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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Also.....consider......that the last post was April last year.
  2. I actually built many of the shuttle payloads in previous versions of KSP, I'll try to get them updated.
  3. Alrighty, about time I posted the Saturn V. Little bugger crashed game twice..it's only 473 parts, way less than the N-1......
  4. Are you sure it's not some moderator thingy? Because I only see one page too.
  5. Ah okay. Thanks. edit: Ah dammit, on my S-V the center engine flames out after the other engines.......gotta change that....
  6. Because it's just designed to be plain tough.
  7. Electic motors are possible in stock, but they sure as hell suck (underpowered), unstable and unreliable.
  8. Niiiice job mate. When I first saw this I thought you were making mod parts.
  9. That's actually what I did. I also have question, did the center engine flame out before the other engines? I've seen people commenting about that.
  10. Already working on a CZ-3, trying to get the looks right.
  11. That proton seems a little too big, but apart from that, I like what I see. I need help on this CZ-3 rocket, I cannot seem to get the size right, any suggestions?
  12. The main engine is a LFO 48-7S, if I'm correct.
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