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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Well..... Hm...... A lot of chinese people actually know English. Like Me. Also, I'm not sure too many people here are chinese.
  2. Acutally, I'd like you guys to suggest which random replica I should build next.
  3. My kerbals took the Mint Scoop lander for a joyride.
  4. I joined 0.12, played until 0.16 then took a break "till 0.24. I missed a lot.
  5. Yay, finally a reason to have stock bases.
  6. Welcome to forum! "cue sovietic voice"
  7. I deflect it with my mind towards next poster.
  8. You should always provide pictures, otherwise people won't even know what it is. Also, should go to Spacecraft Exchange.
  9. How much rep is needed for two bars again? 700? I forgot. Just curious.
  10. I want this. I don't think that's a good idea. It feels disrespectful to blow up a kerbal named after someone who's recently died. "Neil" was removed from the name generator for this reason.
  11. I suceeded once and I still remember one dream today. As for the others, not so much.
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