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Everything posted by Styles2304

  1. I'm in the process of setting up a challenge and I had a question about which route I should take. I would like to require the destruction of some AA sites using TAC Self Destruct as a "C4 Charge". To do that requires KAS also to be able to carry the Self Destruct module. My question is should I go with the option that requires two mods to complete or just allow a more stock option of disabling the AA sites once reached by a Kerbal? I suppose the heart of the question is really whether or not requiring 2 additional mods to complete the challenge will be a deterrent for participation or not.
  2. Yeah, that's a mean cockpit. I wish it didn't include air intakes but its sweet nonetheless. Good looking plane!
  3. I'll look into . . . some sort of stock hinge is definitely lacking in a lot of my crafts. From what I remember though, they're pretty bulky. Worth a shot though right? Well thank you nonetheless!
  4. For the video. I want to send the SR-71 out first but I wasn't thinking about the rendering . . . might have to be some trick photography.
  5. And here's my entry - a modified SR-71. Just added a bit more jet fuel, oxidizer, mono, some rcs controllers, and slapped an Aerospike on the back. Good to go.
  6. Thank you for quoting the rules from the front page that I directly referenced in my post. I was hoping for an additional exception to be made for TAC Fuel Balancer as well as the other two you have listed. A "No" would have sufficed. -- EDIT -- Anyway, here's my entry. I have TAC Fuel Balancer installed but I didn't use it. I hope the screen shots provided are proof enough. If not . . . I've got nothing but time and I'll uninstall and do it again.
  7. Figured I'd give this a shot with my SR-71. I saw that plugins are banned but it said it was a bit lax . . . is using TAC Fuel Balancer accepted?
  8. Out. Standing. -- EDIT -- Just a thought . . . if I send a craft over the designated area at something like 24km to take pictures as a recon for video purposes . . . nothing to do with the actual attack . . . will that be grounds for disqualification?
  9. Are you saying just do an EVA walk? If you are . . . that's not much of a challenge.
  10. I attempted it as well with less than desirable results. I moved the fuel pods under the wings of the F22 and added the 2 allowed rocket pods inside the weapons bay . . . I would imagine it will get the job now.
  11. Ok, decided to just outfit the ol' F22 for Air to Ground and added some fuel drop tanks to the wings. They take me to the other continent at roughly Mach I with 22% left. I don't know what sort of anti air to expect so I may have to add the rocket pods externally. If I do . . . I might switch to the F-35. Anyway, here's what I've got initially: Hidden Vulcan 4 Snake Eyes Bombs 8 Hellfire Missiles 2 Linked Countermeasures
  12. Man I'm having some trouble making a good long range heavy bomber. I prefer to do replicas . . . so I was trying for the B2 since we're dodging radar and what not but I just can't get it to function well enough.
  13. Didn't know the flight would be "intercontinental" . . . the rules reference "transcontinental" flight. Might want to update that . . . changes my plans a bit.
  14. I use AVS4YOU . . . it's a suite of software. I got it during one of their promotions like they're offering right now . . . $60 for unlimited subscription. Outstanding price for what you get. Definitely worth the look.
  15. I'm anxiously awaiting the release. I'm going to test out my A10. As a fluke it met the attacker requirements minus the rocket pods but they've been added and she's ready to go.
  16. I used mechjeb just to confirm the weight of the HMMWV. There are also parts from KAS on the HMMWV but this is a stock entry. Nothing other than stock mechanics was used for this entry. POINTS/SCORING: +500 points for completing the challenge +250 for single cargo drop +21.43 (5 x 4.286 for total weight of cargo dropped in tons) +100 (25 x 4 for each Kerbal air dropped) +200 for video +500 for landing the plane safely on a runway = 1,571.43
  17. Looks like an R-41 Starchaser but I love it. I'm going to adopt this cockpit style as often as possible. . . I wish the cockpits had stock Ejection methods similar to this.
  18. Another overdone plane lol. 100% stock but shown with BD Armory in its Air-To-Ground configuration. Downloads for Stock and BD version below album. Note: This is the A, not B (VTOL) version. _F35A__Lightning_II.craft"][bD] F35A Lightning II _F35A__Lightning_II.craft"][stock] F35A Lightning II
  19. lol lets see how many different ways we can say what I said. See this for full details: [Community]Introducing the Ability to Embed Imgur Albums
  20. Good job dude! A little forum tip, combine your images on imgur into an album, then in your post add: [imgur](album id)[/imgur]
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