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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Self explnatory. An entry for the I <3 Round-8 Challenge. RIP our little gold friend, you shall be missed. Ten minutes of silence while we go over the memorial mission. (no RCS involved in this mission!)
  2. SkydoesKSP......I can imagine him DLing BDArmory and blowing up everyone else.
  3. Surpernovy I really like your avatar. And for all the moderators and past ones out there, I really appreciate what you'all have done for us, being nice, friendly and being responsible at the same time.
  4. Try jleslie48.com, with papermodels-all you need is a printer and ink and paper. http://jleslie48.com/gallery_models_postapollo.html
  5. Welcome to forums! ..Also reminds me, I have yet to do my Dres manned mission....
  6. 9/10 Neat, simple and useful.
  7. 8/10 Outside human hearing, no?
  8. I agree with sgt_flyer, just offset the skipper into the X-32 fuel tank. Otherwise, great work as always!
  9. Summoning Kraken.. Pushing buttons.. Banging on hatch.. Resurrecting Kerbals.. Gasping in horror.. Installing abort.. Eating snacks.. Stealing snacks..
  10. I did a test flight to Jool, and it handles fantastic. There's one problem though, the Ranger has no prograde/ retrograde RCS?
  11. You really have a big head start over me in modeling.
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