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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. They give the monoliths a unique, "KSP" feel to it. I mean, wer'e not living in the same world as Hal and Dave, are we?
  2. So........I've decided to take a break from replicas and decided to make military ships instead. What do you guys think?
  3. I wonder what happens if you use the P-1000 as a space shuttle crawler?
  4. Lately I've been doing some rotor experiments, and one of then involved firing an LV-1 onto something, but the LV-1 seems to have no thrust impingment? The exhaust is hitting the object, but no "damaged by ant engine" shows up in the F3.
  5. Nah, just spam enough on them and they'll still work. At least, torque powered rotors are fine for rovers.
  6. If your stuff isn't worthwhile...........well........mine aren't much better either, to be honest.
  7. The candy wrapper takes revenge on you by eating you with it's buddies. I push the abort button.
  8. Aw don't be like that, everyone likes your summaries.
  9. Hmm, they do work perfectly, but are ugly.....unpaneled.
  10. Welcome to forum! 'russian accent activate
  11. Should I rehprase something? 'Do we want any easter egg on Laythe?" Laythe just screams of references, and it deserves to have at least one easter egg hidden somewhere.
  12. Just a personal warning from me, Squad: Don"t even think about nerfing the aerospike.
  13. Lol, love that reference to HarvestR's actual backstory!
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