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Everything posted by Yellowburn10

  1. All sounds great! 1.1 seems to be getting many thumbs up around here, and that alone makes me happy about this. I also love how in depth porkjet has gone into those engines, all those moving parts. LOVE IT
  2. I think I'm melting over those new parts. LITERALLY MELTING. Awesome they added a 2.5m sized jet engine, just too bad it's not a turbojet. Although, now that I think about it, I'm getting some VTOL ideas now...
  3. I don't typically have a "main canon," but I did have a thought one time that a Kerbal is the combination of a minion and those green alien things from toy story.
  4. What's the kraken's favorite toy to play with? A Bop-it Bob: "Jeb, how do we know if Minmus really tastes like ice cream? Jeb: "Taste it, it's a sherbet way to find out." Why was Bill embarrassed to look at the dwarf planet? Because it was getting DRESsed
  5. To me, it's only cheating if you're breaking the laws of physics.
  6. This is one of my latest creations, my yet-to-be-named Liquid Fueled SSTO: I was easily able to get to a 80-80 km orbit with it with fuel to spare. Also, can't forget about those radiators. The only problem is it has some stability issues when tanks are empty. I'm working on a workaround right now. Nothing some fuel balancing and airbrakes can't fix, I'm sure.
  7. Actaully... Duna IS tidally locked to Ike. The wiki states " Ike's size and proximity tidally locks it and Duna to each other." http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Duna Edit: Dang ninjas!
  8. Eh, np. Just make sure to check all the sources next time.
  9. 1.0.4. was announced on the daily kerbal, and it was to fix a bug with loading old craft files to 1.0.3. It was released in less than 24 hours after 1.0.3.
  10. I was rescuing some kerbals stranded on the mun after a malfunction with their engine. And by that I mean it exploded. Anyway, the rescue went smoothly and there were no problems. After they re-entered, I staged the chutes... Only there were none. I desparately tried to slow down with the engine, but it ran out of fuel in about 5 seconds slowing down, then *SPLOOSH.* Rest in peace little guys...
  11. Nice job there, man. Glad you decided not to totally abandon the chances for good SSTOs for 1.0. Let's just hope for the best that 1.0.3. doesn't do it much harm.
  12. Like vanamonde said, the forum seems goes through a general active-non active cycle, as shown by the dates the posts were created.
  13. One problem with that. When squad started, they didn't have a 64 bit version of the Unity editor to work with, meaning they were forced to work with 32 bit from the start. It's the only reason they haven't fully supported 64 bit yet. Only now, with Unity 5, are they able to get a 64 bit editor.
  14. Not entirely. People like you and lazy8 have more fun when things are very realistic. Other people, however, have more fun if things are partially or have very little realism. It's really all about preference. Fortunately, KSP is flexible like that. Also, Lazy8, if you haven't heard, since KSP is being upgraded to Unity 5, it will have a 64-bit editor. So in the not so distant future, 64-bit KSP will be supported. Great for all your modding needs!
  15. Just a thought, perhaps it's bigger landing legs? I've seen numerous posts showing that they use the massive plane landing legs for large craft because they're bigger and sturdier. A bigger set of landing legs could come in handy here.
  16. This is a bit of a long time coming, so without further ado, I present The War Kraken mk1 interceptor jet! It's design was inspired by a few modern day fighter jets. It has 2 turbojets in the back for it's main engines, but also a single RAPIER to kick it into high gear. Unfortunately, this does not mean this is an SSTO. But thanks to it, this baby can go past the sound barrier at sea level, and get to mach 3 before reaching 10 km. It's weaponry include 6 light missiles and 2 heavy missiles, although feel free to replace it with your own weaponry. Key bindings: 1: Start turbojets 2: Start RAPIER 3: Switch RAPIER mode 4: Close Intakes 5: Fire 2 heavy missiles 6-8: Fire lighter missiles (Must fire in exact order) Craft file coming soon...
  17. I had the exact thing happen to me! Several times! One in a similar ship like yours, and two other instances with my Laythe sea base. It seems it likes to happen either when you initiate timewarp, or switch to the vessel either from the map or just regularly, I'm not totally sure. Curse you sea kraken!
  18. Quick question: when the unity 5 stuff is done, are they going to release it with 1.1 stuff, or have in it's own patch release?
  19. Well, if you want the in-game orbital period to equal the real one, a Kerbin day is about 6 hours long. I don't know the specifications, but an orbit that circumnavigates Kerbin 16 times every 6 hours should be feasible enough.
  20. I've thought about this before, and have mixed reactions to it. Firstly, I believe that the fact that it has an atmo with oxygen is a big indicator. It would also help block out radiation from Jool. But of course it's been said that the oceans and even the air has a high salt content, or at least an ionized compound, which would make it toxic for mere kerbals. Perhaps though there are microbes that are unaffected by this. Then there is Laythe's geological activity. There are clear signs of volcanism on Laythe, although it would seem that with the vast oceans, most volcanoes would erupt below the oceans surface. Also, with the gravity of Jool and 2 other moons, earthquakes could be common on Laythe, meaning there could be a constant moon-wide tsunami threat. Only the higher elevations would be suitable for life to develop. It could prove dangerous if the said peak is a volcano, however volcanos can also fill soil with minerals that help plant life grow. So in my opinion, Laythe would be a tough place to try to harbor life, but it could be possible.
  21. Wow, that's a pretty unique design right there! Don't think I would of thought of that before.
  22. Just a question, did you happen to have your control surfaces activated during launch? Having them move while on the top of the rocket inside the atmo will make the rocket less balanced less balanced.
  23. I kinda did and kinda didn't get into KSP by a youtuber. You see, I was playing the mobile game Simple Rockets, and I happened to notice that they have a link for a game called Kerbal Space Program. At first I thought, The little green things look weird, but the mechanics look too complicated for me. SO for the time being I stuck to just SR. Later, as I was trying to search up videos of Simple Rockets, I happen to come upon a review of it by (take a guess,) Scott Manley. At the time I didn't realize that he was really into KSP, even though he did mention it a couple times in the video. But even then, it wasn't until later, when I saw that a certain Kurtjmac also happens to play this game, that I really started to gain interest. Since I was more into Minecraft at the time, I was more inclined to watch some of his KSP videos and learn more about it. Of course, the rest is history.
  24. I dunno, I kinda feel like there's some kind of competition between them. If it wasn't anything serious, Jeb would still probably take it more serious than Vall. In my current career, they're at equal level, though Jeb has been to the Mun. Now to see if Vall will get ahead of Jeb and get to Minmus before him. If there was anything romance related here, I would say that Bob, the science nerd, would have a crush on Vall, and that Bill and Jeb would keep pressuring him to ask her out or something.
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