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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. 0.90 I could fly around 800 part ships with lag that did not render the game beyond unplayable. Waiting eagerly for Unity 5.
  2. Mine just passed reentry trials, so yes, maybe. But it has slight clipping (intake spike in cockpit, small bit of wing in fuselage) Barely controllable on reentry.
  3. Hal, Marvin from Hitchhiker for some odd reason.
  4. I have noclip active. My hacky hill.
  5. You make me want to play RSS. I'll probably do that when next update comes along.
  6. I love you. Are you going to work on the other Orbiter vessels? Just curious. Side question, are you a former mod?
  7. This is Kerbal Space Program, we can do everything NASA can't even dream of. Go ahead.
  8. Can mods see through profile privacy, as in the ability to see if the user is active whether it is set to private or not, eg me, normal users cannot see if I am online or not, but can mods see?
  9. Yeah, Rocket Builders get a lot less activity than it used to have.
  10. A bit of advice, try adding some info or some pictures of what you will build, in other words, no pics no clicks.
  11. How many people here are left handed? Ignore the above, which hand do you use?
  12. The last time I did that I bull rammed the enemy right in the face. We both crashed. Glorious.
  13. I am fine with KSP multiplayer, as long as there is an option to disable microphones and permaban people.
  14. Granted. It reverts to KSP 0.7.3. I wish I could remove EA.
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