I'm not saying it's not possible. They could build an array based ship if they wanted. I'm just saying they're already pretty strongly committed to the tree based approach, and probably for good reason. Seems you agree with that on principle, though. Compatibility isn't as simple as you seem to think. I'm a software engineer (bachelor's degree and everything), and have professional experience porting Linux software to Windows. Cross platform software may have been around for a while, but that doesn't change the basic economics of software engineering. You're not going to invest the time and money into developing for a platform that doesn't have enough customers to justify the cost. Highly specialized software like simulation software is rarely multi-platform (I don't want to say 'never' but I'd bet that's the case). Essentially all HPC clusters run Linux or some proprietary OS, so there's no additional market to capture by making it multiplatform. It also needs to be as fast as possible, which often means OS or hardware specific optimizations. This software is often built on contract, anyway, and the contractors aren't going to pay you to build a version for an OS they aren't using. Fluid dynamics is also a lot harder than you seem to think (apologies if you meant several decades out when you said "FAR future"). The stock aerodynamics and Ferram are just approximations. Ferram is the better of the two approximations, but it's not because they found some revolutionary trick to simulating fluid dynamics, it's because it uses the correct equation (stock aerodynamics don't scale lift correctly, which is part of why you nose down at high speeds in stock). It also does some nifty stuff with part by part drag (using a raycast, I assume), but again, it's not actually simulating anything, just approximating. Fluid dynamics is actually one of the hardest problems in computing, and brings the fastest supercomputers in the world to their knees. Doesn't help that it gets harder the faster the simulated flow is moving, both in terms of the necessitated step size, and in the complexity of the calculations being done in each step. Several supercomputing records have been broken by machines designed to simulate fluid dynamics and turbulence. Really, something like Ferram is all you need in a game. I just wish we didn't have to resort to an addon to make lift scale correctly with velocity.