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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Just back from a rather exhausting 4 day trip, will examune and respond later ( after couple dozen NSAIDs and a muscle relaxant)
  2. Maybe we need a forum for threads that are not suppost to be placed in KSP Forums, Wen call it the Space Lounge.
  3. Carbon fiber is not imperviable to gases you have to add other materials to make it impervious but those material are structurally weak, a five or six molecular layer of this stuff would not allow diffusion of gases, and could be bundled in between. Interleave the two. I think you are discounting this too quickly, boron-carbon-nitrogen this is about as light as structural material gets. We need more of this not less.
  4. We have Anarchy Chaos Political Satire Clueless politicians And . . . . . . Humpback whales.
  5. Nope, there was a similar thread, back a week or so.
  6. http://worldofweirdthings.com/2015/09/11/why-you-cant-nuke-your-way-to-a-second-earth/
  7. Didn't I say in combination with carbon fiber, glass, for instance is surprisingly pliable in small layers. If you created layers of the material sandwiched between carbon-fibers, you would have essentially materials for holding pressure combined with plyability.
  8. http://www.thelatestnews.com/new-super-hard-diamond-like-material-invented/ - - - Updated - - - I see super metal potential, possibly better than carbon fiber in terms of weight versus strength. Possibly useful for making struts, standouts, nacell arms, more pressure resistent capsules. In particular is could be combing with carbonfiber to make pressure hulls and fuel tanks for things like xenon or argon gas.
  9. http://www.nist.gov/pml/div684/20150908lightsaber.cfm This might solve the diffusion problem for deep space issues. I see this problem lets say the work pairing two electrons is X relative to creating two close by but not molecular photons, then my thinking is then for creating 3 or a trimer, it would be X3/2. Two combine 4 would be X2, and so on, so that by the time one had a decamer, the difficulty would outweigh any poosible gain. OTOH, this maybe away of bunching 3 photos and lowering the quantum effects of uncertainty. But in space it may only half the diffusion, so if it takes twice the effort to make the light molecule, it would not be worth it.
  10. But its not christian or religious, its a calender created by the romans for more or less bureacratic reasons. Its only christian in the sense the RC church became the tradition Roman christian religion during the period of constantine and HRC assummed that role after the great skism, which is moot since the fall of Nova Roma, many christian sects continued to use other calenders for a long period,mparticularly the Jewish observant calenders. We are having this argument because most of the Eastern and African versions fell to other religions and are now flies on the wall. The calender is about Roman dominance, not christian dominance. Christianity afterall was usurped by the Roman emperor as an attempt to stabilize the masses and deal with the broad destructive swings of emperors that placed the empire in jeapordy. The gregorian corrections are no diiferent than the grenwich folks addind a leap second every now and then. Sure he's a saint but hes also a bureaucrat, a rose by any other name. I have to add my 2, The roman calender is a whole lot better than a lunar calender because the lunar creates an unneeded 12 year rotation, and if i want to know where the moon is, its easy enough to go outside. If i want to know went a solistice is i need a megalith. Count 365 for three years then count 366 any one with a piece of charcoal can do that, you are never off by more than 0.2%, which is far better than annual temperatur variations of the weather. So ...... And time is no longer controlled by the church, its control by some bureacrats in England whose predecessors created an observatory, the most religion it gets is an aged woman with a regnum somewhere in her name says cheerio every other decade to the folks that run it.
  11. Flouride is a dope, when an electron is kicked there needs to be something to fill the hole momentarily until the circuit is complete, At least thats the way i understand it depending on whether its a p or n type conducter you need a carrier to fill the holes, when florine gains a electron it becomes a negative carrier and fills a hole left by a kicked electron until that electron completes circle, tin being polyvalent cation can accomidate the loss of a floride and awaits its return. It has ti do something with the fact that if the holes don't fill current falls and the layers can degrade. My understanding is 30 years old so ....... https://www.crystec.com/klldope.htm Its sort of like pipe dope, you use pipe dope between two milled ends of the pipe because although the pipe will pass liquid, when its not flowing without the dope in the threads, the pipe will leak. Not only is this messy, but it causes erosion of the threads and will make the problem worse. So being a dope in a leaky world is a good thing.
  12. Thanks for the reply, i guess im one of those god-babies, lol. Although i have to say that i built every single computer we've used since 1995 about 30 until Legal affairs said we could do it anymores, lol. I still manage to sneak in an upgrade, like a new Mb and cpu for an users RS232 direct machine system. IT came out and said no 7 on this. I told him it was a sleeper, so he tried it commented I don't kniw how you pulled a 3.1 ghz dual core system out of a 13 year old box. lol. Aftermarket upgrades, cost me 75 bucks. What he didn't see was that it had 2 RS232 ports and an internal RS232 pinout. When you are running machines off of PCs it pays to know the specs, this is something legal affairs doesn't get. The decision is made, Windows on one drive which I will install later, Linux gets its own SSD and I will dual boot in the bois and get a shared data drive for the both of them. I don't play shoot em ups or arena games, did dabble in Wow for a couple, then i hit the wall of bordom during panderia and that was it. I like the quest and crafts, and raids, but the highest level quests became too too grindy, no intellectual stimulation.
  13. Lets close this thread, its really not about science, i think is was prolly flame bait to begin with.
  14. The problem is that the find does not have a reliable geological date. You are correct, because if this is from the 1.8 to 1.9 mya range or later, then there are comparable finds in the Caucasus region, homo erectus georgicus, that are similarly a small brain on a otherwise generically human morphology brain morpholgy was variable. And also we have that small, medial australopiticine/erectine skull morphology of Homo floreinsis that dates to 13 kya. If this thing dates to 3 mya then its a very important find, even 2.5 mya is important, it basically blows all of paraantrops out as human contenders and only leaves the oldest australopithicines as contenders. So the dating is important. The real problem in pre-erectine studies has been homo habilis and the smattering of habiline remains that have been discovered. Early studies placed these as tree dwellers, because of upper body strenth, but also indicated they would have been poor hunters, as time went on a pot of variable traits were added that confused the issue. The problem has been that the finds are largely fragmented and fractional. These naledi finds are mostly complete and suggest communites with lots of variation, not dissimilar to what was seen with the Georgian erectines. They were definitely biped, and probably obligate bipeds, which would make habilis an irrelvant catagorization if these were contemporary. Given the distance to the caucasus, and proximal variation in the cave I don't think a contemporary with the georgian find constitues a new species. I should point out that morphological variation tapers in Africa slowly while OoA humans radiated from Africa, and its likely that the rise of agriculture and cultivation put and end to structural variation in many areas. Thus maybe we are a bit biased by recent selection in the modern era, Erectus as a species maybe older than we think. Interestingly this find has made surprisingly little noise in the anthro discussion boards so I wonder if people have already discounted this as another early homo data point. While it is possibile that two hominid species lived in africa until late, Tishkoffs recent studies in africa and the recent discovery of an offset Y chromosomal PMRCA make this scenario only possible if one of the species lived in extreme North Africa, IOW the pre LGM variation we see in SSA is probably human, so the collapse of morpholgy post dates the genetic constriction that occurred in the human population. What this all says, basically is that variation is a longlasting trait of pre agrarian humans, and that we should not be so quick to call new species unless those variants are really diiferent and show strong regional identities. So yeah, its prolly a part of the missing link, but not the only one out there. Our ancestors were mobile, they did not stay in one place, and popsize estimates based on DNA suggests that we were spread thinly before OoA. In that context, this makes more sense.
  15. Dynamos have multiple origins. A star that formed because of a suppernova of a carbon/iron rich star might have stronger magnetic feild than a generation 1 star. I think the major issue is field strength and proximity. If the field strength id high and proximity is close then. what seems more strange to me is why close binaries form in the first place, but then drak matter may be part of the problem. As dust and hydrogen aggregate drag should orbitally degrade velocity and proximal densities should collapse around a point mass, leaving trivial amounts of mass to form the planets. It is plausible that the magnetic core prexisted the star nucleation event, and nucleation occurs as a magnetic process. The PROBLEM is that turbulation in a star should destroy most solid masses, so if magnetism is humongous then maybe solid cores persist throughout the whole process. I wonder how many times a new star has been built on a neutron star?
  16. We need something that would be a cliche for this group of lively sprites BLS/ALS 0 = July 20th 1969 @ 20:18 UTC Before lunar step, after lunar step
  17. I am just going to end all of this with a big bang. 13.8 billion years, the planck unit is 10-43 so its 13.8 * 365.25 * 24* 3600 / 10-43 the time is currently #.################ x 1052. I've outdone myself, this is certainly more useful than the gregorial calender and grenwich mean time. Think how simple it will be for little kids in school to learn time. And look now its no-ones time, until of course the big bang theory is revised and then it really is noones time. According to Einstein when exist in space-time, which means time is only valid in one reference frane. Since our time is invalid does it really matter which scale we use. But on the occassion that we discover quantum gravity, the whole universe should celebrate by switching to the planck scale and planck time. lol.
  18. http://phys.org/news/2015-09-underground-magma-ocean-io-misplaced.html
  19. I think that binaries that are close togethr are unstable for a large number of reasons.
  20. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34217255
  21. http://phys.org/news/2015-09-mysterious-massive-magnetic-stars.html
  22. A genuinly bad idea, and BTW i've stuck here on a friggen ipad for almost a week, and is almost unbelievable how bad my typos are, where do these things come from? Yeah writing, punctuatio, etc, doomed.
  23. yeah the other vid is an hour long, filled with commercials that killed the sound every time. the replay of the big bang was the worst i've ever seen and they dragged every thig out into a hideous bachelorette try finale, really sucked, BBC should be ashamed.
  24. two things here. 1. i try to stay below mach 0.8 below 20,000 meters. Your right the ballistic and cone shapes will create a diagonal bowhock above 0.99. Evev the ball tip will build alot of force at mach 1. 2. I have created alot of aerodynamic fueled and non fueled caps and lowered the drag, they are pretty useful for hig power strait up to escape rockets, of course for the effort i lowered to CoD, some of them get thier burn on trying to exit the atmophere. People wonder why thier rockets flip, its like duh, you trying to push 300 m/s and drag is builing at the nose of the rocket what do you expect.
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