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Everything posted by PB666

  1. antedGrae I wish folks would not try to paradoxical with their wishes.
  2. Nowhere, singularites are nulls without the clothes on. How many fish are there on the moon?
  3. one, shrink the planet its standing on to a point mass. How fast can a wood chuck eat tamales?
  4. Alot, throw it strait intonthe air and let it hit you in the head. How fast can a suptaker filled with mothballs go in reverse?
  5. I quickly call in 8 alien decoy posters that neutralize the blast, + one flagship virus to revert it into a space tug with no outstanding defenses. Will teleporting my ship to the backside of eeloo, i unlease a nova bomb at kerbol for the next person.
  6. And the point? Ok, lets just say that I am skeptical, lets talk about what it takes. Premise one astronaut alive on landing on Mars. Keeping alive say 1 hour, long enough to plant the spaceX flag. 1.. A ship capable of holding on man two hours, 500 kilos plus human, landing gear 100 kilo. Total required 600 kilo. 2. A retro firing ship capable of landing 600 kilo on mars. We've done that with curiousity. 3. Another ship to transport 1 human to mars and survive 18 months, health is not an issue. Sure why not we can do that. Just launch sveral F9H and join them in LEO and you can transport them to LEO, have human dawn a space suit and transfer tonthe lander. Can be done. I wouldnt want to be the fool, but i'm not going to make a fuss about hus plan.
  7. before gloom. What be the name of the first space alien?
  8. I have a factory ship that can build a factory 3x its size, it can build a station in duna orbit, already done so around gilly, and moho. Build trapping ship around dres.
  9. No twartation, what part of super do you not understand (as in over, above, supercedes) i use the extra time and confusion to consume all the resources and fortresses of the next person.
  10. No such avatar as 'not me' @RocketSquid
  11. Super reflector ray engaged.
  12. Gets totally whack by crazy space vixen. cookies?
  13. Of course you spread to the stars so that you can create your interstellar consortium, then confederation, . . . . . . . Next thing you know your a video game.
  14. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201606/the-myth-sentient-machines
  15. If you don't think the pressure of water is an issue, watch what happens to it when you remove all pressure. 1. Boils instantly 2. Freezes rock solid in seconds. 3. Lyophilizes over a longer period of time.
  16. You are placing unwarranted design limitations on it, the object can be built to focus a foot away if that is what you want. It might also focus light onto a line an inch wide covered with an inch wide solar panel 10 foot long panel. This is not like a lens for a camera, it uses a series of small metal spikes to cause interference of the light.
  17. Silent but lethal If the baron von Licthenstien marries the duchess of Cornwall, what is the title of their stepchildren?
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