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Everything posted by BegottenMeridian

  1. Thank you for the responses! I see how it works now. I'm going to repurpose this thread for showing off your Apollo style craft, Saturn style rockets and Apollo style missions.
  2. This thread was originaly used to ask about the possibility of making stock interstage fairings, similar to the Apollo Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter: That question has been answered (it is possible to make stock interstage fairings), see the first replies below. I'm now repurposing the thread for those who want to show off their Apollo style spacecraft, Saturn style rockets and Apollo style missions (stock or non-stock). Read about the Apollo Spacecraft here. Read about the mission details here.
  3. Ok thanks. Does it take a few days for new Kerbals to appear?
  4. I thought I'd start a discussion about the debug toolbar which has new features since 0.24 came out. Discuss anything you want about it here. I'm particullarly interested in the new gameplay difficulty options (I want to make my career mode more difficult: no reverting and no quicksaving/loading). I was wondering: if you turn off Kerbal respawning does that mean that each particullar Kerbal doesn't come back or will there be no new Kerbals spawning to take a dead Kerbal's place? i.e. If you kill all of your Kerbals will there be no new spawning or respawning Kerbals to pilot your craft?
  5. I've removed all of the ambient tracks except 2, but they don't seem to play. This was an issue I had when I was trying to get other tracks to play, besides the same track all of the time, by taking out the ones I didn't want, and yet they wouldn't play... silence. Does anyone understand what the problem might be?
  6. Just saw your post: I presume that would fix the issues I'm having, once you get it implemented.
  7. I've a bunch of ambience tracks I want to play in space. Thet are all about 30 minutes long. The thing is the game keeps playing the same track everytime I'm in space, switch spacecraft, etc. Is this a memory issue? Is there any way to help randomise the tracks?
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