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Everything posted by PB666

  1. American Football is rugby, literally, on steroids. I am not sure why we call it football, I think its because it distinguishes itself from rugby in the manner in which the ball is kicked-off and because of field goals and extra-point kicks. We call basketball such but there is no basket. We call Great Britain, but more than half the countries in the world are larger. How many countries have a parliment but have no king or queen? The Chief official in the parliment is a prime minister, but he has no clergy, no flock. What about the foreign minister, but he is not foreignor does he minister. Is Westminster abbey really an Abbey? You have a house of commons, but they are anything but; it is filled with bombastic eclectics and eccentrics. Scotland yard is the name of the London metropolitan police, the actual alleyway I don't think exists anymore. You have stone henge, but they are actually megaliths, and I haven't seen a hinge yet. You would think we Americans would make a fuss about all of this, but since we inherited the English language from jolly ole england, we are pretty acclimatized. Funny names of stuff seen in the Beeb. Man United. Now that's a new slant on football Beefeater. Prince of Wales is actually from the house of Windsor, his father is Greek. All of his ancestors on his mothers side are continental, can't think of one that was welch, and I don't think they speak welch. A Cow is a female of any large mammal, but generally means a female Ox, a male Ox is called a bull, but a singular Ox of unknown ... is almost never called an Ox, small plurality and not called Oxes or Oxen but Cows. Many Ox are called Cattle, unless there are two of them and they are pulling a cart in which case they are called Oxen. The cart is called and Ox-cart, which completely explains the origin of the word Lorry. Either a fish or a womans name. Oh no, its a truck of any variety. Oh, we americans have really messed up the English language, so, so sorry, lol.
  2. I've heard that under the right condition the seed storage carbohydrates of legumes can become a gas. In fact I think I'm hearing those conditions right now.
  3. llol, I can't believe that. i did not c&p the au article, must be a beeb glitch. will correct.
  4. ≃11776 {\AA}? The first generation of stars are rather large, and short-lived. So you have the higher temperature photosphere producing Ionizing UV, leftover heat from the big-bang, and nova ejecting highly ionized particles and energetic EM, so this ionizing effect is expected. Even intergalactic gas is currently quite hot, but due to another reason, the very low density means that the gas is traveling from 'whatever' mass millions or billions of kilometers outside of its initial space-time into space where gas derived from other space-time are traveling, it does not take much to have a collision at a couple thousand meters per second, clearly enough to ionize electrons. Add to this GBH emmitting X-ray into the space over the poles. Of course the other articles indicate their is probably a desire to detect the cold neutrinos from before the opaque period. So the could potentially see further back but with a rather myopic view. ty for the ref.
  5. ​misdirected limk removed http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34017183 Just 60 tons payload, but expanding. If they could build one with a hollow at the center of gravity you could launch a rocket from the center. You probably would need to use steam mass accelerator to get it away from the ship before firing mains.
  6. In derailments trains can travel sideways, not a good thing. When an aircraft is traveling sideways its a pretty good indication that a stall has progressed to a dead man's spiral, also not a good thing, when a ship is traveling up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_City_disaster or sideways generally not a good thing, unless its a pilot boat with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voith_Schneider_Propeller. The of course cars going sideways a general indicator of bad road conditions (ice, heavy winds or excessive speed and water, or driving through an active low water crossing). A launch rocket traveling sideways is a general indicator of a failed engine. The soviet jets could travel all but bottom first in controlled stalls. Balloons can travel sideways however that is general not a valid consideration since they travel with the wind so the direction of travel would be the opposite of the wind direction. A modern blimps can travel sideways albeit inefficiently. Sidewinders travel sideways.
  7. I am going to be the odd-ball here. I had problems with the fairings, but once I got the knack, I liked them. First off you can use multiple fairings. I designed and aerodynamic Size2 station hub where the first fairing went to the bottom of the hub, and the second fairing covered the top. You can use for example decouplers in the fairings that throw off parts, such a size0 decoupler under a size1 nose cone that the fairing attaches to. You can also, carefully use struts in your fairing, which can be detached if they attach to the fairing and say, not a docking port. So for instance if you start with a size 3 fairing, then have a retro pointed large docking port, then station stuff (e.g. karmony module or crew quarters) then a hub, and the fairing joins the hub, then another fairing from the hubs other side to a nosecone (say size 2 or size 1). What I really like about the fairings is that at 24,000 meters, boom they Stage off, adios, and I have never had a problem with this. I think one of the things about fairings is that folks are not considering all the parts you can use. For example you could use a Size3/2 adapter, and fair between the payload bottom and top with the stage. If you are starting with a size3 fairing, its not a problem to place a size2 object at the top of the rocket. Then there are task the fairing should not be doing, if you have a lander with offset or nacells then wide out (size2 or 3 depending on the distance) with a very thin fueltank (e.g. 200) to the nacell, place a fairing on top that covers the top (or if you are using a 3 person lander, on top of the lander. The nacell you can make aerodynamic and the bodies can be made aerodynamic and dont use the fairing, use aerodynamic fuel tanks. In my career mode, which did several landers, I never used fairings at all, aerodynamic lander design did everything I needed.
  8. Is that a crater or a plateau, looks to me like an escarpment of some sort, there are craters inside casting shadows in the reverse direction. This must be Ceres Version of a volcano.
  9. Im glad someone posted this, in flight sim my favorite was a modified DC6B with a spoiler like a DC7. I have to say reading the crash report this was one of the most abused coomercial aircraft in the history of aviation. These were at tge end of the piston engine proppelled AC, and so they were quckly move on to lessor occupations.
  10. I pretty much face palm when i see someone put major life details on their facebook page and the go crazy when some tags a photo with them in it.
  11. In XP single core is rather criplled, its best to have dual core if you are going to run dos emulation mode. Yeah even XP stumbles around if you are going to run VT100 or 220 virtual.
  12. i can get the mubuntu running off of a memory pin and i have a 64 gb memory pin. I prolly coukd find a USB3 memory pen an just use that, then its off the original partition, or have a second Ssd drive of say 64g. Its not just because of KSP. I dont actually like the direction windows has been turning since 98 and i think the peak was with XP, which is one reason so many people are reluctant to give it up. The other thing is that when I retire I woukd like to start programming agian, i'de like to learn C++ fully and write aplets for variuos and sundry things. The windows 10 GUI IMO sucks, i like the ability to control my desktop with 10 the closest i can get is a black screen. The other thing is that there are things that i have that are RS232 that windows vista or higher do not like. This is because old RS 232 did not interface with dos, programs gathered data directly from the com ports. RS232 devices are rather simple electronics that you can tinker with but are rather powerful, slow, but powerful. The irony here is manfs are still making Rs232 ports on machines, but most modern computers cannot interface anymore except a few that can convert to usb.
  13. they do, but asteroids produce alot of radioactive Iridium. We assume that thier nuclear bombs use the same technology as our plutonium, uranium, of hydrogen bombs. To see that precise signal you would have to be looking at them in the gamma ray spectrum. Our gamma ray observatories are quite rare. So more typically our high resolution cameras are visible and IR, and so then you would be interpreting bright flashes of a planet in transect, which is more or less a sampling per unit time, going by the planet hunter plots, with the solar variation. No, sry, i dont think so. Maybe if we had the telescope mentioned in the other thread that could see earth like planets directly, then its possible. Light scattering is the inverse forth power of the wavelegth so getting really high resolution gamma ray chromatography is not at trivial task.
  14. That sounds like a very good point to use a hidden built in self destruct device. Meh you loose a ship, but pirates would be reluctant to steal the next.
  15. http://arstechnica.com/science/2015/09/signs-of-neutrinos-from-the-dawn-of-time-less-than-a-second-after-the-big-bang/
  16. If you read the beeb alot you also see a fair amount of errors, i think modern journalist are a bit sloppy. But then again I'm using an Ipad and the GUI on it has a tendancy to poke words here and there, and spuriously erase stuff when you hit the backspace button, so . . . Be glad once I get my Win10 system stabilized.
  17. yep, this happened to me also, i was testing rocket dV coming of of krebin and got an intercept with dres, thing is that my kerbin escape had alot of radial velocity sonthat when it reached kerbin my diifferential was high, it took alot to slow down.
  18. oh, that is true, i can read the hard drive, but the installer apparently cannot. lol. Sine the website says it uses GParted to set up the linux partition and this is the error message G Parted gave then i would have to say that either the prevoius attempt to install linux has confounded Gparted, or that Custom installs of Windows10 confound the program. Of course it could not recognize the OS in the previous install either but did recognize the partition, so its amnesia appears to be selective. I think maybe i will contact the ssd manf and see it they recommend a disk image to default the hdd to its original state.
  19. Recognize NTFS poartitions, No recognize win10, No Thinks the drive is empty, yes Wants to clean install over existing windows partition, Yes good idea, no alternatives, hard to find. I like the valid fake msdos part
  20. Sorry for the piggy here. This is the problem, clean fresh 10 install, repartition 100gb for linux. The usb did not want to be recognized by bios, but after fiddling and a dozen or so reboots was recognized, but the ubuntu install showed no OS , came back to OS and Os was corrupted and had tonreinstall. Think one more time and it looks like 10 and ubuntu are not a marraige to be.
  21. me too, strange, eh. To the moderator, i check first, i did. Did not see any eighteens over me, couple of cobwebs, i figuered it would be OK. I am not and have nevr been a miner. :^). - - - Updated - - - Peak of testosterone, they are in the shoot em up phase of thier lives. Testosterone falls, the fog of war is replaced by prune juice and green veggies with weird names.
  22. http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/09/alien-nuclear-wars-might-be-visible-from-earth/404176/?utm_source=SFTwitter I gonna say, no, not likely. If a nuclear blast did occur how would differentiate form say a bizarre asteroid impct which occurs thousand times more frequently in the life of a planet.
  23. PB666


    all we need is a ubuntu install on the pad, lol.
  24. Could be, if you were talking about subdisciplines you could say Maths. Never heard it. BTW, one of the common marks i put on manuscripts is 'technical rewrite required', and the worst part is some of these manuscripts are 70 percent plagerized from published papers. lol. Its a new world, que sera.
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