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Posts posted by Redwizard000

  1. Maybe we need a Kerbal Kongress in the game that cuts our funding every year until the program is so useless that we need to rely on someone elses space program to get our astronauts in space! That might add a dash of realism to the game anyway...

    In any case, I have barely started .24 and I have tons of cash. However once I start building space stations and overcomplicated interplanetary craft and bases on the mun that don't really pay off anything from a contract but require dozens of launches to build that cash supply might dwindle quickly.

    If you just go contract to contract to contract you should always end up making more money than it costs to do the contract. Try doing more sandboxy stuff and don't use quicksaves or flight reverts. When your half million dollar interplanetary monstrosity crashes and burns because it was too top heavy and didn't have enough thrust to make it into orbit the budget will start to hurt a little more.

    Oh yeah and the fact that the contracts really don't have much in the way of time limits doesn't help the balance much... I mean a 5 year time limit to plant a flag on the Mun? You should have like a month tops...

  2. Well, since a number of us find the game quite lacking without the mods that provide those essential features which SQUAD has made no attempt to inform us whether they are even being considered for inclusion (even though it is a pretty good platform on which to build a decent space game), I wonder why you are disagreeing with me in the first place. Unless you think SQUAD's honor has been besmirched, or something? Either way, my opinion that KSP is really only a good platform on which to mod (and will only ever be, so far as I can tell at this moment in time) is no less valid than yours.

    I disagree as well. KSP stock is a perfectly fine game by itself. It is also unfair to judge the complete game when the game is still in Alpha, nor is it appropriate to complain that the game as a whole is lacking or somehow only good as a modding platform because specific features that you want to play with are missing from the game.

    KSP is a great space game by itself, some people run out of toys to play with and install mods to give themselves more to do and that is fine, there is nothing wrong with that. But that does not diminish the value of the original game.

    And your opinion is fine, and you are entitled to your opinion, just as Vanamonde and I (and many others I am sure) are entitled to disagree with it.

  3. Epica Base Stage 4 complete. Labs and Comms installed.

    Stage 5 was going to be a rover garage of some kind but the lag is so bad from the high part count that I don't think I am going to do it any time soon. I was starting to get motion sick moving the lab and comms tower in.


  4. Epica Base - Stage 3b

    Got all the habitat modules installed and installed 3 more batteries. I have enough power on the Mun to run a small country...

    Next stage is going to be labs and communications. I am not sure if I am going to be able to complete the project, I am starting to get some lag and it is tough to move the rover around.


  5. Docking is really easy once you learn how. It takes a bit of practice, but once you master it you are good. I once struggled with docking, but now I can do it in my sleep.

    I personally think using autopilot mods is cheating, so my advice is to not use a mod and learn the real way to do it.

    Get by with a little help from every Kerbals best friend Scott Manley:


    And I must be a weirdo because my first interplanetary mission was to Eve (it ended badly... I learned that a mun lander with parachutes most certainly can NOT take off from eve... consider that a freebee safety tip!)

    Duna and it's moon Ike are certainly easier first time targets if you want to do more than just a flyby. If all you want to do is a flyby your first interplanetary mission then, in my opinion anyway, both Eve and Duna are about the same difficulty to reach.

    Oh and Welcome to the Forms :)

  6. You have bad center of mass and center of lift. This will cause your space plane to wildly spin out of control on reentry. This gets worse if your fuel tanks aren't properly balanced. Your CoM and CoL will change as your fuel tanks are emptied. I had this problem on my very first real attempt at a spaceplane. The plane flew just fine until it burned about half it's fuel and then it spun around like a top and tumbled through the air.

    Check out this guide on the forums: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52080-Basic-Aircraft-Design-Explained-Simply-With-Pictures

    Also check out the RCSBuildAid plugin. It has features that help with balancing on space planes. You can resize the blue and yellow spheres and it will show your dry mass. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35996-0-23-x-RCS-Build-Aid-v0-4-6-ARM-patch-fixes (not to mention it is just a handy tool to have in general...)

  7. An SSD isn't going to make any really significant difference to KSP. I have KSP running at home on a RAID 0 with dual SSD's, KSP running at work on a RAID 5, and KSP running on a high end laptop with a 7200 rpm "platter drive". There isn't any significant difference in performance.

  8. What mods are you running. I never mod games but KSP mods look so good.

    I'm interested in one that focuses on basic kerbal needs like waste management and fresh water, etc. Bases established on other worlds really appeals to me.

    Epica Base is entirely stock. To be honest it really doesn't actually "do" anything or serve any kind of in game purpose besides feeding my ego and making me feel awesome for managing to do it.

    If you want to know how I learned to do it read: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48876-The-art-of-modular-base-building

    No part mods. I run EnhancedVisuals, SelectRoot, Protractor and that tool that helps with RCS placement (I don't remember what it is called.). I also have the mod that adds TAC explosives so that I can self destruct probes and things once they serve their purpose so that I can reduce the amount of debris without having to delete it manually.

    I don't usually mod games either, it typically takes some convincing to get me to install user made mods. I don't like things that drastically alter the balance of a game or user made models, textures or sound effects that are inferior to the developers. My general rule is that I usually only add mods to a game that add a feature that I feel should have been in the original game anyway.

    That being said I am sure that there are fantastic mods out there for KSP and at some point I may look into them once I get tired of playing with stock sandbox toys.

  9. Worked on Epica Base Stage 3. Didn't quite finish it completely, need to move two more habitat modules. Installed four of them.

    Tomorrow will install the remaining two and it seems that my excessive amount of energy storage was not excessive enough so I added some more pipes to attach three more battery banks. That should do it.


  10. Hello,

    Does anyone know if a mod exists that allows you to sort spacecraft into folders or something like that? I have a long list of rockets, rovers, base parts, space station parts .etc and they are starting to clutter up the load menu. I think I have seen something like this somewhere on the forums but I can't remember...



  11. I accidentally took one extra Kerbal who stowed away in the lander can to Duna. When it was time to leave and to abandon the lander I left the extra Kerbal inside and set it on a collision course to Ike...

    You should never leave a man behind (especially on a collision course to a fiery doom). I AM A HORRIBLE MISSION COMMANDER!!! :(;.;

  12. The VAB. I think they need to do some more work on how parts fit together. It is really annoying when I try to stack fuel tanks on top of each other and they stick to the staging device but not to the bottom tank. Or when you try to use symmetry, especially stacking something, and some of them turn green but one is red and for whatever reason it wont connect so you have to do them one at a time.

    Trying to take things apart in pieces and trying to rebuild sucks. Like if I have something on top of an already built rocket that has a cockpit on it and I remove it nothing will connect back to the lower rocket, you have to rebuild everything.

    Some of the structural parts have to be randomly rotated around to get them to fit together.

    The stock subassembly thing makes no sense at all to me. I try to build reusable landers and probes but apparently the docking port doesn't count as an attachable surface, even when you put both sides of the docking port on it, so it wont let me save it. Usually the only place that is "attachable" is in the worst possible place. I can't figure out an efficient way to use the thing.

  13. Where is my Jeb? ... Dead. Very very dead.

    My Jeb is so dead, I think I have killed him six or seven times.

    His latest death involved an accident on the ill fated Minmus I, my refueling station around Minmus (which sounded like a better idea than it was). Jeb was commanding the station which used to hang in very low Minmus orbit. I docked a robot controlled refueling tanker to refuel the station and then got up to get an alcohol infused beverage. I must have tapped the shift key or something as I got up because the engine on the refueling ship fired up. By the time I got back Minmus I was crashing into Minmus. The station was too big and bulky to rotate enough in time to correct its orbit and it crashed.

    I blame Jeb for the accident ('cause it certainly wasn't my fault!). When he reappears again he will be sent back to the space plane testing department. The space plane testing department has a simply abysmal safety record (like, at least my rockets get off the ground and only explode sometimes) so I predict more death in Jeb's future.

  14. The SLS parts make tiny payloads easier to launch. If you want to launch a Mun mission from one, then yeah it is easier... but that isn't really what they are for. If you are playing in Career mode it costs a lot of science points to unlock them. Once you get to that point you are going to want the SLS rockets to get larger payloads into orbit. This is opposed to the old way of just making a giant pancake rocket, which is basically an exploit of the way the game calculates drag as doing such a thing IRL would be impossible.

    You could also think of it in terms of efficiency. Getting a small payload into orbit with an SLS is highly inefficient. You are wasting fuel and other resources, basically overbuilding your launch stage. I imagine this will be a big deal once money and contracts are integrated into the game.

    Of course, it really depends on how you want to play the game. It is a sandbox, no one is forcing anyone to use the SLS. I rarely use the SLS boosters, but it is nice that they are there for those times when I need one.

    As for other things, the maneuver nodes don't necessarily make the game "easier" they make the game more practical. There is a difference between "difficulty" and "tedious pain in the a--". I can't imagine the frustration of trying to do an interplanetary transfer without the maneuver nodes.

    I think that the stronger joints don't count as making things easier or harder, I think they qualify more as a bug fix. It sucks when things snap apart under physics warp.

    Overall the game is getting less tedious and more polished, which isn't really the same thing as getting easier. If the game is getting easier for me it is because I am getting better at it. When I first started playing I was excited just to get a rocket into orbit... Now I can do interplanetary trips with relative ease! But I think it has more to do with the 300+ hours I have spent playing the game more than the game itself getting easier.

  15. Today I attempted the Jool five challenge... and failed miserably at it. Ship ran out of fuel in an orbit around Laythe and unfortunately it was dipping into the atmosphere, doomed to eventually crash. The five crew members drew straws and Bill and Adlie made their way to the Emergency Escape Lander (Formerly the SS Epic Science Lander!). After trying (and horribly failing) to use the engines and RCS to boat the lander to an island, Bill writes an SOS letter and tossed it overboard in an empty soda bottle while Adlie ponders the possibility of carnivorous water krakens (he has seen "The Europa Report")

    Back at KSP-HQ flight controllers ponder the possibility of a rescue mission, but then decided to table the discussion because flying to Eeloo sounds like more fun. I mean, the crew transmitted their science reports back before the antennae snapped off and that is all that really matters... (Not even sure if it is possible to rescue a crew stuck on the water. I have this pontoons made from empty fuel cans idea I am mulling over... but I don't think it is going to work. Maybe a future challenge?)


  16. in situ fuel production

    If a fuel resource (e.g. Liquid fuel) or a fuel resource precursor (e.g. asteroid ice) was added to asteroids, then refueling depots could be set up away from Kerbin, with fuel produced away from Kerbin. This would allow smaller vessels to make interplanetary trips. The purpose of this style of resource mining is to allow players the option of either continuing to rely Kerbin for all fuel resoures OR setting up a more complex logistics system using ISRU.

    Orbital construction

    The surface of Kerbin is the second worst place in the Kerbol system from which to launch vessels into orbit, after the the surface of Eve (not including the surface of Jool, which isn't supposed to really exist). If other resources (e.g. Metal, silicon, blutonium, etc) were included in the game, either on asteroids or on planets, then vessels could be built in space using these resources. This would allow players to choose to spend resources launching missions with relatively inefficient launch vehicles, OR spend resources on a getting an off-world refinery/construction site started to boot-strap up a more efficient launch site.

    [Edited to address arguments presented while typing]

    Both of these features would be pretty cool. Especially if you could harvest things off of asteroids. You could capture an asteroid and build your orbital refueling base around the asteroid. Then you wouldn't need to continuously ship fuel tanks into orbit. You could also strip mine the asteroids into materials needed to build ships in orbit. Building ships in orbit would be cool because you would be able to easily build extremely complex or asymmetrical things in orbit that would be difficult to build on the planet. Isn't that one of the proposed things to do with a captured asteroid in RL?

    It would also be neat to be able to build bases on planets that actually do something, like build new ships, repair ships, mine fuel.

    I think something like this should be added to the game at some point, I don't think it needs to be right this second though. When resource management becomes a feature it needs to be well thought out and developed, not a quick patch that adds another dialogue box to click OK on.

    Also I would love to see food and life support added to the game at some point. My lost Kerbal that has literally been orbiting the sun for 40 years with a big smile on his face is really killing the realism for me...

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