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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Might be Distant Object, try removing that and see if it happens.
  2. Along with other physicless parts, they add drag and mass to the root part I believe.
  3. Aegeas you are a genius. I've been working on a B-29 too as well as a X-1
  4. Sketchfab embeds are broken and slow down the page so much that it stops resoponding. Anyone had this?
  5. Kerbal Thunder full game confirmed Excellent artwork.
  6. I'm pretty sure 1.0 killed off ion planes completely.
  7. If they're exceptionally good in the eyes of whoever is doing the next one.
  8. Sorry for the zero activity guys, I will try and get Hassini and a playable version into the game ASAP... entering Encke's SOI makes you get flung out at lightspeed currently..Too buggy currently.
  9. Good to see you back with such a cool mod!
  10. Psst, the gravioli detectors can be used as mini solar panels. I've been using them for a while. Very nice rocket btw.
  11. Uh no rune, it's set as the rules otherwise it wont count. Sorry, didn't know if there was anything inside yours.
  12. Texture Replacer I assume. Also that looks cool man, pretty low part count I assume?
  13. No, one of the rules of Jool-5 is no clipping except for structural and aesthic parts.
  14. Forgot to mention, Kuzzter Jr, you have a really great dad. Also for the part mods, I assume they are using OPT planes or QuizTech pack.
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