Hi All! I've got a fun little project going on here, and its got so close to success that I don't want to give up now - I'm in desperate need of someone who knows about aeroplane design! So as the title suggests, I'm trying to dock two planes in atmospheric flight. As you might expect, that presents a few challenges: Issue #1 - To dock two planes, I need to have two planes! But when I try to put something on the runway from the SPH or main KSC screen, it clears off anything already there. Simple solution, taxi the chase plane onto the grass first. Issue #2 - As soon as I'm in flight, the game won't allow me to switch focus. It will let me switch to any pieces of falling debris though. I've got a docking port on the back of my lead plane anyway, so I attach an unmanned probe body and basically try to bomb the second plane with it. Tab to the debris as it falls, and then switch planes that way. Issue #3 - Whilst the lead plane is still flying, any attempt to switch between craft results in going straight back to it and then Issue #2 kicks back in. I replace the probe body with a lander can, stick a parachute on it and drop the altitude of my flypast as low as possible. The idea is that any craft a Kerbal enters from EVA immediately becomes the active vessel. A free crew slot and an access ladder are necessary on the chase plane. Issue #4 - Getting a parachute involved means that by the time the can hits the deck and the pilot jumps out, the plane that dropped it has flown 2.5km away and vanished. Lazor Systems' docking mod on full draw distance only actually seems to increase that to 4.5km, which is still not enough. TTNeverUnload comfortably fixes the problem (reusable rockets here I come! No, stick to the task in hand...) Issue #5 - Kerbals walk really slowly! By the time the pilot is ready to go he's got 45km to close up, even with the lead plane at minimum throttle. That means the chase plane has to be rapid! The trouble with that is we end up with a twitchy plane, which needs to go at high speed to have half decent control authority. But at high speeds, the tiniest manouevres cause all sorts of wobbling and careering about that just isn't compatible with docking. I could make an edited version of the lead plane to serve as the chase plane so we can slow things down a lot, but the massive wings mean we just run into the same un-subtle manouevre problem at lower speeds. Beyond "be a better pilot", does anyone have any ideas? EDIT: After running through some tweaks, now going to learn how to be a better pilot! Mods Used: B9 pack Ferram Aerospace Research Lazor Systems' docking cam TTNeverUnload