Kiwi I wasn't saying China can't do it, build a Moon base, sorry if you misunderstood or anyone else. I was pointing out that NASA is blocked from to doing ANYTHING with China. Now could China force the US Government to change it laws, unlikely with the current makeup in the Congress, witness the debt ceiling crisis and government shutdown, and the Tea Party obstruction. On a more related point because of the US government stance China's space agency has instead turned to Russia and Europe for aid in it's space program, and those ties I think trump NASA. NASA I think peaked for now, what with constant 'tweaking' of it's programs, budget, and goals by the government. What NASA needs is another Kennedy 'we are going to the Moon' speech, and the political will to carry out such plan in timeframe longer than an election cycle. Politics is the lead weight to NASA's dream for the rest of us. China does have the will, if the guys at top say do it, they do. Sure it might not have all the bells and whistles but it will get done. It might not be cutting/bleeding edge but it will be done. On a somewhat more on topic point why do most Moon bases seem to be surface bases? Has anyone looked into using existing lava tubes as a place to build, would save on the cost needed for shielding and serve as insulation against temperature extremes. Regards.