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Everything posted by Fingal

  1. That's a heavily edited image, this is the real one:
  2. Bugs aside, this is a truly awesome mod though. It's just asked me to do possibly the most Kerbal thing imaginable, park an E-class asteroid in Jool orbit!
  3. Yep, problems with the cupola here too. Got it to Mun, everything else fulfilled, but it still wasn't recognised.
  4. I'm having problems with the asteroid contracts. It never seems to recognise that I've completed it, and I've put them in orbit of Kerbin and Minimus several times. I know it says that I have to discover a new asteroid and it's sometimes been a year or two between accepting the contract and completing it, yet it still doesn't reward me.
  5. Granted, but it only connects to Mumsnet. I wish this wish would be corrupted.
  6. Another way to make the tech tree more interesting would be to require achievements as well as science to unlock parts more science. Just like the real space program, you'd have to try things in orbit first, such as completing an orbital rendezvous before you get docking ports, or rework the EVAs slightly so that you start off with tethered space suits and only get portable life support systems once you complete a certain task on an EVA in orbit.
  7. Scotland, though I live in Germany.
  8. It's the "those that didn't get out of the tail end of a falling empire quick enough" games.
  9. Drink half a bottle of whisky before you attempt any landings. Finish the bottle before rendezvousing and docking.
  10. The ship's useless as well, it just freezes and is unresponsive. It was my 1.5 million fund ship for Jool
  11. Looks like my ship just fell into some strange parallel universe...
  12. One thing I've noticed about Apollo 11 in the past few days that I thought was pretty nice was that Jim Lovell's been turning up with Aldrin & Collins to the anniversary celebrations. Even after 45 years he's still fulfilling his role as backup commander to Armstrong.
  13. Indeed it does! And if I can figure it all out then perhaps soon we'll be getting contracts to recover pieces of he Mun's original crust, or to search for evidence of volcanism on Duna...
  14. If I can figure out how to add and amend biomes, I have some ideas for some very complicated and in depth science based contracts.
  15. Here's how I test a solid booster from the launchpad and still recover everything else.
  16. Pah! Size isn't everything (except on the inside).
  17. I haven't seen a forum this hyped since I went on a Doctor Who forum just before those missing episodes were announced last year, and that's saying something.
  18. Come on, it's my birthday. Don't keep me waiting for 0.24!
  19. It depends how career mode works but I'd like to see more science on other planets, maybe even scientific clues you have to follow to make big discoveries. Oh, and female Kerbals. It hasn't been the sixties for a long time.
  20. Do you get bonus points for completing it with Deadly Re-entry installed?
  21. I found this rather useful spot on Mun. Three biomes clustered together right beside the crater making four easily visited biomes with very short hops in one mission.
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