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    Replica Nut
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    Messing around in the SPH

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  1. Not sure if this goes here or in the reconfig thread, but ona a clean 1.6.1 install, KSP is stuck loading the SAGE engine. I can provide logs if needed.
  2. Gotcha. Guess I'll go try and make my own ModuleManager patch then.
  3. Is there any way for a Kerbal to "carry" a part like the SC-62 container? I've found that I need to slowly inch whatever part i need to move by attaching and detaching it along my ship's hull.
  4. @Nertea I saw on Reddit that a while ago you started working on a redo of the stock 3.75m parts. It doesn't look like it was ever released, but would you be willing to bring the drone core, battery, and docking port to this mod? The 3.75m parts are beautiful, but I always need to adapt down to 2.5 when connecting two modules. Even if you had only gotten around to modeling and texturing them I would be totally fine with making the part config by myself.
  5. Thanks for the reply! Thanks for your patience, I guess I just may have misremembered which cockpits had some demo IVAs, it's been a while since I last played. Also didn't realize that the new pod was actually new (1-3 vs 1-2). I'll definitely look around for some dedicated IVA mods. I also want to thank you for maintenance this mod, which has basically been mandatory for me through my years of off-and-on play of KSP.
  6. Oh boy I got more issues. RPM doesn't seem to add any MFDs into some of the stock cockpits. I thought it might have been because for time period-realism purposes, but the basic MK1 pod has MFDs, but the new Mk 1-2 does not. The MK1 Inline also has no MFDs, as well as the MK2 Inline. I've cleaned out my GameData of everything except stock parts, then reinstalled RPM from scratch. I've enabled Debuglogging in the RPM config. I've put the KSP.log and output_log into a zip folder because pastebin said it was too big. Here is an imgur album of screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ur2VoyC and a link to both log files: https://mega.nz/#F!72ZzECyJ
  7. Ok so yeah, I thought something was off. I tried duplicating everything but RPM still worked fine. I can't reproduce the flipped text anymore, even though all I did to fix it was to clean up the JSI folder. Here's my sequence of events: 1) Installed RPM + RPM compatible mods. 2) Found that some text elements were flipped. 3) Tries reinstalling RPM from the original .zip that I downloaded, so no new versions from GitHub were downloaded if any were released. This probably caused the duplicated now that I think back. 4) Still broken. 5) Remove everything except JSI, Squad, and ModuleManager from GameData folder. 6) Still broken. 7) At this point I've given up on fixing this myself and prepare to ask for help. I go into the JSi folder to get to the RPM config and turn on the more detailed error logging. I see the duplicates. 8) I remove the duplicates. 8) Launch KSP to get screenshots and to generate a new output_log and ksp.log 9) RPM works fine. I am just completely confused right now.
  8. Hi! Just popping in to report an issue and the quick fix I did. So reading back in this topic I see people mentioning that certain text on the MFDs are flipped. This recently happened to me, but don't worry, the issue was just user error. I had accidentally installed RPM twice so basically every file had a (2) version. I have no idea why this would cause flipping, but after I cleaned out all the duplicate files RPM worked normally again. What interests ,e is that the previous replies here seemed to indicate that the issue was caused by some anti-aliasing/DirectX issues, so being able cause this just by having duplicated files is very strange. I don't know if this was just a fluke on my end though, I'll try to recreate this on purpose and will report back later.
  9. Thanks! I'm gonna be honest I thought I was gonna get reamed for asking for help without providing any of the usual stuff, so I banked on the hopes that it was just user error, and it looks like it was.
  10. Does the multi-band scanner not generate an altimetry map? I finished scanning the Mun but all I got for altimetry was a blank gray, but the biome map worked.
  11. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT STRATZENBLITZ75 AND IN NO WAY TAKE CREDIT FOR HIS WORK With the disclaimer out of the way, I just want to say that his videos are absolutely amazing, and in my opinion represents the essence of KSP: Engineering and ingenuity with that touch or Kerbal wackiness. Now, due to complete insanity of his creations, I can only assume that hours upon hours of designing and carrying out the mission are required, on top of editing the videos, so he isn't pumping out 3 or more videos a week, but what he does have is absolutely amazing, and I think we should definitely show him some more support. Just some examples of his videos are:
  12. Interesting. When I installed SVE my frames dropped quite a bit. I'll edit my post to reflect your insights however. Thanks for the correction.
  13. Ah damn. Looks like I'm going to have to do the transfer window dance for my space freighter. Oh well I can make smaller ships I guess. Great mod regardless.
  14. So because I see 2 warp drive parts in the example image, and that it utilizes Roverdude's warp drive mod, does it function in such a way that multiple warp bubbles can be created? And as long as a part is in one of the two bubbles, would it not explode?
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