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Everything posted by Yellowburn10

  1. Ever since I started playing more with water the best rules I made are: 1. Your impact angle. You can land more safely and faster on water going horizontally rather than vertically 2. Just don't be going in stupidly fast and you'll be ok 3. You shouldn't need to worry much as long as your craft was designed or prepared to land in water
  2. "I don't like this new version because of "insert feature here", make them revert the game!
  3. First off, yes, KSP is most definitely upgrading to U5 in the next update. Second, 64 bit KSP will be able to utilize more than 3 GB of data in your computer, which will let you load in more stuff (and mod more stuff) while maintaining good FPS I couldn't answer number 3 myself, but I have heard something of the sorts being confirmed somewhere.
  4. When you launch it you've also made a feasible space elevator. When it's even too much for RSS. When the infinite fuel cheat is now completely unnecessary.
  5. I did think that the exhaust would be a problem, but it seems that once you get up to flying speed, the speed of the aircraft is enough to overpass the exhaust, as seen in some of the pictures.
  6. OK, so I've had some time to tinker more with this fun little concept, and I've came up with some more designs. Now that we know that a plane can fly with reversed thrust, let's go a little farther. I've designed this new plane here, sort of a WWII esc. war bird I call the Thunderdog mk2: Even with the reversed thrusted wheesly, this new one can top out a speeds of over 200 m/s! And some pretty good handling to boot. But then I thought, how can I take this even further? After some thought I decided I'd try to make an actual replica using reversed wheeslys. It took some time and effort, but now I can present my latest creation. Ladies and gents, The P-38 Lightning! I must say I'm quite proud of myself with this one. Thanks to those dual engines this baby can also reach over 200 m/s at top speed. I also tried to add as many estheticizes as possible on the craft, including some "Guns" on the front. If you would like to try any of these planes out, I'll have a craft download up as soon as I can. Take care! Edit: Here's the P-38 download: http://kerbalx.com/Yellowburn10/P-38-Lightning.craft
  7. Ok, so I've been thinking about the wheesly's new thrust reverser option to see what other things I could do with it. After some thinking, I had the idea that if I put the engine in the front of a plane and used the reversed thrust to fly it, could I make a legit plane? To test it, I made this biplane: Yeah, not exactly designed for looks, but It'll get the job done. Now obviously with the engine in the front there might be some... issues with sight: But I digress. Anyways, with the pilots loaded it's time to fly. And wouldn't you know it, It flies like a dream! The handling is a bit slow but overall not a bad plane. Takeoff speed is something around 30-45 m/s, and top speed is just over 145 m/s. So, not the fastest thing around, but sure is fun to fly! Disclaimer: The concept for a plane with a front-facing engine was not stolen from anyone. I figured this out independently from any source. I feel this reverse thrust option can open a new door to front-facing engines designs, particularly with plane replicas that have front propeller engines.
  8. If you want to post pictures, imgur is the popular way to go. Upload the pictures to there, then copy the forum URL from there to here.
  9. I think it's interesting that you went with regular wheeslies instead of the Junos. Interesting!
  10. I got an interesting one to extend a space station I had in orbit. 18 kerbals, a cupola module, and a requirement of 2 tourists on board. Didn't exactly take too long for me to find it though.
  11. Ah, ore tanks, ok then. I was just using full fuel tanks and downward facing engines to try to get the job done. Although I think I may have made a working design with my method, still trying to test it.
  12. I'd like to ask, is there any particular secret to making subs? My testing has so far been proving fruitless.
  13. It would be nice for me if it got released the week after next week. I have a trip next week and would be missing all the fun!
  14. Hmm... You could add some weapons and then really call it a tank engine!
  15. Thanks for that small squadcast report, Kerbmav! Love that new aerospike look. Also, I almost didn't even recognize the air intake when I first saw it. I can see it in some pretty cool designs.
  16. My story is a bit of a long one. For as long as I can remember, I've had an interesting interest (if that makes sence) in space related things. I read books and watched shows about space but didn't catch on to space games much. The first kind of space game I found that interested me was simple rockets. I watched videos about it, including a review by Scott Manley (didn't realize who he was at the time) and the game had me hooked. I did notice the ad for KSP on the game, but it looked a bit too advanced and the kerbal on the front looked a bit creepy to me, so I stuck with SR. Some time later, I noticed that after watching a Kurtjmac video a KSP video poped up in the suggestions. I finally thought "why not?" And took a peek. I watched every single one of his vids on the game, and had decided then and there I wanted it. I officially got it in version .23, a week or two before .23.5 came out. I came here to the forums a bit later after that. It's now been over a year since I got the game, and I've loved every moment of it.
  17. Just out of curiosity, how many days has it been so far developing 1.1? It seems the U5 update alone is taking about as much time to develop as 1.0 did.
  18. Well, I just recently installed BDArmory for the first time so I'll be toying around with that. I also happen to be waiting on space engineers as well. They're planing a major update as well that will add planets, so if that comes when I think it does (Soontm) I'll be checking that out before 1.1.
  19. I've never gotten around to it, but I've always wanted to name all of kerbins seas and land masses myself. However, concerning other bodies, I often name a certain place after the kerbal who first visited it. E.G. Jebdiah crater, Bob's hill, Kurt Canyon, etc.
  20. I for one am interested to see Max play KSP 1.1 with a crapload of mods installed to really see how performance has improved.
  21. Most of my rockets and planes have made up on the spot names. If I feel they have a significance I keep the name and name later crafts with similar missions after them. For example, when I first played the game and was trying to get too the mun, I decided to name the first rocket the Jebediah I, because I heard back then how awesome he was. On about the seventh edition, I finally got there and returned from the mun (Yay!). After that, when I started playing career, I named all my mun-destined craft after Jebediah again. It's stuck with me ever since.
  22. Huh, pretty cool that it can do a mun flyby!
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