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Everything posted by Yellowburn10

  1. I don't think aero has changed much in 1.1, but hey, what do I know?
  2. Now that 1.1 is officially out, I would hope to see more craft here. I love to see what everyone's done here! If fact, I may or may not be working on something right now...
  3. If you do, make sure not to use older versions, else you might destroy the planet via jousting!
  4. Good job with the selection here, very nice craft indeed! But about the thing with the missing craft file issue: I feel that maintainers should be free to post whatever craft they want, but if they do post craft with no download link, at the very least it should be the minority of the craft showcased. Take my last week's shot at SCF, for instance. I had 1 craft, the railroad one, that didn't have a download link. Yes, the link was there originally and was deleted because of the mediafire ban, but that's besides the point. I thought it was cool and I wanted to showcase it. I was disappointed I couldn't try it out for myself, but still thought it deserved recognition. And, like I said earlier, it was the only craft without a craft file presented. In short, I feel it's ok to post craft with no download, as long as everyone agrees that it deserves to be showcased.
  5. ...Hype for release this week...? ...Maybe...? ...Pretty please, Squad?
  6. And don't forget to go during winter too, very critical!
  7. No problem, happy to help! Thank you! Although at first I felt worried that my presentations were a little lack-luster, but I'm glad you guys liked it.
  8. No problem, you're buggy was awesome! Although I do suggest doing something about that time warp issue I mentioned earlier. During my testing the back dropped down and destroyed the back engines.
  9. Whaaat? You too? This is an interesting discovery, since no one around where I live plays KSP at all. Well, no one that I know, anyways.
  10. Ok, with that out of the way, let's get on with my first Space Craft Friday! Now, there didn't seem to be too much new stuff at first for this week, but after looking around I found some pretty cool stuff! (Also note, the craft are in no particular order or set) First craft: Railroad By KHTRE https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=unDWIr6Sqs8 This is one of the first things I came across. This guy build a small railroad system to go with his Duna base he's building. Very creative, I love it! Unfortunately, the download link was removed because of the less-than-recent ban on Mediafire links, so I can't provide anything else on it. But still, enjoy the video he presented! Next craft: Mk3 Orbiter By Sojun Sojun made an impressive looking Mk3 SSTO, and even brought it up to 1.1 Specs. Unfortunately, because of this I was unable to test it (Proud KSPStore user here ), but from what I can see it looks rather awesome, and has plenty of Delta-V to at least get to LKO. Also, this is just me, but I happen to really like it's small, compact design. And as a plus, it comes with a cool little Ion Segway! Next craft: Badger ATV- the 4x4 perfect for all your off-roading needs! By ScriptKitt3h Man, I wish I was as good building cars as everyone else here! This buggy is really cool to look at, a lot of fun to drive, but like most rovers do be weary of tipping. Luckily there is an SAS module to help out with that. However, if you prefer fun over safety, it does come attached with rocket boosters when things aren't awesome enough (or, to just to get over hills and such, idk.): WARNING: Unless you like lowriders, do NOT use this buggy with phys time warp! You have been warned! Next craft: Gato Class Submarine By pTrevTrevs Now, when I first saw this craft, I thought, Oh cool, I'll get to try out a sub! Well, we went to the testing... I think I still have a few things to learn with subs. Luckily, this can be fixed by just removing some ore out of the tanks, mainly from the back. After that, it cruses around at a reasonable speed. But that, coupled with the 320 part count, means it will be a slow journey. Another reason why I'm hyped for 1.1, so I can use craft like this with better FPS! Moving on to ascetics, the sub uses many unique parts to get cool designs, including things like combining a medium landing leg and a small drill to make a cannon! (Also to note, it does not come with a method of delivery, so you will have to figure out how to get it into to water yourself.) Final craft: Hydra I Lightweight Maneuverable Aircraft By DolphinDude3 Now, when I was first trying out this craft, I was a bit skeptical about this aircraft's true capabilities, but after flying it around for a good amount of time, I have to say it lives up to it's expectations, maybe exceeding them. When it comes to maneuverability, it excels in almost everything. Speed, pitching, yawing, the only thing I found it lacking in was rolling, but even then the other specs make up for it entirely. Also, I found a way to get something of an "infinite stall" that makes it turn infinitely left or right without yaw input. I'll have to replicate it again, because I don't remember the exact way to get it to work. The yaw that's being imputed is from the SAS, not me. Anyways, I clocked this thing at about 370 m/s with wet mode on at sea level, over 750 around 5000 meters, and so on. Wet mode is toggled with R, interestingly enough. Overall, a really awesome plane to fly around. Well, that about does it for this week's craft, there were a good amount of choices to go through, I congratulate those who made it on the list! Also, please let me know what you think about this week's selection!
  11. Thread should be up soon, have to go proofread and make sure links and pics are where they should be.
  12. I don't have a specific organization in mind, thinking about just doing a list of about 5 or so craft from this week, maybe a few honorable mentions, pics, links, all that jazz. Isn't that how it usually is? As for testing, I will try to test all the craft, if I can. Not because I might not have time, but rather if they don't have any craft file, or if my save is not compatible. Other than that, testing away!
  13. Well, here goes nothing: Hello! I'm wondering if you guys are interested in a new maintainer? If so, I would be honored if I were able to be one. And, if need be, I believe I would be available to do it for this weekend. I know it sounds last minute, but if you guys need the help I'll be happy to lend a hand! *Waits for response with anticipation*
  14. I kinda was wishing that they would release it this week, saying that I'm now currently starting my spring break. Oh well, just make sure it's good and ready, squad. HYPE!
  15. Oh hey, the salty tears thread was closed. Surprised it lasted that long, to be honest. But anyways, HYPE!!!
  16. I came here because I heard rumors that the pre-release branch was released, to which I am now disappointed.
  17. Ugh, give me a second, I haven't had my hype-coffee yet. ...sssssSSSSLLLUURRRP... Ah! Ok, let's hype!
  18. Jeb: always making sure his BadS box is always checked
  19. Yeah, judging by the date this was posted, the ship was made before 1.0. Not exactly sure why it says it has unavailable parts, unless you are in career mode, but still, it's a pre-1.0 ship. Chances are it might not work as it did before.
  20. While it is a bit sad the coms system is being set back, 1.1 as it is has been pushed back enough as it is. Keep up the good work guys!
  21. I remember a time when the mainsail was the biggest engine in the game. That time was fairly short as I officially bought the game shortly before the ARM patch.
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