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Everything posted by Gojira

  1. he said he\'s not doing RCS tanks and thrusters, and the nosecone already serves as a sort of ASAS
  2. how did this mod specifically mess up your laptop? what did it do? it works fine for me.
  3. AHA! I KNEW THAT THE WINDOWS WERE PAINTED ON ...at least, they are in KSP
  4. Having been to the Mün and back several times, it was no trouble. It took me a couple tries to do it with the beacons, though. And it took me 20 days! I orbited several times, but I got it right. I was this close to aborting. || Anyways, thank you sir!
  6. yes seems like overkill but yes this is needed
  7. So much this It\'s not that hard without RCS though. Say, you should split the body in two, and make half an RCS tank.
  8. Am I the only one who has this rip off of their spacecraft every single time it deploys?
  9. i had mine break up in mid air after the drogue chutes deployed i was going 3km/s
  10. Oh. Fuck. Yes. Nova, that is beautiful.
  11. evidently not that long release by christmas or next week?
  12. I could make it land. 8) I tend to give my parts high crash tolerances so that they can survive splashdown from orbit. I don\'t really adjust any values other than that, except for RCS fuel consumption. Say, how long will texturing take?
  13. hot. Just needs to be split into its separate parts, textured, and configured?
  14. .craft file and required, please? that thing looks awesome.
  15. Jordan, you should honestly try to make a Kliper. That would look like sex to my eyes.
  16. They don\'t. Just suggesting that he use LFEs and LFTs.
  17. He wants gimballing SRBs, so I\'m trying to give him a placeholder idea.
  18. Sorry - didn\'t mean to come off as rude, just frustrated, as I loved using the Intrepid II for Mun landings. I guess it serves more of an orbital insertion-type rocket for now?
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