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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Moderators moderate, not us. Sorry if I offended you.
  2. There was a giant Monopoly board on display somewhere close to my house, I saw it an thought "MUST KERBALIZE".
  3. Dee-yah-zakl The name of a famous Kerbal dish. Jjefoiofnoi.
  4. I wonder if Macey Dean is secretly waiting for 1.0 for his big return.......
  5. Kerbal Board Games, the future of the Spacecraft Exchange! .....nah, just joking. Anyways, here is a 100 percent stock Monopoly board, comes with dice. Dice is operated by firing the aerospike, then rapidly turning it randomly to make sure not the same side comes down every time. DOWNLOAD Anyways, pics!
  6. Ohh snap 10 more points to new bar.... Time to spam spacecraft
  7. Can someone pass me the persistence file? I want to put up as many tugs as I can in two days.
  8. Hey KerbalEssences I didn't know you had an account here.
  9. It looks like OPT space plane mod parts for some reason. Nice work! - - - Updated - - - Also, Zucal, on the PPTS is assymetric-there is a bit sticking out of the cone.
  10. I've actually built one back in 0.25, link in my sig, but nice job anyways!
  11. Kasper, who made the teaser images?
  12. You have a lot of posts for someone who joined in January.

  13. Welcome to forums! Sometimes it may not be just brick wall, sometimes it's little by little. That's how I clawed my way out of the Kerbin system to interplantary, then interstellar with a couple of mods.
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