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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. nein. Again. vexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. You've been featured Hellblazer! Congratz! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110503-Fanwork-Friday-Hellblazer-s-Wallpaper-Factory
  3. Banned for having less rep than me.
  4. interesting idea, using a gigantor XL as the tail. You'll make good crafts soon, all things start small.
  5. The internet is very, very good here in Hong Kong For those who think I'm revealing private information.........have fun finding me in the middle of about a million people. On topic: FYI this is my soyuz https://www.dropbox.com/s/g5ggsga75w9uv8g/Soyuz.craft?dl=0
  6. What the hell? You, sir are completely insane. My god.
  7. Yes, stock ion + 15 mainsails. Revive GIC.
  8. Eeloo gravity is okay for ion, the main problems is solar panels.
  9. Maybe the devs could implement this with procedural terrain, so there would be a purpose for the war fog.
  10. Metal mouth. Land on Tylo with ion.
  11. 257: The message from Duna has been decoded, and it reads : HEY LOOK MA IM AT DUNA.
  12. His account was deleted, in the old Destroy GIC thread he (it?) shows up as a guest.
  13. KPS "Welcome to kerbal program of space, komrade! You join today, da?"
  14. Welcome to the forums! Heh, everyone likes good tv shows.
  15. Agreement, Korean, Japanese, Chinese or thos without an alphabet are ridicilously hard to learn.
  16. Ya only roughly less than two hundred are used regularly, last I checked.
  17. To be honest, learning English is a piece of cake compared to learning Chinese......
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