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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. Update: New version released: Version - 26 Feb, 2014 - Add Realism to Crew Transfer. - Realism Mode: Crew Xfers & Moves now occur in "real" time. We now have Sounds of crewman moving. Portrait updates now occur when Kerbals get in thier new seat. - Added Crew sound locations to settings Window. - Added Config for Crew Transfer Duration from part to part. This is a placeholder for later development. - Added default xfer duration of 2 sec for Seat to Seat Xfers within the same Part. - Resource Xfers enhancements. Added textbox for entering Exact Xfer Amounts. Integers can be entered, and fractions can be pasted into box for now... - Rearranged resource xfer details to make it more intuitive after adding text box. - Include Toolbar 1.6.0 redistribution Enjoy! Now, to finally dive into Connected Living spaces. Looks like some interesting things coming...
  2. Agreed. Create A standard first. Any standard. Then tweak it., break it, praise it, trash it, make it better. BTW, the hatch idea is sweet. Consider this: I highlight parts as the kerbal passes. sounds queued to parts. maybe we Add some MM configs of my own, if I'm going to commit to requiring it with my mod. There is your Ow... I'm all right... hatch banging sound... Time could be based on a standard time per part (likely same for all). Then with kerbalish sounds, kerbals "move" thru the vessel... Views from the inside do not work when moving, but I can give you a flavor of movement... some immersion.
  3. Now, that is something I can certainly do. I also wondered if anyone was in need of a number box... the value used is a DOUBLE value type, so you can be pretty precise. The slider bar is a range comparing the source tank contents and the target tank contents. The max value that can be transferred to the target is the max value for the slider. Given the limited real estate, its hard to be precise with the slider.
  4. I have given this request a lot of thought. Multiple people have made it, and it seems to me to be central to distinguishing Ship Manifest as a tool in the KSP mod ecosystem, so to speak. On the one hand, this feature seems probably the one that would make "some" people drop TAC Fuel balancer. While I have never used TAC Fuel balancer, and I have no control over what mods people play, I also have no problems with more than one tool being available to perform similar, if not the same tasks. Anything I would implement would HAVE to fit my interface (I'm not changing the basic layout, period), and would by necessity be very different from how TAC has or would implement it. Choice is always a good thing, especially if it promotes improvements in the player experience. However, based on feed back in this thread, and my personal feelings about what the "theme" of this mod should be, Fuel balancing in my mind is really a "Flight Control" feature, as it affects burns, attitude adjustments, and ultimately the total resources consumed in a flight. from that point of view, it is outside what I would call my scope or theme, which is as a Ship's Manifest. I manage resources, be they crew, science, water, fuel, power, etc, for the ship. Like a quartermaster or Ship's accountant. I can move cargo and kerbals as needed for the flight plan, crew or passengers. I leave the flight control stuff to the math wizards out there that can run circles around my "very basic" calculus skills. So, long story, not so short, I'm thinking that fuel balancing, IF it was implemented, would be restricted to Non Acceleration periods only. Active fuel balancing, which, by the way, I believe TAC Fuel balancer CAN do, is in my mind flight control baby, Thoughts?
  5. Just an Update: I've successfully added automatic crew transfer. No more Update Portrait button. - It now provides some bumping and scraping sounds while a kerbal moves. (I didn't do it, but I can just imagine minion like stuff here... hehe) - Portrait updates at the end of the move. - the length of the move can be configured (in seconds). Update soon, but really need to add spatial awareness after this, as I can see a cool highlighting gimmick I can do during the transfer from living space to living space, with more we could do with sounds. More to come. but same clean interface.
  6. I'm not sure which event I'm hooked into. I've researched the code, and I'm not sure what is firing the method I'm using. Since my mod is "partless", the update method I'm using is embedded into a class with monobehavior as it's base. So, not sure what is triggering it... :/ Based on my research, testing and logging, it "appears" to be the Unity Update method... I'm very good at C# and coding in general, but I'm new to Unity's object model, architecture, and KSP's API. Link: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.Update.html
  7. Well, thanks to codepoet and FlowerChild, I have solved my IVA Portrait update problem. Thanks so much! Interesting problem. I did exactly as codepoet and FlowerChild described, as I had during my initial testing when I added crew transfers. It did not work!? So, I instrumented the process to verify that I was hitting the expected code path, in doing so I refactored my logging scheme... wannabe code geek that I am... In the end, the solution was to add a "frame delay". Weird, huh? Well, I'm running an NVidia 9600GT card. Pretty ancient, but serviceable. So, I got to thinking... If there was an asynchronous process that normally was completed in advance of the next frame on "new" cards, us older cards are chugging a bit.. so.. It seems If I add 5 frames of delay, it still does not work. But, if I add 10+... It does! So, naturally, I added a Config Item "IVAFrameDelay" to allow customization for older cards. you can make it anything from 0 (no delay) to what ever works for you... My guess... Adding the 10 frame delay should be a non issue for those that would have not experienced the issue and older cards can now tweak the setting if they experience issues... Okay, with that "solved", I'll move the update portrait button to a hidden button. If you want/need it. turn it on in the config. Just in case Come to think of it... with a frame delay.... you could also use a time delay... so we could establish a "time" it takes kerbal to move to another seat.... and delay the portrait update until the kerbal has "made it to his seat"... maybe add cute hollow bumping and shuffling sounds during the transfer time..." Something to think about.. Back to adding "spatial awareness" to Ship Manifest...
  8. codepoet & FlowerChild, !hanks so much for the assist! I'm off to update and test. Let's see what we get....
  9. @ FlowerChild and codepoet. I took a look at codepoet's solution, and realized that calling a change Vessel event would refresh everything, so that will probably work. I tried the vessel.SpawnCrew() during my initial development with a scope flag to pass control to the update event and didn't have any luck, when crossing part boundaries (seemed to work when in the same part, but with so many tries, I may be getting confused). Did you test that as well? I know I did a lot of testing, and figured that we were missing a higher level call. That could likely be the Vesselchange event. thanks so much for looking into this, as the Update Portraits button has always grated against me...
  10. Thanks so much. Work has been keeping me from the fun coding, but I'll take a look now.
  11. The "x-ray view" may be more of a challenge than you make it sound, and I don't expect to include it with Ship Manifest. It is an interesting idea however, and worth at least investigation. I like visual "aids" I've already contacted codepoet about integration with ConnectedLivingSpace, and discussed briefly my intentions. I expect to add connected space limitations as soon as codepoet and I work out how best to integrate both for me and other modders. I expect to include new crew transfer realism feature soon. As usual, I will provide a means to customize your experience. After all, there is no incorrect way to play KSP.
  12. As is evidenced with my mod, I tend to err on the side of choice. Some will grate against the ability to "cheat" and other will praise you for saving them the agony of EVA. SO make it a switchable thing, and the mod developer can either expose that to the player, or manage it themselves.
  13. I've been experiencing this issue as well, and it seems to be from part to part. I can make a seat to seat xfer refresh the internal view, but not from part to part. Obviously I'm missing something. So I have an ugly update portraits button until I solve this... On second thought, these issues may not be related...
  14. I've heard people talking about a sanity mod, but tbh, i've not been following closely the realism mods, as I'm largely a sandbox player, with lower realism needs than many. But the short answer is yes. With the ability to "extend" a part, vessel, etc, you can add attributes to codepoet's classes and persist a variety of data using MM. so a sanity Mod would likely look much like TAC Life support or Real Fuels. You could add a whole layer to Kerbals and manage their Mental health as well as their physical health. Understand that ConnectedLivingSpaces provides a framework for this. Mod developers will have to build the functionality
  15. I've been following this thread, and I've contacted codepoet concerning integration with ShipManifest. I thought I'd share a few thoughts. First, what codepoet is offering is NOT a complete plugin with a user interface. He is offering a standard set of tools to be use across plugins. It offers a nice set of methods and objects to manage connected areas of living space. He is taking it a step further by persisting needed data to the gamesave, using Module Manager to support other mods and part packs Second, I see value in what codepoet is doing, as I had considered creating a set of wrapper classes to add functionality to each of the entities he is working with. However, I didn't want to spend the time. Bravo to codepoet for doing the grunt work to create a standard set of classes. Now, for what I think I might do with this: - Add a new category of Resource called LivingSpace. In it would be all living spaces as defined by connectedlivingspaces. - Using the same interface in SM, I would set up transfers between living spaces, IF they were connected. - Further, I could add the ability to determine if one part is connected to another internally and enhance the existing Crew Transfer in Realism Mode. If they are not connected, then you are going to have to EVA. I had planned on working out the logic to do this, but codepoet "did it better". So, expect better crew realism modes in Ship Manifest.
  16. I know, right? I had gone to his thread to downloaded the latest JUST before he posted the update.. I then released After he did with the Old version.... Bleh! As per the discussions earlier in the thread, I'm thinking That Checklists should likely be a separate mod. Based on the ideas I have, and the interface work needed, it really will be bigger than SM. It is already in work as I write this... So, I will likely start a WIP thread so we can discuss my ideas and flesh out what the community might like.. I will need a title...
  17. LOL... I had just released minutes ago... a new version of ShipManifest with 1.5.3... ahh... but think of the new possibilities...
  18. Ok, New Update. Some requested features, and Realism enhancements / options. Version - 15 Feb, 2014 - General cleanup, configuration & UI enhancements. - Realism Mode: Science Xfers now render experiments inoperable after xfer. - Changed Science Xfers Target Module selection to Auto select, If the target Part has only 1 target module. Saves a click the majority of the time. - Added Save Debug Log support. Save Log button now works. - Added support for tailoring Ship Manifest for your needs: - Config File switch to enable/disable Fill & Empty Resource buttons in PreFlight. Enabled by default. - Config File switch to enable/disable Crew Transfer Feature. Enabled by default. - Config File switch to enable/disable Science Transfer Feature. Enabled by default. - Include Toolbar 1.5.3 redistribution We should be getting pretty stable now. Enjoy!
  19. Yes. Consider that you can pull from multiple modules, and send it to one of possibly multiple modules. Since modders can add modules to a part using Module manager, or via part config, I have to allow for that possibility. Typically we are moving science into our return vehicle, but if it is modded, they may have another part module added... So, for now, you need to select the target part, then the target module then xfer the desired source. But, now that I think of it, if there is only one part module, I "could" default it to selected. that would cover a large percentage of the time I think, and save a click. I'll do that.
  20. Makes perfect sense. I have PM'd the Plugin author and indicated I would be looking into integration.
  21. Good concern and will be addressed. Currently Science is still early in dev. I'm planning on realism updates that will address the "cheat" ability of sending data multiple times, and set experiments as consumed. Empty and Fill buttons only work on the pad, before launch. This makes them good for getting an empty weight for your vessel, and for tweaking your ship before launch. I see that as something ground crew can do, so it didn't seem like cheating. Once in flight, "you have what you have". Shoot, in realism mode, even the resource dump buttons do not work in flight, as that would impart a thrust component, and would requiree a fair amount of math and graphics to simulate... However, I did not consider Kethane and cost accounting for fuel, etc. So I can easily add a config switch to allow turning it off. Ya, I had been debating back and forth on adding it to this mod or making it separate. With the significantly different interface, I may just make it a separate plugin, and add a button to toolbar. I AM going to be doing it though. I'd not heard of this plugin. Based on my initial glance at it, I could see where you are going, but you can go anywhere on the ship via EVA, so I'd not considered pass thru as an issue. I suppose, for those that want to use it as a "strictly inside activity", that would make sense. I will look into integration. Thanks so much for the well considered response.
  22. This is a very valid concern. I've been managing that with the idea that the interface will remain the same. If I cannot add it within the existing framework, and keep it "intuitive", then it does not belong. With that said, it was my "original" vision (at least personally) to handle crew science and Resources, as they lend themselves to the "theme" of this mod, and fit the interface nicely. In terms of "bloat", if you can kind of describe what you might think constitues that, I'm always interested in hearing. For example, several have requested multiple part transfers, but it really does not "fit" within the current framework of the interface, and starts to get more complex. Bear in mind the other feature I will be adding is Checklists, and that IS certainly a larger feature, and would then necessitate saving files to the user's gamedata folder. So, that "multi part xfers feature" I was considering adding to the Checklists feature. In any flight, part of ship's "manifest" would be the Flight Plan. Think of Checklists as that Plan you can set for each ship you design, and tailor for each flight, and kind of "program" the flight plan. I welcome your thoughts on this, and and it may well be too much for this mod, and need to be a separate mod unto itself. Alternatively, if I were to allow you to configure the features available, would that fit within your thinking? If you don't want to use the feature, disable it in config, and it is not there...
  23. Not sure what resource is listed in the Heatshield. the configuration is likely built into the Resource definition (in code). if it shows up in standard mode and does not in realism mode, then the resource it uses is set to NONE. If you get that behavior, then it is working as intended.
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