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Everything posted by X-SR71

  1. If I were to guess, I'd say steamdb accounts for updates on any branches, including the ones not available to the general public. [h=3]Branches [/h][TABLE=class: table table-bordered table-hover table-sortable, width: 100%] [TR] [TH=class: span2 sort-header]NAME[/TH] [TH=class: sort-header]DESCRIPTION[/TH] [TH=class: span2 sort-default sort-header sort-up]BUILD ID [/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD] experimentals[/TD] [TD]Exp Testing branch[/TD] [TD]846087[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] scratchpad[/TD] [TD]QA Builds and Staging Area[/TD] [TD]834457[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] qa2[/TD] [TD]QA builds (secondary deployment channel)[/TD] [TD]824821[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: owned] [TD=bgcolor: #DFF0D8]public[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #DFF0D8][/TD] [TD=class: b, bgcolor: #DFF0D8]669130[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #F5F5F5]previous[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #F5F5F5]Previous Stable Release[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  2. I know you mentioned it's speculation, but has any dev mentioned anything on how they plan to take advantage of multi-threading? I'd love for it to be more than simply 'one thread/core per vessel'.
  3. I find that decreasing part count is one of the fun challenges in the game. I aim at 100 parts and never go above 200.
  4. I doubt 64-bit would bring stock performance improvements and I don't use enough mods to reach the 4gb limit.. I am super interested in the Unity 5 upgrade though!
  5. Uhh.... I find Dres to be quite interesting! Plenty of Ore, even at lowlands! Most bodies have higher concentration of Ore in the slopes, but I get 7, 8% at Dres flat lowlands! Plus the asteroid belt is unique. Much easier to play with asteroids in there than in Kerbin..
  6. I just want to say I love these tanks and all my probes/satellites are either Round-8 plus LV-1s or Ion powered!
  7. So I thought of sharing these with you guys, since I've always thought it wouldn't be possible to get captured with gravity alone. So I was hanging around Duna in a orbit inside Ike's orbit when the game predicted an encounter and collision with Ike (solid orange path, no periapsis). I thought 'well, I'll decrease the orbit a bit'. Set up a maneuver node, and the new orbit was represented by the dotted orange path. Except at the end of the new predicted path it also predicted a straight encounter and capture with Ike! I thought 'no way this is gonna work', but surely enough, after the burn, I had the encounter and capture predicted with no injection burn: I was pretty amazed since I've never had this happen before! Too bad it didn't actually work. When close to the descending node of the second picture Ike ended up capturing and putting me into a collision course
  8. Wow. Never thought it was possible to find such good percentages on asteroids. I'm used to 2-5% on moons...
  9. Thank you for that highly technical, elaborate, visual explanation.
  10. Wait, I thought the ISP of ion + fuel cell array was just under 1300: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116611-New-ion-craft-using-fuel-cell?p=1911963&viewfull=1#post1911963
  11. Eh.. You haven't been in Jool lately, have you? Like since version 0.90 or so..
  12. This 'Potato phase' is the one before unlocking the 90 science points nodes, right? I found it to be the most grindy part of career. After a couple of those 90 nodes, it gets way more fun. Sorry I don't have very good advices for you. It just IS grindy. What I did though, was trying to rush the super simple contracts - like the 'test part in launchpad' contracts for easy pocket cash and couple science points. I didn't take harder contracts until I had some good parts unlocked.
  13. Don't count on aerobraking straight from interplanetary. For a lander, I'd make a small plane that could land on chutes/air brakes, and then get back into orbit on its own. Jets are very useful in Laythe! A lander that's actually a plane is super fun to make too. You'd just need an interplanetary tug with an LV-N to push that plane into Laythe and then come back. Don't forget to factor in injection burns (braking from interplanetary). The biggest challenge here is making sure your small plane can make it back into Laythe's orbit. Also, I'd leave the ions idea behind. They don't work well up there in Jool's orbit..
  14. I might be mistaken, but with the amount of gigantors for continuous power of an Ion engine up there in Jool's orbit you'd just be better with a fuel tank and an LV-1 Ant.. RTGs wouldn't be a good idea either, the wiki http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/IX-6315_%22Dawn%22_Electric_Propulsion_System lists a required 12 RTGs to power the Ion. That would make your rescue craft super costly too (in career).
  15. "I don't need all that dV - I'll just aerobrake in Jool."
  16. Long answer short, I don't think that deploy does anything. I have wondered about that one before too. There are other parts with possible actions for action groups that don't do anything, but I can't quite remember them now.
  17. Random spontaneous explosions due to overheating occur during physics warp. I've had specific parts explode for no apparent reasons due to overheating when at 4x physics. Quite common to me actually. Happens a lot with probe cores and sas modules, even when already in orbit with no engines firing and with the vessel completely idle.
  18. Who needs chutes! In my book, it's not really crashing if the command pod survives!
  19. If only we didn't have to return those damn tourists back to kerbin... I'd complete the other objectives and leave them on a suborbital to the sun!
  20. You should definitely take it to the mun and make mun cookies!
  21. Heck! So many good looking probes that I feel stupid with my overly simplistic designs
  22. I've said in more than one other thread that I hoped they'd focus on improving current features and squashing bugs, rather than focusing on new features. Even if there are various branches of development and parallel work being done, resources allocated into the development of new features means less resources into improving the game as it is. There are many areas that can evolve and improve, the claw being one of them. Personally, I'd like more effort into the whole resource mechanics, the obvious heating problems (read: spontenous explosions from SAS and probes and other parts), better stock parts, especially adapters and structural parts and such, and more biome diversity and testing results - not the same generic answers over and over. Oh and let's not forget the tech tree!
  23. I never would've thought those big radiators are actually real! Though 'Thermal control system' does sound cooler! (pun intended) Thanks for the explanations!
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