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Everything posted by Fingal

  1. I'm hoping for two things. Firstly a safe landing and secondly that they don't find three naked space vampires when they land.
  2. "Comet landing already a disaster, say parking bores" Full article: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/science-technology/comet-landing-already-a-disaster-say-parking-bores-2014111292689
  3. Today's XKCD is essentially a live feed in Randall's own unique style.
  4. I see Neil deGrasse Tyson has felt the need to peer review a work of fiction. Again.
  5. Years ago I lent someone my video of Apollo 13. She said it was fun but the ending was really predictable.
  6. Since they added destructible buildings I've been dreaming of nukes...
  7. Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iz8vu44wuhljcg4/Early%20Season%20Asparagus.craft?dl=0 It's what my wife built when she was bored one evening. She built two others as well, one for 500 tons and one for 1550 tons. The later has a slightly unfortunate staging order that bears the unmistakeable signature of Wernher Von Kerbal. Link is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ah8yasn2xdgwtl/Asparagus%20Launchers.rar?dl=0
  8. If you want something early on the tech tree, my "Early Season Asparagus" launcher can manage about 160 tons:
  9. Broccoli is lovely, but only if cooked properly. I tend to steam it for about ten minutes leaving it slightly crunchy. Same with sprouts although if you haven't haven't tasted sprouts fresh off the stalk after a period of frost you don't really know just how good sprouts can be.
  10. I miss the Hare Krishnas from the first GTA game.
  11. NASA tells astronauts to just go ahead and eat each other: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/science-technology/nasa-tells-astronauts-to-just-go-ahead-and-eat-each-other-2014102992225
  12. You mean the flash of light at or just before the seven second mark? Because that's when the clamp on the right fires as well.
  13. I'm surprised no-one's photoshopped in Jeb's little smiling face into the corner.
  14. Isn't that flash the launch clamps firing? The one on the right seems to fire at the same time as well.
  15. Jebediah's still up for a manned flight tomorrow.
  16. I've been watching launches since the first space shuttle went up. I've learnt that you can't have progress without failures along the way, it's a fact of life. So when the inevitable happens with an unmanned spacecraft, just enjoy the fireworks and move on to the next one.
  17. Don't feel too bad Orbital. If you don't have the occasional failure you're not being adventurous, imaginative or ambitious enough.
  18. The DMagic mod now has contracts that include the anomalies: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972-0-25-DMagic-Orbital-Science-New-Science-Parts-V0-8-6-1-%2810-20-14%29
  19. There are some bars in Amsterdam and Munich you might want to visit if you think decadence doesn't get any worse than this.
  20. So today someone created this image, a T-Rex to scale with the comet: Then it seems a Kerbal fan responded:
  21. Try Extraplanetary Launchpads http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-0-25-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v4-3-1? I use it to build spacecraft around Minimus. I have a station there that stores the metal I mine from Minimus and uses it to create my missions to other worlds. I use it with Karbonite http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89401-0-25-Karbonite-Mineable-Burnable-and-Community-Driven-0-4-2-2014-10-07?
  22. One complaint I often see is that it's too easy to max out the science tree with going beyond Minimus. Maybe it would encourage earlier exploration if Duna or Eve had launch windows much earlier in the game? As it currently is, the first windows don't open for more than a hundred days (apart from Moho, but that has huge Delta-V requirements) which is quite a while and a lot of players don't seem to like to warp time too much. A launch window to another accessible planet in the first thirty days or so might be worth thinking about.
  23. Same way Gemini 6 & 7 did it, by getting close together. A rendezvous isn't a docking.
  24. I thought Alan Shepard's geological work on the moon was second to none.
  25. I'd like to see accomplishments required to unlock part of the tech tree. No docking ports until you've performed a manned rendezvous in space for example.
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