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Everything posted by Yellowburn10

  1. Well, on the bright side, this just let the thread gain several pages of hype, even if it was false hype.
  2. This could still be a slight mistake. Is there anything that doesn't look right in it?
  3. This same thing happened before the .90 release, and that too was unplayable.
  4. Most likely that it is. If that's the case, it could be riddled with unfinished items or bugs
  5. There was a thing last release where some people downloaded a unfinished version of .90 that was strewn with bugs. Could it happen again?
  6. Finals testing... Thanks for reminding me about my school work
  7. Wait, another DB update? What's it on this time?
  8. Posts are coming in at a rate between 1-3 min. This is just barley orbital speed! HYPE ON!
  9. Hype is currently at "high-ish" level but steadily climbing. I have a gut feeling we'll reach the 200 mark before monday
  10. It should come in time. But if we want to kick start it, we need a major source of hype, possibly something awesome that hasn't been discussed.
  11. Posts seem to be coming in at a steady pace. If enough people hype there could be a possibility of breaking 200 before Monday.
  12. Who's confident we could reach 200 pages by tomorrow? Hype on!
  13. Ok, fair enough. I was just hoping to keep things on the optimistic side of things. At the very least, someone will probably make make a mod featuring more fairing options.
  14. Well, just because you haven't seen it yet, even in multiple videos, doesn't mean it's not gonna happen. And did any dev, YouTuber, etc. actually say out loud "fairings will only come apart in a confetti-like fashion?"
  15. Yeah, as long as things are properly balanced, I'm fine with it. Not only if things like mass and what not are ok, but the fact there are 3 steps to make fuel seems like it's balanced. Number 1, use a drill to mine ore. Number 2, store it in an ore container. Number 3, convert said ore into fuel of choice in the ore converter, using a huge amount of power with slow processing. Yeah, I'd say it's pretty balanced.
  16. Just a thing GusTurbo, have you not seen this yet? Unless someone else has said otherwise, it seems we don't have to have confetti fairings.
  17. Awe man, I have to go to a performance soon so I'll miss the first round of streams. Still, HYPE ON!
  18. Hype is good today! We're averaging a post anywhere between 1 and 30 minutes. BTdubs, what is the record for longest hype train again?
  19. Perhaps in today's squadcast they'll show the project Harv's been working on? It would probably make sense to show it today before the 1.0 streams tomorrow.
  20. Today marks 3 days until launch! Hype on!
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