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Everything posted by jebandhisfriends

  1. how are you doing on the lander is it allmost finished??? and are you going to make one with the space for a return vehicle? and can you put the lander on the forum because i really want him even without the fairrings( you can maybe use producal fairing mod ??)
  2. bobcat how are you doing with the american pack update ??
  3. bobcat can you build the constellation lander stage first? if you have the time for it to do. further can you build a texture reduxtion pack for american pack, my macbook doesnt like high textures
  4. where can i get the version for 23.0 because this version doesnt work for me. it doesnt show any icons or my velocity speed etc.
  5. hey guys a little question i dont get the whole space craft i miss a very big pease like soyuz etc.. why? do i have install other mods? if yes witch
  6. is the lander allready done ? and maybe you can build the lander with farring for bobcat's american pack??
  7. oké thanx guys i will try the orion pack for sure but my macbook doesnt run well on ksp 23.0 so i guess i will wait until i get a new mac and for ksp 24.0 grtz
  8. can somebody give or tell me the best nasa likely mods for ksp 23.0 like for building the iss or orion or athlete or the constellation program ? if you know some mods for it tell me ) thanx
  9. bobcat one little question left what is coming for the next american pack sorry for all my questions but i realy love the american pack cause nobody did it the way you did so thanx for that
  10. hey are you almost done with the lander because i cant wait for it ahah but are you going to build this with the rockets from bobcat american pack because you can use these as the lifters rover and the orion craft so if you want to build it also for american pack, that would be fantastic
  11. hey guys every time i want to eva i lose my kerbal and he became a unknown object i have the following mods running: bobcats american pack firespitter romfrer KAS jsi kerbaljointreinforcment fusetek/kerbalteck lifesupport magic smoke 000_toolbar can somebody tell me whats wrong?
  12. or put a file with all the needed mods for rss so im sure i used the right one haha
  13. hey can you build these constellation crafts also for the normal ksp 23.0 ? because im seaching for a long time for these crafts and now i found them but cant do anything with it because i cant add the rss mod and the other needed mods ((
  14. hey people i may did something wrong but i havent got any parts and when i added real fuels i couldnt start the game anymore its stuck on squad utility trust block somthing like that but what did i wrong i did get a warning of the aaa toolbar but i couldnt find it.. if somebody knows what to do pleas help haha thanx
  15. can you put all the needed mods in one pack because i almost installed every mod that exsist and it dont work sorry for my english
  16. wait i only cant go eva than the just pop out freeze transfer back to kerbin and start being a unknown object
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