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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. 0.12, it added the Mun and first got me swindled with the game.
  2. I'm not saying it's aliens.......but it is.
  3. Dammit, just a few more points of rep till my next bar... Edit: Yush!
  4. 2/10 vaguely rmember you AAR or something
  5. Aweesome. I likey. You've got a lot of rep already! Wow!
  6. Hey pTrevsTrevs no pics yet, but I rebuilt you Galelio from scratch (but with the basics of your one) and managed to cram over 1000 m/s into it.
  7. K-Drive, Infiniglide, and of course, "MOAR BOOSTER". Also, asparagus staging wasn't invented by us- it's an actual aerospace term.
  8. Thank you Columbia. Also, do you guys want moar stuff from me to add to here?
  9. Welcome to our online "home"! See you in the Exchange.
  10. Zilch. Nada. Zero. My life depends on SAS.
  11. To CaptRobau and the rest of the contibutors The work done by you guys is absolutely fantastic. I'm a stock player, and when I looked at the vast amounts of mods out there, OPM was the only one (along with MJ) I ever downloaded. Thank you all!
  12. Damn it squad? Who came up with the joke? I seriously need help with a convincing april fool's prank on my friends.
  13. Gawd.....you da MVP frizzank... (but no corn beef sandwich? damn)
  14. No. No. NO. NO.NO. NONONONO!!!!!!! Wait, it was a joke? *facedesk* damn you kasper, damn you.
  15. .....Uh-oh. That can't be good.
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