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Everything posted by kmMango

  1. Don't explode, don't explode, don't explode... If it does, I am hunting the Boat Moron down:mad:
  2. I will miss the "Repor". (Colbert watchers will get this)
  3. 1. Pour a glass of Lemonade. 2. Start Toaster Oven. 3. Cook Pizza Bagels. 4. Eat Pizza Bagels and drink Lemonade. 5. Read thread on how people pass the time during burns to pass the time.
  4. When I came here, I started a company thread. Within 2 minutes, the head of one of the larger companies asked if I needed help. Yes, there are trolls on this forum, and there have been arguments, the Rocket Builders being the most recent case. But afterwards, things calm down quickly. Enemies the day before collaborate on the next. I have never seen anything like it. People can and DO criticize SQUAD. There are many threads on the OPness of the 23.5 parts. I'm not saying we're better than others, but this forum is IMO generally nicer than some other communities. I don't think it's because of intelligence or brainwashing. KSP attracts very similar people. There are just a lot of people here that love science and KSP.
  5. And forum and reddit joined in applauding the entries, and there was much rejoicing.
  6. I give up. When I unzip the files into the gamedata folder, they are unzipped into their own interstellar folder. However, the parts and sounds and resources aren't in their respective folders. They are all just sitting in the main file. This of course leads to an incorrect path error, meaning I can't use the mod. I have tried everything I can think of. I see the problem, I just don't know how to solve it. How do I get the parts, resources, and all the other components to unzip into their correct paths?
  7. I am sorry. I installed the fix and did as you said, unzipping it into the gamedata folder. ORS is the version you specified. However, when I load the game the toolbar does not load, nor do most of the part models. I have never had Interstellar installed on my ksp, as I wiped out my steam local files a few days ago. I am probably doing something stupid, but I cannot find any solutions in the previous 12+ pages. I would greatly appreciate the help.
  8. I just don't accept anything involving testing parts unless it's landed at kerbin, or something without strange altitude and speed requirements.
  9. Get out of the blast zone! Wait, why am I doing this? Note to self: add some parachutes.
  10. *Sees Team 1 won* Ahem... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!! Sorry, really wanted to do that. Kudos to all teams involved. ITWBI, Jedi, all of you are awesome. Go Forum!
  11. Naw. Squad never releases them until at least a week after early access vids go up.
  12. I don't think that needs a fix. It's not a glitch. What you do pushes the game beyond all sane boundaries.
  13. I was thinking that 2214 is the earliest we could have a working Alcubierre drive. Without one, the time gets impractical.
  14. The Jeopardy theme song is now stuck in my head from playing it for 9 hours straight. I fear I will soon lose what little sanity I had to begin with.
  15. 1. Delete career mode. 2. Remove my one mod (Flight Engineer) My existing crafts are all very economical. I will save them and put them in my new career mode.
  16. I forgot to bring the snacks! Don't panic, I'm a rocketry genius! I should really check my staging. I don't think that's enough Delta-V.
  17. Things have gotten better with humanity as a whole. Our life expectancy, infant mortality, and even poverty have gone down continuously for the past few decades. Now, if we could just get our energy under control.
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