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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. I encountered this error as well in my testing for the new interface. Thanks for reporting it. I'm refactoring the Crew transfer code to allow other modders access to data during the transfer process, so I'll be sure to correct this error. Expect a fix in the next release.
  2. Okay, I have a proposed interface built and in test. I've documented it here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/4.0-SMInterface.dll I'll be updating this documentation as I get near to release of the next version of SM.
  3. Can you provide a bit more detail on what mods you have installed? I may be able to assist.
  4. That sounds interesting. Depending on what you expose, developers could create a very unique mod "ad" Also, I'd like to see an icon (maybe a question Mark?) for a Wiki entry in the header, below the Website icon / link. I think if a mod has a wiki it should be prominent. that would put the downlload total and the followers total on the same row... (I like symmetry).
  5. Agreed. Ideally, notification of a transfer in progress would be good. I just didn't "expect" that my little mod would reach the point of other mods would wish to "hook" in. I can create an interface and make it available. I will also explore the crew transfer create method, but even then, due to my desire for a delay (for realism purposes), the notification of the action in progress would still be needed. Let me explore the code and see what makes sense. Thanks so much for the feedback. I'll keep you posted on it. For sure expect the flag CrewXfer to be exposed, along with the source part/seat and target part/seat as well as the kerbal(s) in question. from there I'll look at the best method for event notification of completion. At the very least we can discuss what the interface should "end up with" and rpovide some testing builds before I release to the wild.
  6. Good to hear from you! I agree with you. One of the things that is beginning to crop up is the impact of my change a few versions ago to delay the actual move of the kerbals. Prior to 1.0.2 I had been making the move, and simply "simulating" the delay in my code. It appears that was less of an issue for mods, and more of an issue for the user experience. When I made the change to delay the actual move, it became more of an issue for mods. I wonder if I should make the move immediate and delay the display update as before for improved compatibility. As for an API, I hadn't considered it, and really don't know what I could expose (other than what you mentioned) that would be of value to other mods. I am open to the idea, and if there is value in it I would make it happen. Exposing event flags is certainly possible, and I should be checking to see if the kerbals are still there when I complete. Thanks for noting that. Let me know your thoughts. In the short term, reverting the crew move behavior back to immediate and simply documenting it in the wiki would likely solve the issue. Same goes for stock crew transfers with override...
  7. By far, the bulk of my downloads are occurring on Kerbalstuff vs Curse. it is better than 15 : 1 by my calculations... Now I don't know the validity of the download numbers (on either site), but this is what I'm observing. Well done sir.
  8. thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I will look over everything and get to investigating! Edit: After looking over the screen shots, I see what the issue is. I have experienced this is testing, but thought I had it worked out. I will resolve it and get out an update. Thanks for your effort. It was very helpful.
  9. Thanks for the feedback! Can you give me a bit more detail? Are all the parts stock or are some part mod parts? I've done countless transfers to many combinations and have had no issue. I've been using a space station for testing, so I have up to 30 tanks to play with... Is the issue from source to target or target to source or matters not? Any additional info you can provide would help. also, if you go to Settings, Config, and turn on verbose logging and the debug window. there will be an output generated. click on save and post that. It will hlep with the troubleshooting. Thanks!
  10. OK, so here is a revision with s filter in place for the kerbal list... Thoughts?
  11. Thanks a lot! As for your request, which version of SM are you using? Which list are you referring to? The Roster window or the Transfer window? IIRC, I list the type in both places.. In the Roster Window, each kerbal shows their profession in parentheses. In the Transfer window, the kerbals in each part show their profession.. I certainly can look at the skill rating... Now this does bring up something I forgot about... We don't really have a list of all kerbals in a given vessel do we... That could be helpful...
  12. Interesting. The fact that you state "...I reproduced it with stock override both on and off..." seems to indicate is it NOT SM. However, if you were using SM to make the transfer, then the override button has no effect. However, if you were performing a Stock transfer, and override is off, then that points to an issue outside of SM. Now, given that SM does not recognize that the part is full, is another issue and I'll at least need to look into that. I'll grab a copy of the crew storage mod and take a look. Update: Looking at the code, the author manipulates the crew count on the fly. It appears that this is to account for kerbals entering the space and then being frozen. There is a note indicating that the iscrewablewhenfull flag is set to true to allow for a kerbal to enter the space even when the cryonic seats are full... I don't use that, but I do look at the max crew for each part. I do not count seats. I'll do a little digging and use the part myself to "characterize the events". Looks like I may neeed to add some code to account for this particular mod. Neat idea tho. don't remember this one...
  13. Right. The executable is designed to run on windows osx or linux. the dos box loads the runtime engine. The app itself is pretty straight forward. CKAN has a wiki to explain how it is used, but basically you can connect it to your installation, and it will scan your game for addons. Addons that have already been manually installed will have n "AD" in place of a checkbox. There is a filter to show only your installed mods or different combinations of mods... you can also search by name for a desired mod. The search is affected by the filter. Mods that CKAN has installed will have the check box checked. If you see an AD next to the mod, then you will need to remove the mod to allow CKAN to manage it for you. For example in the screenie above, Ship manifest is not managed by CKAN, as I'm the developer and it is manually installed. Removal is simple... remove the folder for the mod where it is, inside the GameData Folder. If you are not sure of the folder name, look at the contents tab at the far right. it will show the install folder. Or, you can use this tool: CKAN Mod Migration Tool. Once you have removed any existing mods, you can simply check the mods you want to install, then click on "go to changes" once there you will see a list of all mods that will be installed and any dependencies they need (other mods). Click Apply, and CKAN will download the mod and install it for you. Once a day, run this application and click on the refresh button to reload the list of mods from the server. any available updates will then appear in the second column of the list with a Checkbox
  14. Ah... career game... my apologies... I was thinking sandbox... yes those features are later in the tree..
  15. I'm thinking that what you have is a bad cache file. In the GameData folder you will find some mechJeb cache files. delete them... you will lose window positions and such, but should correct the issue. Edit. maybe I'm out to lunch.. I do remember cache files, but I just looked at my install and don't see them.. The ones I see are Module manager related... When you reverted, did you delete the MJ2 folder completely before installing the older version? If not then could be this file: GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\PluginData\MechJeb2\mechjeb_settings_global.cfg. Delete it. MechJeb will automatically rebuild it.
  16. I've seen this issue... I noted that you have multiple icons for the same mods displaying in the VAB. Trying to remember what was causing that... I know it was a mod incompatibility... I'm thinking it was EVE.. but not sure. Edit: At first, I thought of Texture Replacer, but at that time I was testing mods with 1.0.2 to see what was working, so the version of Texture Replacer was an earlier one. (.90). It could have been that, but I'm hesitent to blame that mod for the issue... I'm thinking it had to do with multiple copies of one of the dependent plugin APIs... so there may be multiple copies of a dll somewhere... Sorry I'm not more clear, but I got rid of the issue by rebuilding my mods with 1.0.x complaint ones as they came out.
  17. Hey lowfan, Sumghai is great for helping you like he has. As an alternative to trying to install your mods yourself, you could look into using CKAN. It is a standalone program that can manage your mods for you. I suggest you take a look at it to see if it might help. What it does is keep track of what mods you have installed, and let you know when a mod is updated. It will also perform the install/uninstall for you, much like the Curse client does for world of warcraft (if you are familiar with that). Many folks love it for the convenience it provides. The only down side, is that it is not quite a current as I would like, as it is not instantly aware of new mods and new versions as they appear. I can help with getting ckan up and running if you choose that direction. However, as you get to know the game and its structure better, is is good to know how mods are installed in the game. Once you "get it" it is actually very easy.
  18. The CLS wiki is essentially complete. I will likely have edits and clarifications later, but the bulk is there, and it is ready to go. I'll be updating the OP and KerbalStuff to point to it. Let me know if there are any errors or things the need to be better defined. Thanks for using CLS! I hope this helps to expand its use!
  19. Thanks for the discussion. It has been very helpful and enlightening. It does bring up a question tho... Would it make sense to have a feature to allow the inventory for the seat to move with the kerbal, kind of like a "toolbox"?. If it is assigned to the seat, I do have access to that. If I detected the presence of inventory, I could give you the choice to move it... As I understand it... kerbals never go anywhere without their snacks... (brown bag anyone?)
  20. Thanks for looking. As for KIS, I can understand. I downloaded it and it adds a whole new dimension to EVA and the game. I'll play with it and see if I can locate the incompatibility. One question: did you lose the tool permanently or did it end up back in storage?
  21. Thanks for the feedback! The Crew transfer code, while it has been refactored quite a bit, has largely remained intact in terms of it function for better than a year. It its not broke... Anyway, I'll look KIS code to see what may be "missing" that could cause the loss of tools. I don't know how long you have been using SM and KIS together, but can you tell if this is a new behavior or not? Do you know if an older version of SM worked in the past? If you can, get a capture of the error you are seeing. More information is always helpful. Also, what kind of error is it (KSP, Exception Detector, SM) I will also try to duplicate in my test save.
  22. Ok, that makes sense as there is a transfer operation in progress. I will have to add some code to account for interrupted transfers. Since in realism mode, there is a 7 second delay before the kerbals actually move. I don't block the Game UI, so you could do that. Let me take a look ad the implications... You can also change the delay for your transfers in the configuration file. There is a transfer delay value that is currently set to 7 sec... change it to like 1 or so, and you won't be able to "beat" SM when you switch vessels.... That also brings up a good point... I need to add the config file and some instructions on editing it in the Wiki...
  23. I've put a fair amount of effort into this today. Starting to look pretty useful. The Standalone use and general player information is in place. Now the nuts and bolts for the potential mod developer's use... I'll be digging into the classes in depth tomorrow (later today ).
  24. I'll check to see if CKAN is picking it up... since the distribution is KerbalStuff, it should be getting it automatically. Edit: CKAN is picking it up. It shows the latest version as and the correct forum thread. Should be good to go.
  25. Wiki is under construction. Take a glance here if you are interested: https://github.com/codepoetpbowden/ConnectedLivingSpace/wiki Will be geared towards the mod developer, but will contain info on stand alone operations as well.
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