Occam's razor turns out to be very useful here, what do you do with an infinite number of universe once they spontaneously are created and what are their individual fates, niether of which MWI can explain because it has no data on the matter, which means there can be an infinite number of convoluted explanations.
CI is very simple . . . . quantum uncertainty exists, the universe is non-deterministic at that scale, but fate is resolved, we just don't know how. As i have repeated made the point key to the mess is quantum space time achetecture, some call it quantum foam, but we do not know with any certainty. We know its important because it interacts with both mass and light (warping of space time) and they interact to warp it so since we don't know how the foam gets laid out or propagates through space, its very convinient to let the resolution of uncertianty stay in local unseen phenomena until this behavior is resolved. No need to fabricate a infinity of universes per quantum moment to explain it. Yes, i know quantum states superposition, but quantum space-time is the deepest and most fundemental property of the universe if it exists.