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  1. @DMagic Chinese translation has been completed and I've pushed it on GitHub . And thanks for your awesome work!
  2. Chinese translation is here https://github.com/DMagic1/KSP_Science_Relay/pull/2
  3. @cakepie Yes I knew CLS before. In Chinese, “舱” or “舱室” can be used for all manned or unmanned parts which have "reachable space" in them, like “实验舱” is in which crews do experiments. “生活舱” is the space crews live in. “气密舱” means airlock. Even engine room can be called “轮机舱室” or “引擎舱室”. And “载人舱室” means habitable space in the vessel. “适居空间” has the similar meaning with “载人舱室”, but it almost never be used in Chinese community. So I think “载人舱室” is better.
  4. @cakepie "载人舱室" may be better IMO. i.e. “无法进入满员载人舱室。”
  5. Thanks for your awesome work! I've checked the Simplified Chinese translation. That looks all ok!
  6. 玩多了就知道了,不需要了解太多,教程还是挺清楚的
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