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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. Nuke


    learn 2 grill. i hate it when people overcook their meat.
  2. Nuke


    i want a ribeye steak, bout an inch thick, and i want it rare.
  3. it says im snarky enough to have a few dots yet not quite good enough to have a full bar.
  4. i was just playing around with one of those esp8266 boards. its pretty nifty. i was able to get it on my network in a single evening and got it talking to a lua script on another rig. it also only takes 5 connections to my arduino due (if you run a 3.3v board, 5v needs level conversion). it also has a very simple at command set over serial, so you dont need any libraries to use it. supposedly you can run the thing stand alone though the mcu on the module doesnt have a whole lot of i/o. anyone using these things yet? did we ever get an over ip version of this interface?
  5. most expensive pizza delivery ever. i hope the iss crew likes anchovies.
  6. you can race, but most people dont. i mean if you kill all the other cars then there is nothing to race against and you kind of win be default.
  7. interstate '76 <3 carmageddon as well. sometimes i wish they would breed and have an abominable mutant offspring. it would mix the car dogfighting with the pedestrian splatter demolition derby of carmageddon. i didnt really like games like twisted metal, it felt too arcadey. carmageddon had a somewhat interesting physics model with deformable geometry on the cars. it wasnt just the carnage in that game that made it awesome. interstate '76 ran on the mechwarrior 2 engine which likely explains why i enjoyed the game so much. dogfighting in cars is kind of tricky, the guns were fixed and so if you needed to shoot down a helicopter, you had to find a hill. you could get turreted weapons and missiles but that wasnt as fun. you also had a pistol for shooting out through the side windows. i always wished i could do that in carmageddon, because sheep.
  8. while i do prefer coke over pepsi, what i actually drink is the generic knockoff of both.
  9. i saw a ufo when i was 5 and living in the california desert. it looked a lot like an f117 (which were still classified at the time).
  10. yea l liked the dc-x/i. it doesn't try to do anything exotic, its just a really big rocket that can fly back.
  11. humans are already one of the most deadly species on the planet (right behind mosquitoes) and you want to make it deadlier.
  12. honestly i only read this thread in case eagleworks or whoever posts news and the thread explodes.
  13. i just junked a rig like that, stripped it of useful parts, chucked the mobo in the scrap pcb box and the case in the dumpster. useful drives got put in another machine. theres also an old cd rom i figure i can salvage the stepper motor for some project. the psu will make a good bench supply. id use it as a linux box. find a lightweight distro to play around with. windows can make old hardware seem slow.
  14. people had peen pressuring me to make fried chicken for awhile. i always put it off, and the rising cost of chicken didnt help much. one day they bring me a whole frier chicken and everything else i needed was already in the pantry. nailed it on the first try. i guess the trick is to not be afraid of so much oil, if you dont put enough down the food wont float and it will stick to the bottom. same rules apply to chicken fried steak, but because they are usually thin you dont need as much oil. i also reuse my fry oil 3 or 4 times before throwing it out. i can also do a lot of things with a deep frier. onion rings, corn fritters, apple fritters, donuts, beer battered halibut, shrimp tempura, and so on.
  15. neither, jailbreak it and instal linux proper.
  16. idk whats my name here...ah yes. when i was very little i saw a documentry on nuclear weapons. i always found them quite awesome, mankind greatest accomplishment (i even thought that before i knew you could use them as rocket fuel). so i named my self after them.
  17. i once made what i called "admiral lucifer's chicken". my own version of general to's chicken. needless to say it was way too spicy, and totally awesome. i didnt have any of those little red chinese peppers, so i substituted them with habaneros.
  18. many things. i could probibly figure out anything with an unlimited grocery budget. unfortunately limited budget doesn't allow for what i like to call "science experiments", so i stick to things i know how to make without messing up.
  19. im not really a big fan of rum. im more a tequila kind of guy.
  20. in the 90s it was mostly just spamming the registry. some games you could copy from your old system and they would work without running the installer (anything idtech). but others would look for certain registry keys and wouldn't run without them, sometimes it would tell you to reinstall. some games in the 90s were really picky about things like video drivers, which you pretty much needed to upgrade with each new game you bought (they were big on pushing the limits of technology back then). on modern systems most of that is taken care of by auto updates done by the os. i really miss the dos days when all you had to do was type 'copy *.*'.
  21. its more than just copying files. also setting up stuff with the os. on windows this means writing stuff to the registry, setting up directories for code and user data in the appropriate folder, installing services for drm, anticheat and whatnot. i actually kinda like that ksp keeps it to copying only. i dont like some of the things these game installers put on my computer. i assume linux does things more or less the same way, with some kind of install script. i dont really know what happens when i 'sudo apt-get install whatever', but i assume it does a lot of the same things that windows installers do.
  22. i haven't seen it yet and probibly wont for months unless by chance our one screen theater decides to run it (they only run one movie a week). ive been looking forward to this movie for years, just when i thought it was vapor theres a preview for it. it looks like it takes place between road warrior and thunderdome. what i would like to see is a bridge between mad max and road warrior. in the first movie society is still kind of kicking around, governments still seem to exist (max was a cop). but then by the time of road warrior everything was dead, resources were gone and road gangs were running everything (it was later revealed in thunderdome that nuclear war happened too). so id like to see that all go down. maybe this new movie might explain some of the stuff.
  23. its all about wire gauge. thicker wires means your motor will be able to draw more current (which also means it will run faster and with more torque). at least thats the rule of thumb for rewinding motors to improve their performance. actual maths here.
  24. i dont think any of their in service rockets are big enough to deliver the necessary payload. if they have to build new ones then the answer is no. maybe a multi launch type mission where you launch the service module (dragon), the lander (we dont have this), and the fuel on 3 separate rockets. but thats really not the real problem. they still need to have their ship man rated and i dont think 4 years is long enough to cut through that bureaucratic red tape. so im gonna have to stamp this with a big red no.
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