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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. @darth lazarus Looks nice but aren't the boosters a wee too small?
  2. Desdin will be confused the moment he gets back to KSC, I'll assume. After all, he was launched to Eve back in 0.18 last I checked. And the mini Rockomax engines nerfed? Well, looks like you eve ascender is slightly doomed. Wait what? Nerf? Oh craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
  3. NationStates. I used to have an account therem active "till I restarted playing KSP.
  4. A few questions, do I have to have google+ to use Google Drive?
  5. @Tw1 32059 Impressive but I haz 23461 in just one install
  6. nice shiny new avatar mate

  7. Small utility jet https://www.dropbox.com/s/2v7ny9j69u5365i/KSF-1%20DragonFly.craft?dl=0
  8. (Sorry if this has already been discussed/confirmed) A lot of people have demanded Squad make proper aircraft icons for the map, as well as other ones. Instead of asking Squad to make a new one per update, why don't Squad simply let us edit the icons like the flags?
  9. 1. Two MK1 command pods clippy. 2. About 10 seconds 3. Yes, but part of it is clipped inside the lander and needs physwarp to fall out
  10. Nice pic! But Eve doesn't have snowcapped mountains......more like sulphuric-acid blasting volcanoes!
  11. Yukon0009


    Velkommen to forum!
  12. More than me Azimech? I still want to hold the unoffical record for numbers of screenies.
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