are sent out to the 'tagged' person in advance for a donation of 10$, in which their image in the photo will not be tagged.
  18. But have it land on moho first. Send a spaceplane to eeloo.
  19. Banned for copying Fryberts ban.
  20. Granted, it will be firey instead, with a brash boldness and deathwish. I wish eight was three.
  21. Having a Nino Avatar is cheating, cheater.
  22. You dont have to run them over, you can walk them over, or just stop and sit on them, heh-heh.
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