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Everything posted by LABHOUSE

  1. All that is needed to replicate the bug is to get a utility part and make it root part, connect one wing to it, with mirror symetry mode on connect two wings to the previous wing. Close the game and open it back up after saving the craft.
  2. It always does it, no matter what the craft is. The only fix is to not reload anything and continue with the same craft without closing the game or going out of the sph/vab or changing the craft. Does it with or without mods. I have tried Stock Bug Fix. Windows 8.1 Ksp 1.0.4 Any fixes besides symetry removal and starting all over?
  3. Someone: The government is wasting money, they give 80% to NASA, and 10% is given away to anyone who quit their job; more should be used on the military. My thoughts: Less than 2%, probably less, and at least 40%... Why do they think Nasa has not done every proposed project? Me: Why should the military get any more money? Someone else: Do think wars are bad?! Because if you do [cussing taken out].
  4. Only thing it does is give bragging rights. - - - Updated - - - https://xkcd.com/435/
  5. Please, do NOT change it, it is the perfect size for my Apollo replica.
  6. I forgot the fuel in my duna lander return stage (xeon)... I removed the fuel to find out the dry weight for re-entry.
  7. 889 is my guess. Well I should have used my first guess of 789.
  8. Maybe I should turn it on for the first time.
  9. Three years ago, there was an earthquake in Virginia and it knocked over some picture frames at my school in Lexington, North Carolina (I live two towns over from my school), but most of my school is a basement; that is the worst that happened (atleast we don't have the graduating class [only three people each] pictures from before 1976 anymore XD).
  10. Completing replica missions, I love making it and making sure it is able to complete the mission, just not doing it.
  11. Nes. The user below me speaks atleast two languages.
  12. False, I only use windows 8.1 with a windows 7 virtural machine installed; and I do not worship it. TUBM will use windows 10 when possible.
  13. Very false. TUBM will answer false to this.
  14. Thanks for using xer and not his.

  15. I have joined, so far it is not as good as the light green group.
  16. Banned for implying there are no time zones that add or subtract a non-integer.
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