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Everything posted by Yellowburn10

  1. This train is going farther than I'd ever imagine!
  2. I just remembered that I'm having a pancake party in my English class today! BEST MONDAY EVER
  3. My phone NEEDS charging! I'll be back, but when I do, I expect to see 40 new pages!
  4. This train is putting all other hype trains to shame!
  5. I'm hyping on mobile but my phone is dying! I need to find a place to charge soon or I'll be out of the hype!
  6. I swear, time seems to be literally going slower for me!
  7. Holy crap! Almost 20 flipping pages to 400!
  8. Sorry... I only realized that after posting...
  9. We slaughtered the old record at 297 pages, back in .24
  10. Guys, just yesterday I was doubting whether we could even reach 200 pages. Now we're on our way to double that!! DO NOT STOP!!!
  11. We broke through 350 pages! ONWARD TO 400!!!
  12. I don't know much about driving this thing, but I'm good with the mechanisms of the train!
  13. Are we really going to break 350 pages soon? This train really IS going at ludicrous speed!
  14. To better show how far the game has come, let's all watch the first promo video squad made about the game: http://youtu.be/l5OhFnq_iKw
  15. Find everyone you can and get them on here!
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