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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. I'm now working on a Konstellation Duna craft now, thanks to your's (and katetochi's) magnificent designs.
  2. May I maked some submissions? My Talons, easy to fly but not released-yet untill I get around to it. Also WIP, might be able to do the Six Million Dollar Man (or something like that) Also, I have a DC-3 in the works.
  3. Being a replica builder, I don't get bored, building for me is a lenghty exercise in hair-tearing. But I never get bored.
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51861-Forum-feature-highlight-the-reputation-system
  5. I too use some RP, for example Samden Kerman is dat guy who always get stranded....alone. Poor guy.
  6. No. Vexx. I don't know, I keep calling you. @Xannari Ferrows what the hell is the Yukon Song?
  7. Granted. They become sentient and kill you. I wish for bacon.
  8. I'm good at building, but even better at flying them. Only applies for aircraft tho.
  9. 1m orbit controlled count? TUBM has tried to eat Gilly.
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