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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Magnetars persist much longer than solar flares.
  2. Somewhere. When did the first raidrop hit the Earth?
  3. But only antimatter asteroids can join in orbit, the two collide destroying the Kerbol system. I send a mission to the kerbol system to observe its the signatures of the explosion left behind.
  4. Granted, your dreams will be filled with nightmarishly dank memes. I wish for a fish on japanese radish in a sushi dish.
  5. More sophmoric obfuscation, take your BS and spread it elsewhere. The facts of the matter are that physical laws have a basis in reality, and matrix like explanations have a basis in fantasy, mythology, or religion.
  6. Why be here if you have decided not to discuss physical laws instead you want to discuss religion?
  7. There is ISP sec and ISP m/sec. I was suggesting that use of ISP sec being silly beyond leo, since it qualifies exhaust velocity by surface gravity, which is kind of silly far from earths surface. One is adding and removing an extra unnecesary term.. For instance using ISP with ion drive calculations is silly.
  8. Occam's razor applies to all of these arguments, its your obligation to provide facts, not my obligation to prove that its not possible. Otherwise its just one guess of many beliefs, no better or worse than any god belief. http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/06/how-consciousness-evolved/485558/
  9. Hollywood fiction has no meaning, and so what hollywood contrives has no objective meaning. Get that into your head. Science avoids contrivances of facts, not embraces them. Get that into your head.
  10. It would only bother me if Uranus was un"dres"ed.
  11. I tweek the orbits of the red kerbin worlds so that the successively collide with all the satellites. A mission to launch 100 rockets into IS space around kerbal, all from 100 different launch pads on different planets, using mechanical automations that cannot be hacked, if one survives the mission is considered a success, they are all launched simultaneously.
  12. No but what if you had a microchannel photovoltaics that could step up the voltage to say 30,000volts. You have a single buss running down both sides that then roll out on direction. Photovoltaics will die in space, either due to use or due to cosmic collisions, so keeping the lens aspect, while only storing and replacing the voltaics aspect is one way of saving mass. I was thinking about concentrating light 10 fold, which most panels can handle quite readily. Such a ship would have operational panels out way past mars, including places like the moons of Jupiter.
  13. Uh, that was a Hollywood movie. I am thinking about the base reality, would require a huge amount of processing power just to create one life. For example. I get in my boat which has about a 100 mile range, I travel in the middle of a bay at my leisure, that's not the Truman show, a bit of Hollywood fiction. The scale of our lives is tremendous at the quantum scale. A quantum shape is roughly 10E-100 of a meter cube, and quantum time is 10E-43 which means to calculate through one square meter of space-time you need something that processes 10E-143. Now if I am traveling in a boat through Galveston bay at 25kts at my leisure, meaning I can turn any direction of my choosing, that means Secondarily, most models of quantum physics are non-deterministic, only one model that I presented, which no-one, including yourself, chose, was deterministic (The pilot wave theory). Therefore according to generally agreed consensus in the scientific world and here, I can steer my boat where-ever I want In Galveston bay. This means the entire bay and beyond in that flat plane, would have to be non-deterministic. In such a case I am crossing 1000s of cubic meters per second. That's now a quasi-quantum state of 10E-147 unit cells. If i get out of that boat at clear lake and start making a raucous, that means now JSC and the spaceflight operations now have to be engaged in my quantum state, this includes ISS traveling around the Earth at 8000 m/s. Even if you restricted the quantum state to me, my boat and the water within a meter of that boat for say 10E-44 second, you still have a state which I control, remembering that my choice causes the unit say boat hull to interface with passing water. The second issue here, the most recent models of quantum gravity (quantum space-time) suggest that the unit cells are extremely plastic, they only resolve on the large scale (relativistic space-time). This in essence means that non-determinism is not simply a boundary layer of unit cells between NP environment and player, but constitutes a large swath of time and space where the functional units overlap. You can contrive any hypothesis to fit an illogical belief. To dispose of all of these we apply Occam's razor, very good at doing so because it was rooted in philosophical sophistry. So the solution is that the simplest explanation is the best, and that applies to simulated reality also. Since non-determinism appears to be a truth at the quantum scale, then we have to conclude that either the machine will always be invisible to us (Or like the grand experiment in HHGTTG) we are the universal machine. As pointed out by Hawking, given the dearth of information concerning the universes center and the polycentric POV then we are each the center of the universe, and so is everyone else. If everyone is the center of the universe then I by myself cannot be the only center, and therefore the Truman program cannot work on me, it has to apply to everything in the visible universe, which means we have 10E-143 multiplied by 45 billion trans-universal ly distance by 10E16 meters) The unit cell size of the object is 10E-143 * 4/3pi * (4.5E26)^3 ~ 1E233 for the known life of the universe of 14 billon years (365.25 x 86320) we are talking about about 10250 processes. This is not talking about the physical processes that occur within each unit of quantum space-time, and not also mentioning the translational operations between interacting units of space time, we probably need to multiply another 10E50 on top of that. So here is the current fastest computer is say in the HexaFlop range it would be capable of modeling space-time at say then femtometer scale and lag the actual system by several magnitudes of 10. Occam's razor would argue that the distance between a capacity and reality is so great to make this a black and white issue, and given the fact that non-determinism works at such as small scale you are left with one plausible explanation, naturally non-deterministic evolution of the universe. This is not to say that the universe itself is the machine, the computer, the question to the answer 42 so to speak, but then one has to immerse oneself in the off-topic concept of a being creator, the architect of the universe. Again, I point this out with bioneogenesis and universe's creation. I wasn't there, there are many conflicting beliefs, most of them are wrong, therefore let's just not guess.
  14. Switch the game OS to assembly language until the script wave passes. I fill the kerbol system with kerbin like planets inhabited by the annoying red kerbals, a warlike species who launches almost never blowup.
  15. Granted, little points hit you on the head for the next hour I wish null of null
  16. Hey, I'm not you are the center of the Universe, being as such i should be able to steer. Since NPCs can appear in the game at any time, in need a new NPC pickup. Also since i am the center of the Universe i would like to see all these meta science post disappear from the forum, and Elon musks religion should be a banned topic in a science forum, let me use my center universe power to draw in a moderator NPC so that we can work on this issue.
  17. And you are telling me that i am the center of the universe, oh that would make K2 really happy. Ok, no problem with that,nstop the rain, the boss demands i take a six week vacation, the motor on my boat suudenly repairs itself and a new truck suddenly apoears in my driveway, engage number 1. Nope, didn't happen. Must be the IPAD again.
  18. Population should have capped earlier, current problem is the dearth of education in the developing world, particularly education of girls. You cannot realistically expect to have great, .................., great grandchildren on the same street unless its a necropolis. At some point for this to happene you would have to delay childbirth to prevent overpopulation. As it stands in the developed world longevity is starting to fall, people are working longer and living shorter times in retirement. A greater burden of childrearing has shifted to the older generation from a rather careless younger generation. Not exactly a productive circumstance.
  19. Lets stop badmouthing the UN, ok, my little report post finger is getting twitchy, and it has next to nothing to do with ELon Musk going to Mars. Elon could do whatever he likes and Noone can say anything until after the fact. Or would you have international bodies beurocratizing what you put on your hobby rocket or KSP forum cubesat?
  20. Banned for using pointy punctuation.
  21. You like after you stuck your fat political foot right in the middle of it.
  22. No it doesn't. what is the point of having a simulation of 10e25 starsystems evolving or a rndom natural reality, a random natural reality takes up alot less processing power. These coputers would have to track every subatomic particle at the planks scale in all of these systems you talking about a machine with1E200 memory and a processing speed at 10E40 and around 1E190 processors.
  23. Granted, a 700 lb gorilla matron named 'cookies' grabs you and drags you into her jungle love nest. I wish for null.
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