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Everything posted by Yellowburn10

  1. In my current career, I don't have access to rapiers or turbojets yet, so I made this VenturStar inspired SSTO. I say inspired because it's currently replacing the shuttle fleet that I have, and that it uses the shuttle engines as well. I'll post more pics of it in action soon.
  2. So, I was playing with some visual mods the other day when I noticed in the mapview that orbits and ship icons would kind of shake around a little bit. It wasn't too much but it was definitely noticeable, enough for me to be annoyed with it. After some testing it seems the issue is coming from the planetshine mod. Any reason as to why this would be happening, or how to fix it? I'll see if I can get some sort of video to show what I'm talking about soon.
  3. You know, I keep being reminded by a quote from one of the devs when they were visiting an aerospace museum, and looking at one of the apollo capsules. When he saw all the intricacies and specifics parts that were needed for the capsule door alone, it made him stand back and say "You know, we have a really big undertaking on our hands for what we want to do" or something like that, I'm paraphrasing. The others with him thought he was just talking about making their part models to the highest detail they can get, but really he was talking about all the little minute things that need to be working perfectly for this game to function. KSP2 is going to be such a bigger game than KSP1, so it only makes sense that this amount of time is needed to work on it.
  4. While any actual weaponry is out of the question, I do like the idea of a "rival" space program. I even thought of an idea of how to add one to KSP1. Since the game already has code in it to place craft out in space for contracts, I don't think it would be too hard to spawn a ship here or there to simulate a second space program doing space ventures.
  5. This isn't anything that's exactly new, however some of the landmasses identified here I haven't noticed looking like that before. Although I'd argue about the one labeled Asia.
  6. Well done! Building a shuttle of any sorts isn't an easy feat, perhaps you're not as bad at planes as you think.
  7. I really wanted something like this in KSP. I would imagine it could work as a passive science generator, where the longer it was deployed the more science it would produce, but it would have diminishing returns, meaning you would eventually have to launch a new space telescope to replace the old one, or perhaps send a crew up for maintenance to increase it's lifespan. That's at least how I would implement a telescope into the game.
  8. If we're talking about races, I'd like to see what happens first; either KSP2 launches, or full stack Starship launches for the first time.
  9. This game has been a long wait in the making, but I've been going over all the updates that have been given to us, and boy is there a difference between when we first got a look at the game to now! It gives me hope that they're actually going to deliver us a product within the current time frame they set.
  10. Well, I guess technically, speaking strictly from a lore perspective, there was at least one creature to exist in the KSP universe known as the kraken, as shown by the kraken easter egg on Bop (There might be another one somewhere else but I may be mistaken about that). However, as far as adding a literal kraken species to the game, it seems a bit of a stretch if you ask me. I'm not saying it's impossible, but most likely improbable given what we know about the current direction of the game. Could be a neat thing though to find other kraken easter eggs elsewhere in the galaxy.
  11. Man, this means we could potentially have SSTOs needing only one engine for all of it's tasks. I'm just all the more excited to get to try this stuff out!
  12. If by space debris you mean my own craft not slowing down in time approaching my station because I came out of time warp too quickly, then yes, I've been hit by debris in a mission. But in all seriousness, there was one time I can remember where I came into mere meters of a piece of space debris during an orbital circulation. Scared the crap out of me, and now I try to keep debris out of my parking orbit.
  13. I know people are saying "Oh but it's really the original 3" but may I remind you that Val joined the others over 6 years ago, and was the first official female kerbal. That being said, why would you choose anyone else but Jeb?
  14. Huh, interesting. It must be experiencing a high amount of asteroid bombardment considering it's suppose to have a think atmosphere as well. If our atmosphere was able to weather away most craters earth has, then that shows that all those craters on Gurdamma are pretty new in the planet's timeline.
  15. Promontory - ATK Launch Systems. (The place they test Space Shuttle and SLS boosters)
  16. I'm getting a big "Space Engineers" vibe from some of these new parts. Not that I'm complaining, they look amazing!
  17. I remember them saying that the original kerbal system would stay the same in this game, so the only reason that they'd add another planet in KSP2 is if they were... adding another... to KSP... *Moment of realization*
  18. In my experience, the community has actually improved. The community I remember was a lore more... well, whiny, to say the least.
  19. Wow, that's amazing! It looks so much more like our own moon now, but I can still tell from it's features that it's the Mun, very well done!
  20. Wow, I love stuff like this! Pointy orbits have always been something I've noticed but never really took thought into how or why it happens, so this explanation was really enlightening!
  21. Dunno, I don't own a version that keeps track for me. But I'd guesstimate somewhere around 500-1000, but it's not really possible to tell for sure.
  22. I mean at least put the hint in a spoiler, doesn't make the search much fun if you just say that before I even see the picture.
  23. Yeah, just think of saying "Lays" but with a lisp.
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQhRCAAlTXk For real though, very, very impressive build. The uncanniness of how it moves is really amazing to me, it looks like an actual living thing.
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