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Everything posted by PB666

  1. http://phys.org/news/2016-06-mammals-began-takeover-death-dinosaurs.html http://phys.org/news/2013-10-early-mammal-varieties-declined.html#nRlv http://phys.org/news/2014-12-asteroid-dinosaurs-mammals.html#nRlv Basically articles about the KT transition
  2. And you brought it up then because?
  3. BTW, I tend to think of bacteria as being part of me, for instance, the mitochondria, the chlorophyll in the plants that are food, and my microbial flora. The plants thatvI eat and the fish and other domesticants are along for the human ride. Humans have alot of interdependencies in the ecosystem. So before you go out drawing lines out, just remember that we are part of whole. The earth without us is still a pretty fine Earth, but without all the Earth that supports us its just another rocky planet.
  4. Does anyone else get tired of these silly wacker measuring contests?
  5. Because the axis of the graph is on log scale the accuraccy of the conclusion is dependent on small shifts in slope of the first 10%. A small shift in slope at this point can cause a large shift in were lsentient life appears later on a nonlog plot.
  6. Banned for banning for pointing out that you were ninja'd.
  7. Banned for also being ninja'd
  8. But he only considered the electron moon, the proton earth would also form a black hole with tremnedous attrcation and protons would cancel out ans some of the electrins so the the hole would not be naked. Anyway black hole no problem unless yiubare tidally locked to it, far enough away you just orbit. Bigger problem, not possible to accumulate that much charge in on plce so its an unreal postulate.
  9. Never, you must eat like a pig forever? there go I?
  10. Banned for not raising my like count to a number you dont see everyday.
  11. The night would still be night. from what goes?
  12. Banned for impersonating a cube.
  13. Not even close, thats EM energy.
  14. You were the one who said the UN was bad. If you didn't want a liquid response you should watch who you point your liquification unit at.
  15. 3 spuds What is the forth derivative of distance of a 747 in a spiraling stall?
  16. Banned for impersonating a star.
  17. JUst one, must have been over cooked. Waiter, there's a soluble bone extract in my soup!
  18. Can't we just launch a cesium/hydrogen bomb in the upper atmosphere and the whole thing would be over with, no need to ask for details.
  19. http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/news/latest/2016/06/asteroseismologists-listen-to-relics-of-the-milky-way.aspx Star music! Sort of monotonous. I wonder what the sun sounds like, probably an irritatingly high pitch.
  20. The first event was the most Cataclysmic. One can measure it in delta energy per delta space, at infinite energy density and an initial inflation to less than a soccer-ball size, thats a pretty good shift in energy and at 1E-33 of a second. THing is that there was no matter to register it, that would come much later. Although I have to say, if you are close to two black holes merging, I don't think there would be a fault line on earth that wouldn't rupture as the space-time ripple past over them. Comets like 67p would probably tear apart along with a large number of asteroids, so you would have increased risk of asteroid collisions. Again if you were that close to the merger, chances are you are more worried about orbital decay of your host star to a black hole. A space-time ripple would be akin to pulling a table cloth from underneath a table setting without toppling the pieces. The milky way has many small galaxies orbiting it, if one of these GBHs were to merge with the GBH of the milky way you could see a powerful ripple sent out that we might notice on earth.
  21. I'm just wondering who gave you the overdose of caffeine in your espresso.
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