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Green Baron

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Everything posted by Green Baron

  1. I only watched the first 2 minutes. I need facts and answers: What has an intrusive and weathered out magmatic dome to do with a "city" ? What and where exactly are the "confirmed cities" and how are they confirmed ? What cultural group and which time do they belong to ? It is correct that the Sahara is in a geographical context an ephemeral thing, it spreads an retreats with climate and weather patterns, and it was inhabited in the neolithic. There is pottery and stone carvings. No cities i knew of, it is a bit for cities in that area and time frame, though not entirely impossible. Iirc after around 4.000bc (3.500 acc. to wikipedia, curse it) the desert spreads and over it is with a funny life there. Correct me :-)
  2. Ok, i see this remark could be read as i was trying to influence things. That's not the case. I only wanted to make sure that i understood @steve_v i mean @Ultimate Steve correctly. I set a close date for the poll for tonight, 23::59. The picture is quite clear. Thanks everybody :-)
  3. In the end, i take this as a "no" because you are not on the first ship due to safety reasons.
  4. Yep. And mostly close to nutrient inflow (or upwelling) Dropping it by 200m would expose the continental shelves. Raising it by 100m would enlarge these. A configuration known from the Jurassic/Cretaceous, with a different arrangement of continental mass, currents, low temperature gradients between latitudes ... Maybe, idk. The salinity/density driven conveyor belt would surely not exist. Shallow oceans or part of them tend to heat up and become anoxic, as seen in parts of the lower Jurassic ("Black Jurassic"). Good place to find unlucky ocean dwellers that swam below the oxygen table, suffocated and sank into the mud. Some of them are preserved together wih their skin, intestines, unborn babies, .... very delicious ! Maybe, but see above :-) In the end, it is not that interesting if somebody drowns in 5m water or 5000. But lying to in the middle of the ocean and jumping overboard into a 5000m deep tub is just cool :-)
  5. Using the Gaia database, somebody tried to get behind 'oumuamua's origin. And the answer is, a close origin is improbable as it is too fast. https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.09009 It has probably been traveling a long time.
  6. I try. Sea floor depth is a function of time. From a middle ocean ridge where it is generated it drifts off, cooling and densifying, thus sinking into the soft layer beneath, the asthenosphere. At one time it gets so dense that rips off and dives into the mantle again. Depth of the water column ranges from 0 in a fresh rift zone to ~5500m in the abyssal plains (*). There is nothing that can be done about it. --------- Spreading out all the oceans in an equally deep worldwide puddle would still be enough for the lower edge of the upper lip to be under water. And it would only be possible if all processes that lead the current arrangement (which other people may find quite convenient i might say) would stop. No wilson cycles, no subduction, no mountain lifting, no weathering (after a while), ... probably easier to work on the phobia ? Just trying to be funny :-) (*) i forgot the deep see trenches !
  7. ------------------- Scrub it all. You asked what can be done about your angst and fear on the ocean ? I understand you are a citicen of a seafaring nation. Go make a sailing licence ! You are going to love it !
  8. https://www.amazon.com/Plate-Tectonics-Continental-Mountain-Building/dp/3540765034/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1537890530&sr=1-2&keywords=plate+tectonics&dpID=51D62NYqxsL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch ... then we talk again :-) Pls. don't be mad at me, but before i do a lecture .... --------------------- Nearly every field of geoscience plays a role here. - ocean spreading - wilson cycle - eustatic equilibrium - cooling, subsidence - weathering - subduction - volcanism, stages and variations - climate - all of the spheres including litho- - earth history - internal dynamics - astronomy, earth orbit parameters and so on and so on. I just hope you don't insist :-)
  9. @p1t1o, go in spring or early summer if you like calm waters on the Atlantic. Iirc from info i gathered years ago it costs ~double of a cheap flight ticket. Agencies do the paperwork and sell the tickets, eventually you must apply for visas when leaving/entering through a marine port, even between Europe and USA/Canada. It is not like you're a deckshand, you actually buy a cabin, get meals, may use the crews recreational stuff. It takes ~5 days from Rotterdam to Newark (plus 1-2 days on either side)
  10. I have never been on a cruising ship, but i did and sometimes still do some sailing on the ocean and here (Canaries) cruising ships are abundant if not overwhelming when 3 of them spit out 10.000 people into a 12.000 inhabitants "city". While it is completely dark on deck of a sailing boat and the ocean sky can be very nice in a moonless night (except from reflections of the navigation lights) viewing stars is difficult even with the 7*50 goggles because of the movement. Well, in the Med or Caribbean it might be quieter than on the Atlantic and the cruisers have a lot of inertia and stabilizers and all that ... As you feared, one sees a cruising ship from afar shining like a christmas tree, it is even difficult to make out its navigation lights among all the glitter. So i'd assume that star gazing and cruising are incompatible. How about booking an Atlantic crossing on a freighter ? Quite a few offer cabins. Take some books with you, table top games, etc. If you are allowed on deck or even on the bridge at night, away from the lights ... just a random thought of mine ... maybe even cheaper for a whole family than a cruise. But entertainment is up to you then :-) Or do a private sailing boat trip and ask the skipper to take you to the dark and quiet places. There is a huge market for that. Only, it is different (some would say "opposing") from a cruise ... but surely a nice experience. Just proposing :-) Edit, actually i find a lot of star cruises, seems to be a market: https://www.seafarercruises.com/news/cruise-guides/8468060/stargazing-on-a-cruise/ https://www.space.com/30953-science-cruises-offer-pristine-cosmic-views.html https://www.bostonharborcruises.com/harbor-cruises/sea-the-stars-cruise/ and many more
  11. Well, installing a modern day distro with up to date drivers and different desktops is a piece of cake then 4u. Am planning to do a gentoo installation too once i have the time for tinkering :-)
  12. It looks so like the typical arc from the 19th century. I'll eat a broom if either of these actually float and don't break on the first wave or capsize from a heavenly center of gravity :-) A catamaran is more form stable than a monohull, has a better maeuverability and more space on deck but i won't sail one in a storm. And prices for modern day yachts in all sizes including the ones from the rich and super rich are freely available. Without "special equipment" and crew, i you know what i mean ...
  13. Once i used synaptics and it took me like 20 minutes to find and install something. Since then i have stubbornly ignored it. I also never had a problem mixing apt-get and aptitude. But i lost a lot of "inventiveness" for errors since my first steps. Just thought it might be better to mention possible traps right away ... Doing a quick lookup i might have said too much much with the "own database" thing. Thanks for the hint ;-)
  14. Is there a reason for 396 ? (Vulkan 1.1 ?) If so, pls. update your system before installing drivers. Such messages usually mean "i can't the new version, another one uses the installed version of a dependency and i would create ambiguities". If you are content with a version that fits your installation, try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver" like suggested before. This is the meta package for the driver that will collect its information on install, at least on debian but i think there is no difference to ubuntu/mint. You can try synaptics or aptitude, both are front ends for dpkg like apt is, the first a graphical, the latter for the command line. Maybe these have better dependency resolving. Or use apt with --fix-missing. The linux man pages are an invaluable source of information. Edit: partly ninja'd :-) Edit: Maybe aptitude must be installed manually. (sudo apt-get install aptitude). One thing should be mentioned: these tools create their own databases. Which makes it easy to kick them out of sync with the system if one mixes methods of installation. One should read the man pages :-)
  15. It is not a tesserakonteres (which is a catamaran with a platform iirc) and a strong belief would suffice ;-) Edit: ~a million/meter. Or less. Or more. Or so. Or different. Slaves are expensive these days ... the gold is not the problem
  16. I am not sure, but i think some scenes are from Metropolis in the Parson's pictures to "Breakdown" ... Ever more Parson's (Ammonia Avenue '84): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK-_2G7MMgc Which reminds me of: Mike Oldfield, Five Miles Out, 1982: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hRkyIszav8&list=PLnyk_oauPuuK-j_IWYNUQU3W2_k2QNvEj
  17. People use a hosting sites like imgur or others and paste links in here. First and second question in the howto here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126609-how-to-use-the-forums/ :-)
  18. Reset your board to default and do not touch it again. Install a system of your choice (Ubuntu/Mint/Debian/whatever), separate / from /home. Install drivers FROM THE REPOSITORIES, no nvidia installer for example, but apt-get install nividia-driver (or so) Does it work ? :-) Edit: *yawn* seeyatomorr.r.r.r.r..
  19. He talked about the possibility. Is there a newer version of the engine since the 2017 downsized "development raptor" ?
  20. Do not use the installer. It is not even recommended by nvidia. Use the version from the repositories of your distro. Edit: because it takes care of a smooth switch between modules and config and future updates. Try not to mix manual installs and repository installs, only if you know what you're doing, because it is the best way to confuse your packaging tool, like apt for debian based distros. You are likely to have problems, regardless of ubuntu/debien/mint or whatever install you use. I run mint on a notebook because of need of an actual mesa stack (vulcan 1.1/opengl 4.5), that isn't/wasn't available on the other distros. I used mint because there i had the stuff in the repositories and there was no need for manual installs. But i will switch back as soon as debian sid has it available. Again: a distro switch will only save you if you stick to the reps, or dive deeper into the upkeep of your system. But i could not help you then bacause it costs too much time ... sorry :-)
  21. I meant he could have explained some features of the ship but it turns out he only has blabla. Which makes me ask myself, how much is real about the bfr at this time. Just my impression .... How about the engines for example ? Heretic's question, eh ?
  22. What amazes me, the guy could tell us something about the aerodramatics of that thing and so on. But he talks about an orbit being horizontal speed and not up. I mean, i am not silly and i knew that before KSP and i guess most here did so as well. He is not a gifted lecturer ...
  23. Then i would go back to 16.04, if i know it works *shrug*
  24. Canards ! Cool. Like in a movie. Will they burn off during entry ? This is so kerbal, will it flip on the first try ? Will they paint a red/white checker board on it ? Every picture has new props and widgets. Will they forget the ladders ? Or a solar panel ? Seriously, looks extremely cool.
  25. Surprisingly soft pavement here Looks like firmware files are missing in /sys/firmware, but i may be wrong, it is a guess. *gosh* Ubuntu ... Is there any chance for you to try the non-free nvidia driver instead ? For me (debian sid) the package is called nividia-driver and it is in the non-free reps. Shouldn't be much different ... You are drawn to the dark side ! Go for debian with gnome 3 and will work ! *jedihandwave* :-)
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