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Everything posted by Broax

  1. I'm sure that if there was a KSP when I was a kid it would have a major impact on my life... The Squad team is full of ba***** for nor releasing KSP 20 years sooner. KSP for ZX Spectrum!!! EDIT: Obviously you'd need the 128k spectrum if you wanted to play with mods...
  2. Gosh... CKAM looks brilliant!! O.o Include it and you can have my firstborn!!
  3. I'd just like to say that I don't have any visual mods and not that many part mods and my game easily goes over the 3.2Gb mark. I had to strip the game down to the most important mods for it to be stable. This is my mod list: MechJeb Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Alarm Clock Docking Port Alignment NavUtilities HullCameraVDS Deadly Reentry NEAR Crowdsourced Sience TAC LifeSupport TAC Selfdestruct Distant Object Collision FX First Person EVA RCS Sounds KerbQuake Atmospheric Sound Enhancments Raster Prop monitor Some of those have parts included but aren't mainly "part mods" (not in my opinion). These are the "part mods" I use: KAS Universal Storage Outer Planets Mod Stockalike Station Parts RemoteTech Procedural Wings Procedural Fairings Station Science ScanSat MK1 Inline Cockpit I also installed B9 Aerospace and KW Rocketry but removed many of the parts I wasn't interested in. For example I only kept B9's air breaks and a couple of utility parts so I only kept 4 parts from this mod. KW Rocketry kept most of its parts. Eventually I also installed Texture Replacer and Astronomer's Visual Pack but that simply was overkill so I promptly removed it. I also ended up removing many of the mods list because I was having frequent memory problems on the 32bit game, 64bit is unplayable (Kraken was a very close friend of mine when I started playing on the 64bit version) and opengl doesn't quite work on my computer (I can only play it windowed and the framerate is horrible). I know I listed a lot of mods but I honestly wasn't expecting for them to go over 3.2Gb as most of them just add features and not that many parts... I consciously try to avoid part mods because of that issue. If only that Load on Demand mod worked maybe things would be easier. Either way this is why I'm so interested on a stable 64bit version of the game. But I know Squad has nothing to do with that issue.
  4. Well... Like Streetwind said Squad is a marketing company so I figure the first logical step would be to consider making a gaming division. I think KSP proved the talent and vision the development team has. So that's why for me the first step would be to have a spin-off company like Squad-Games (or something like that) still owned by the parent company (squad) but being more focused on game development. Second step would be to make one more game to establish a good IP base. Since KSP turned out to be such a great space sim maybe focusing on other sim games (although it's a genre a bit overpopulated). But since there are sim games for just about anything (farming sim, train sim, truck driving sim, bus driving sim, goat sim, rock sim, etc.) it could be hard to find a topic worth the time. I definitely think that having a portfolio with two titles (and subsequent iterations) would be beneficial. The launch schedule could be one game launch every three years which would mean KSP2 would be launched in 2021 but development would be supported by that one other magical title which would be launched in 2018. What I think would be a step in the wrong direction is to announce a KSP sequel (which seems inevitable) too soon. They could milk this game for a good 5 years (probably longer) before anyone could feel a need for anything new. On the other hand I think their team is too small to be working on more then two titles. This would work better if, like blizzard for example, they had only a small number of very good titles (Diablo, Warcraft and Starcraft). And not like other developers (of the hydraulic regulation variety) that have a ton of games on the second iteration but can't seem to figure how to give half a game a third sequel..... ' *
  5. Most people that play modded versions of KSP (which I imagine translates to a large portion of KSP players) encounter memory leak crashes sooner or later. Apparently this happens as 32bit applications can't address over 4Gb of RAM (or 3.5Gb or something along those lines). A 64bit version of the game would be able to make full use of the memory of these computers, thus solving a lot of problems for players. 64bit might not be the holy grail for most games but for KSP it would really be useful. Of course this issue is not on Squad's hands but rather on Unity. Until we get Unity5 we'll have to make do with what we have. This makes me wonder if having assets load on demand (there was even a mod that did this) would be a better idea. Or maybe Squad should consider using Unity5 beta? Some users on the unity forum report using it without horrible consequences. Maybe the gains would out-weigh the new issues. Maybe not... But this only really addresses one issue. I think the game still lacks some content to be Gold worthy. Most "problems" can be addressed with mods, be it lack of content (plenty of content mods for every taste) or game bugs (there mods that fix stock game bugs like the decoupler bug, the EVA ejection bug, etc) but I don't think a game should rely so heavily on mods. It should be able to stand more firmly on its own and have mods enrich the experience. That's just an opinion though... On the other hand maybe squad is addressing most of these issues in the form of undisclosed features for the upcoming update. Then I can't help but feel sorry for not trusting them enough. This only leaves the question of balance. The upcoming game makes so many changes I think it's hard to be perfectly balanced without a bit of (beta) testing. And while I can tolerate a couple of bugs and little content on a launch day of a title, an unbalanced experience is something that simply kills my perception of a game for me (and a lot of people). I think that KSP stayed in alpha way too long. Maybe this scared Squad and they felt intimidated by their 4th anniversary. But the Beta phase is shaping up to be far to small and I fear this might have a negative impact on the popular perception of the game. I just hope I'm wrong.
  6. I would go as far as to say that. If KSP didn't have any mods and if I could only play the vanilla content I doubt I'd still be playing. I would play it and love it for a couple of weeks. I would go to the moon and back. Minmus too. But I'd quit halfway through trying to calculate the required dV for a Duna two-way trip. I think some mods make the game immensely more enjoyable (like KAS, TAC mods, DR, RT, etc.) but without Kerbal Engineer the learning curve would be so steep I would just forget all about it. It would become another Eve Online at my eyes. The game I'd love to play if I had the time/patience for it. It wouldn't be a "bad" game. Just not a game for me. I think that right about this time I should reaffirm my love for Squad and KSP. You guys have done a hell of a great work so far and all I want is the best! <3
  7. Well... I admit I wouldn't be very keen to read that many pages myself... No harm done... I think that these days it's safe to assume most people don't think through about what they write on game forums. Like, for example: In these 60+ pages of comments I have seen plenty of posts from people who aren't modders sharing the same opinions as modders. I've also seen lots of comments from players with different opinions from mine which raise valid points and good arguments. In the end I disagree with their points of view but do feel they have contributed to the discussion. The same can't be said about your post, which I feel it's purely destructive criticism targeted at people who happen to think differently then you. People that are opposed to 1.0 seem to be sounding mostly three points. 1) The game lacks content. These people suggest a lot of mods as starting points to fill that void. 2) The game lacks balance. These people would mostly like to have more testing in order to balance costs, rewards, etc. Maybe a bit more content could help balance everything. 3) The game lacks polish. These people would like more testing to weed out bugs. Some extra additions (like unity5) would also help fix this. I think in (in my perception) that most people feel it's a combination of the three above. Some want much more polish and a bit more balance with little to no extra content. Some want more content and speak more about mod integration. Even if you are against adding more content there are plenty of reasons why it feels, for some, too soon to allow the game to go Gold. To dismiss these views and categorize them as "modders that want a shot in the spotlight" is an error in my opinion. An error that might impact the image of Squad as developer and of KSP as product. At least that is my concern. And, if you think of it. If the game was finished and development continued the chance of a mod to be integrated gets higher as core content is already done and now they can start to work with the creative people who make these mods and expand the content of the base game.
  8. Most of what I've read is a community that has been involved in the development of this game expressing some concern regarding what seems to be a rushed decision which might backlash and hurt the reputation of the game and developers. I speak for myself... Most of the features that I feel are missing from the game I can get from mods. So it doesn't really impact me. But since I have Squad in KSP in such high regard I'd hate to see them making a mistake and thus I express my opinion, as many have, in an articulated and constructive way. If squad didn't want community input they wouldn't have develop an early access game nor would they have an official community forum. But since they have one, and as the word "forum" suggests, it is expected to exist and exchange of opinions and views related to the development of this product. some more passionate and others more moderate but most of the comments I've seen are constructive. It is your right to consider the game to have all the required features to be considered a full product. It is also your right to believe the game critics and review sites will praise the game as it currently is. I don't want to speak on behalf of all the forum users, but as I see it Squad has made a great product and, as a consumer, I am very grateful for the respect and dedication with which they have worked in these past years. I have started playing KSP comparably recently and even I am in awe with how far the game has come. But that being said, I still don't consider the game is ready to go Gold. As a consumer, a fan and as a member of this community I feel it is my right to express that feeling in a way that might help the developers.
  9. I've seen a lot of comments (like mine) stating the game as feeling unfinished. And some address it well... It's the feel for so many mods. For me the game simply isn't enjoyable without some mods. For example: - Deadly Reentry: I still can't understand why this isn't stock. The impact on difficulty is negligible and the contribution it makes for challenge, realism and fun is huge; - Kerbal Engineer: If I kept myself within Kerbin's SOI I could manage without it but for me it's unthinkable to try a planet transfer without at least KE. Not to mention building rockets would be dull without a real-time dV output; - Kerbal Attachment System: EVA is a gimmick without this mod. It gives depth, purpose and fun to going on an EVA; - Station Science: Again, gives further depth to the game by giving variety to space stations and more ways to collect science; - TAC Life Support: This gives extra depth on planing longer missions; - Remote Tech: This also gives extra depth on planing longer missions; Honorable mention for: Docking Port Alignment Indicator and NavUtilities as Without them I'd spend most of the time spamming F9 while trying to land; In my opinion (this is personal ofc), these mods expand the very basic list of features the game is lacking. DR, TAC LS, RT wouldn't even necessarily need to be integrated as-is. They could be tweaked (for example: instead of food, oxygen and water there could just be a "life support" resource) to conform with Squad's vision of the game and be toggled in the difficulty options. DR, KE and KAS are mods that I can't imagine the game without. EVA has no depth at all. The only thing engineers can do is fix flat tires and solar panels if I'm not mistaken... How this can be considered a completed feature is beyond me. And the amount of trial and error required for inexperienced players to do anything meaningful would be daunting. And I feel I have to say this again... When I list a couple of mods I don't mean they all have to be included as they currently exist. I just mean the general features provided by them (simple life support (just one resource), simple differences between antennas (just range and ignore block, shape, delay, etc), simple EVA activities (other then "situation report", plant flag and collect sample), etc) make the vanilla game feel "complete". Without them the game feels incomplete. And I play in a heavily modded game (I won't even talk about the lack of a proper win64 version because I know it's not ) so I have plenty of other mods. I don't need mods to enjoy the game. Most of them I can easily live without. It's just that these make the game feel complete as it still lacks a lot of features. Going gold without some (or all) of these features means declaring a unfinished and unpolished game as "complete" which, as much as I love KSP, it isn't. I know there's still a new update and maybe by then the game will be fully polished and balanced and tweaked. I hope that's the case...
  10. I love Squad with all my heart but in my very humble opinion KSP, even if progressing well, is far from ready for the big "1.0". Giving squad the benefit of the doubt I'll assume this next update will be pretty amazing. I'll assume the Q&A team is doing a heck of a job. I'll assume all the features that (in my opinion) are missing are included in these mysterious update notes. Even assuming all that, there are two things that should be considered... (a) I'm not sure KSP has been Beta tested thoroughly enough, and ( I can't imagine this game being "completed" without full 64bit support. Which means it won't be completed without Unity 5 (maybe this is the mysterious "V"). I don't know... Maybe I should trust Squad more. The thing is... Squad is great at listening to community feedback and adjusting things as they progress in development but rushing such a major update that changes so many things without waiting for user feedback seems a bit dangerous as I don't believe reviewers should be waiting for patches and hotfixes. Version 1.0 should be the reviewed version (not 1.01 or 1.0 rev2) and doing such a blind leap seems dangerous. I'm sure Squad will fix anything that launches broken but I don't think version 1.0 should have that many edges to trim as it will have a negative impact on reviews and on popular perception of the game. Not to mention that if the reviewer for any chance decides to test the Win64 version instead of Win32 he/she won't be too pleased. For as much as I want to trust Squad I feel this whole ordeal is being rushed. I hope I'm wrong. Edit: After reading a couple of more replies I can't help but say that I'm assuming this update will fix some of the lacking features like science (station, rover, etc) parts, victory conditions or at least some sort of endgame (like "GZ you've unlocked the whole tech tree"), etc. Edit2: My point is... I don't feel like the game is "Finished". Either they change that or I fear 1.0 will be a big mistake. It might push for further sales now but it will hurt them on the long run.
  11. I know everyone has an opinion regarding the new aerodynamics so I'll try to make this short. I, as apparently many other, think there shouldn't necessarily be a dissociation between "fun" and "realism". I think realism is what makes games fun. Like some also pointed the fun of learning something hard plays also an important role. Also, as much as I love and respect squad (which I do), I think that aerodynamics are only "hard" because of the design decision (which I respect) of having the game be more about trial and error then well planed construction. This is their decision and I have to respect this as it seems to stem waaaay before I even heard about KSP. But in my very humble opinion this is what makes the KSP less "fun" and more grindy. This is also what makes having a better aerodynamic model feel like a choice between these two apparent extremes. If the player had a more informative UI he/she would be able to more easily make better planes while also coping with a more realistic aerodynamic model. Giving the user only the CoM, CoT and CoL might be more then enough to build rockets but I find it very lacking to build a plane. This also makes me think that while making a rocket is super intuitive (pointy thing at the top and fiery thing at the bottom) making a plane is much harder and there is little information in the game that is designed to make better planes. This, in my opinion, is why it FEELS that fun and realism are two extreme options. If you give the player more information to build a better plane it will become as easy as you want it to be. But, obviously, not too much information or the player will be overwhelmed. But then comes that day where you want to build random stuff and have it blow up in funny ways. While I think that would still be possible had these issues been addressed probably not every crazy thing would be able to fly. Well... Since we were forced for so long to toggle part-clipping in the debug menu why not have an "legacy aerodynamics" option? It definitely shouldn't be an option on the difficulty settings for reasons a lot of people regarded in other threads, but having it on the debug menu would make the player think of it as activating a "cheat" and using it when he/she wanted to have some crazy stupid fun like the "good old days". I'm probably wrong in all of this but it's just my opinion. Feedback would be loved, though.
  12. I remember that but I think those are planned features to be implemented during the beta stage, not for this version... :-)
  13. Well this was earlier then expected... :0 KXP and the building level progression are looking to become exactly what I expected! If thinga keep up I'll board the 0.90 hype train faster then ever!! :-D
  14. The title doesn't say much... You either need a "?" a "!" or something along those lines...
  15. That sounds like a thing that should be modded... :-(
  16. I would pay €10 in a heartbeat for a VAB/SPH in android... If it could load mod parts from an SD Card I'd pay an extra €5! IMHO this would be a quick and easy way for squad to get some extra cash from its customer base... And considering unity exports to android/ios I don't think it would be that hard... Some tweaking of the controls and a bit of optimization an the money would just fall on their laps! :-p
  17. I'm not 100% sure on all the realism mods... I use DR, RT, NEAR and life support but from those the only two I'd definetly put in the stock game would be NEAR (or FAR) and Deadly Reentry... Both would obviously be optional as the game is a bit intimidating to new players... Everything else I think would be too much of a task to develop and would frighten most players IMO..
  18. I actually never used gravity assists. I wasn't so sure how helpful they'd be in KSP but judging from some of these replies maybe I should start thinking about it...
  19. I admit that I also made that mistake starting out! :-p
  20. Welcome aboard! You should head to youtube! Lots of great ksp content there! Lots to learn!
  21. You bought an alpha game... They don't owe you nothing! If you can't handle that you shouldn't be buying early access titles and save your money for when the game goes gold and make your decision based on the full product... I have a feelling you are twelve... No one is 'jelly' of nothing or no one... Modders made the mods to help you on their free time... They can do what they want with their software... Also KSP mods are open source which means that since you're such a 1337-guy you can just change the code and re-enable them on x64 for yourself... Aside from that I think you should be more greatful that KSP has such a talented and hardworking mod community...
  22. This!! So much this!! This isbone heck of a comment that sums up everything I feel in the most constructive way possible!!
  23. I've been waiting for this... .9 looks so promising! I'm glad things are running smoothly! Can't wait to put my hands on it... Can't wait for some extra info on kxp too... :-p
  24. I think a simple story mode would not only provide a good tutorial but also allow for some cool endgame mission...
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