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Everything posted by LABHOUSE

  1. So that is how people lost all their rep....
  2. False??? The user below me will answer false or with another negative word such as no or not.
  3. Bone estas tio. or Mi Å¡atas tio. that translates to: This is good. I love this. There is also the chance of doing the spok hand and saying We come in peace.
  4. Fairings cause more lag than heat. Lag genorators from most to least Fairings Heat Debris Part count
  5. Realised my craft got corrupted... my shuttle.
  6. But it takes 20 for the window to open up.

  7. More rep and posts than me, but joined only a few months ago?! Cheater!
  8. I just got a windows seven virtural machine for safety.
  9. I have never used them, well except for putting them on ion la ders in anticipation for them to be converted and getting a use.
  10. Parts!!! Realistic(ish) atmosphere.
  11. Ten seconds with some mods, only start timing when the window loads.
  12. 9 mainsails, 108 hitchickers, 18 2 m mono, 18 orange tanks, 90 2 m batteries, 18 nosecones, 8 large landing gear, and 108 large sas modules... just not to lko, it went to Duna.
  13. Lag!! It is just a 75 x 8 metre fairing on a 400 part craft, but it lags worse than a fairing free 1,200 part craft.
  14. How do you get rep so fast?!

  15. It is a planet, as are all other dwarf planets.
  16. Lack of parts, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3323-MOAR-part-sizes%21%21%21 Iva needs improvement http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3395-What-do-you-think-IVA-needs There should be hollow parts that are pressurized.
  17. Banned for no rep besides what I gave.
  18. Ksp sales amount, world population, and the antartica population mean 5 Antarticans bought ksp from the squad store.
  19. ....You only have one hole in your head?! No eye holes or nose hole?
  20. Must be a mansion. Also, who voted for the southern statss (How can you peoppe understand the 95% of southernors who have the accent?!), and who voted for antartica?
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