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Everything posted by manni01

  1. Hehm, talking about your signature in your signature 6/10
  2. Don't forget "the Melancholdy of Haruhi Suzumaya" The show is discontinued, but it is soooo good/sciency/cool/funny just watch it. It might seem wierd and confusing at first, but believe me, it is amazing!
  3. I just got bored so I thought of things you can do in KSP and this is a humorous completion of the first couple ones that popped into my head:
  4. Thanks, although it looks nothing like an alive version of the dead kraken on pol.
  5. You know you've kerballed too much when you're the smartest kid in the physics class just because of playing a video game.
  6. Has around 350 parts and can't handle gravity, literally. It has a "seat" for the kraken to hold someone (bill volunteered/got ripped out of the space station). Its purely for aesthetics. You have to edit it into space if you don't want to deal with, unsturdy structures, wobbling, etc. It has a bunch of reaction wheels, so the non rigid joints kind of make it seem like its "moving," but if you turn it too much, you will deal with craziness. Its just a photo thingy, not a killer thingy. Download If you like this craft, you might like my other creations, check them out here
  7. Ohhh jeeez............. *jumps off a bridge* You literally gave me one of the funniest responses ever. I was happy to get this over with (I don't want to melt my computer). I know you were serious and completely happy, but the sad thing is that I actually tried this, and then deleted it because it l didn't want to break your design, and you specifically told me to leave the hull. Its just a funny/sad coincidence. I might continue doing this when I get more time, or when this thread doesn't get any activity...
  8. This design was a really good looking one. From your recent designs, you seem to be getting really good at the structural panel 3d modeling. This design was hard to fix though. The structural panels are really heavy and making hulls like that, makes the plane ridiculously heavy. I recommend using wings to model your spacecrafts in the future, it gives the craft less weight, and more lift. I know the wings don't offer as much detail. Anyways, to your fixed craft. I see what you craft had problems with and you did specify to only fix the outer wing part, but that means you had issues with mass and lift, which is why I had to clip a bunch of wings into the hull. I also removed some fuel and added some engines (still looks the same) to make it fly faster. It can lift off early now (idk, your craft didn't even have wheels ). The problem with the stalling part was because your craft's yaw wings helped roll the craft, which may work on smaller crafts, but not on these kind of behemoths. I sadly increased the part count to something around 500 (my 2008 macbook pro can handle it so your computer should 100% work). Giving a lot of flaps yaw authority, but not roll authority makes the craft more stable (also, the more your yaw wings are away from your CoM, the more likely it is to flip out into a yaw spin). I might not know what I'm saying, but your craft now looks basically the same, is more maneuverable, might be a paid assassin to kill your computer, and it can take off and fly stably. Have fun getting one of these into orbit http://download1512./h7yf334yn7wg/9x8wywo13uj5mtn/flying+wing+mk1.craft If you have problems with this craft, just tell me, I'm open to do many things, (I'm not making this thing into a SSTO though ) One last thing: Making the CoL go under or above the CoL doesn't make it worse. In fact, it makes it more stable.
  9. This is my second craft of the unofficial "ultimate craft" group and it does anything that a new player would like to mess around with. Its capable of acrobatics (without Vtol hassle) and it can do this before and after orbiting. It is ridiculously stable and it literally cannot flip out of control. It can fly into orbit with any style, as in, you can fly this into orbiting inefficiently, and have enough to get back to KSC, or you can do this super efficiently and you can probably get this thing into a 500 km by 500 km orbit, and back. Its yellow, which is why its name is "Bumblebee". Its just a cool craft in general. How about you download it : http://download1507./a9sfn2fguqng/dbl4y4hs8i7kyhn/Fighter+SSTO+_Bumblebee_+by+Hexdragon.craft If you like this jet, you might like my other released crafts. Check them out here
  10. I like building jets a lot, but from here and then, I like building some cars. I have many personal techniques in cars, which makes them act pretty good, but I couldn't use them on this car because It has an advanced suspension system, and the car would flip out with higher speeds, and if I didn't have the suspension, driving into a ~30' angle brakes the nose and hood of the car. This car is highly capable of falling a high distance and it can stably turn at speeds of 23 m/s. It has enhanced stability and all you have to keep in mind while driving this car is that you shouldn't hold*down w while making turns at 18+ m/s because it makes the weight of the car move around and the car doesn't have a stability system like in real life which regulates this, so it will tip to a side, which you generally don't want. I think this design will fit into your series because it kind of has the Vigani look, a suspension (not yours though), and is stable. Anyways I made a video of it: Facts and Interest about the Aloceraptor - Max Speed = 25.5 m/s - Part Count = 106 parts - Brake Speed (from 22 m/s) = 5 s - It can turn better than many ksp cars, but it isnt anything special - Cost = 69,496 - It has lights (red rear, normal front, and normal far lights) - Toggle normal lights with 1 and toggle far lights (like in real life) with 2 *I told you not to hold down w, but the car has a mechanic in that when you turn, you can turn even sharper by tapping w moderately slow repeatedly until the turn is completely done. Note that a couple of times a side of the car lifted up, that is because I either held w or because I tapped w too fast.
  11. This is another post just to show you that I have other crafts up my sleeve (and other videos revolving KSP), but these are a bit weird and they weren't as good as I hoped. Yet I released them and I guess they deserve a slot on my thread. I'm not going to stick too much effort into this post, I'm just going to link you the old threads on which they were posted. [thread=90922]Aerial Docking[/thread] [thread=91593]Formula Race car[/thread] [thread=91593]Formula Race car[/thread] [thread=91697]F-18 Hornet Replica[/thread]
  12. This video isn't created to show you another craft for download, but it is here to show you videos of some crafts that I have lying around which I don't think any of you want because they sporadically break off parts (thats actually the only problem). There are a some cars and an A-10 thunderbolt replica which I don't like too much because the tail elevatons clip and bug around and they make it ugly. Other than that I have a wierd bomber vtol, and a funny bit about drifting and donuts. Go to 9:50 for the drifting and funny part.
  13. I remember seeing that signature somewhere... 3/10
  14. 46. When every single partic... ehm... kerbicle starts to expand so far apart that they don't interact with each other anymore.
  15. Wish Granted... your body mixed with the cement building which is as dense as it is, but you make it more dense, but its infinite rigidity make not move, resulting in mission control becoming a singularity sucking up KSC and kerbin and the mun, and half of minimus. I wish for a pillow that has infinite fluffiness.
  16. What a depressing quote, telling us how hope can just be the biggest disappointment...
  17. We would probably be speaking a latin based language now. What if the Ksp forum got deleted?
  18. @andrew123 Thats actually quite cool with the super hornet. I tried to build a hornet of myself, but it sucks compared to yours. I can try doing a mareczex333 dogfight style persistent trail thing for the fight off (that will literally take me a year to do D: ) btw i have a mid-air refueling vid, check my signature
  19. The Stock Craft Revision Thread Ok I've seen a lot of people say on a lot of threads, "ohhh how did you make that work? mine always flips out :(". I've come to the rescue (kind of). I will fix your crafts (mainly the things from the space plane hanger) and make them: not flip out, or not fall into a spin or anything like that. Now I won't just take: "I'll stick a command pod on here, fuel, engines, and some wings... ohh it flips... manni01!!...". You need to send me a craft that you have a special thing about, like if you had it since .18.5 or something or it looks soo good and you spent so long on it. Now, there will be exceptions where I won't be able to fix your craft without changing too much, meaning that it will look more different than preferable (the craft could also have something wrong with it that completely breaks everything, but is the essential good looking part of the craft), but you can decide if you want that modified version. I'm decently good at KSP now, and I think fixing some of your designs will give: 1. me more experience, 2. you a fixed craft 3. good feelings for me and you. Ok, as a little rule, your description must have: - all listed problems with the craft - anything that you don't know how to do (but is possible), and you would like me to do it - tell me anything that is particular about the craft that I have to keep in mind when fixing it - you must give me the download for the craft, too Tell me anything about your craft, really. I don't want to break you delicate designs. How this Thread will work: I will get fixed versions of your craft and they will be showcased here on this thread (tell me if you don't want it showcased). These will mainly be images. I might make a video depending on what it is. Your fixed craft will be available to everyone who visits this thread, but I can arrange something special if you don't want it public Fixed Crafts: - Roflecopterkklol's Flying Wing - My subscriber's (Necro Slasher) cars and plane
  20. Ksp is terrible because the thrust vectoring of the stock engines doesn't go farther than 3
  21. For some reason I got inspired to make an ultimate craft: Vtol, SSTO, Maneuverable, stable, and armed. This is what I came out with and I am really happy as how it turned out. It has a lot of reaction wheels which gives it extra performance when in Vtol mode. It isn't maneuverable without vtol, because two pairs to delta deluxe winglets only give 1.7 lift, yeah, not a lot. You should always fly this thing with sas, but otherwise, 1 toggles Vtol, and 2 toggles main engines: Download it here: http://download2019./fkxjjvn3j5xg/nydjqcmfqqf1llc/Tiny+Attack+VTOL+SSTO.craft If you have problems with the craft, contact me. Also, I like to hear your feedback.
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