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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. I think this is a clever way of pointing out... that it hasn't. Yet. Despite a new forum thread saying as much, every 3 months. Some players wish it were dead, or quit, because they don't like some change or other. I hope KSP will be as lucky as EVE is, to have development still going on after 10 years. It may not be the "development" that some like, but it's clearly not dead. EVE Online changes some rules that were working perfectly fine, every so often, to break stagnancy, shake things up... depending on the change, it causes outcry in some circles. For a completely different reason, KSP 1.0 changed the Aero rules, and accomplished the same thing: gave a lot of "old-timers" new things to learn and try, and gave birth to a few "why is my rocket flipping?" threads. I think KSP 1.1 on Unity 5 will do it again. It's a bigger overhaul, than .90 to 1.0. The entire UI, Wheels, and Asteroids (confirmed by devnotes) are going to be completely new and refreshed. Joint strengths had to be looked at. The tiniest change has repercussions that we notice, due to how KSP craft are made up of hundreds of parts held together by the physics engine. "Everything old, will be new again." The community can't die yet, it has too much to live for
  2. Did you miss the big PS4 news? The forums were On Fire for 2 days Its as if Squad knew things were getting a little quiet around here, lol. We may be getting a patch next week, if all goes well. That will start us up again.
  3. Have never noticed it. But being gray on a gray background, I think it's possible to miss it, if you're just clicking while barely looking, to get back to where you left off. Excellent subtle "Easter egg."
  4. 2.) HarvesteR was pretty explicit that PC players shouldn't worry. 3.) conflicts with Sony's announcement of "2016."
  5. The orange suits are exclusive to the core named characters, the first Kerbals to go into space. No Kerbal you rescue or hire can get one. (Even though in career mode, all of them can be trained up and become equally skilled. The orange suit is like an honorary award.)
  6. I would not be surprised if Mu - living in the UK - had a full development build backup.
  7. Thanks Alshain! Happy to learn Kasper was able to host SQ, after all. Good info to take us through the weekend. PS4 concerns seem to be quieting down, now that most forum-goers have learned about it, and have asked their questions (even if they don't fully like the answers.)
  8. Squad isn't done... by which some will re-raise that 1.0 wasn't a finished game, but ohwell. They have more ideas about end-game activities, that we haven't seen yet. They don't even consider the latest big feature, resource mining, as "it." I imagine some of Squad's unspoken ideas have been touched on by various suggestions and mods (NFUN advice sounds good: check out some mods or make your own,) this 2-year-old post/quote contains no hints about their other ideas.
  9. LoL, Upsilon, you've pointed out problems in points 1-2-3... then ask for a compromise? I agree with your first paragraph, but what do you have in mind? Moderators have rules they try to operate under, only removing the worst of the worst. Forum users can say pretty much whatever they like about a topic, up until it conflicts with forum rules, and needs moderation. The only way I see to reduce 1-2-3 is for those types of people to change, or heavy-handed moderation. Heavy moderation leads to lots of arguing about edge cases. I don't think either is happening, so absent other options I'm not thinking of, I don't see anything changing. If the forum has 1000 active users online, and 50% decide to post about something... even if all is written calmly and reasonably, that is a lot of posts. Developers start wishing for a TL;DR, and probably stop reading and go back to trying to make the game better. PS4. There. I'm on topic ### OK, I can do better than that. Almost a TL;DR for the thread. The PS4 worries and negative opinions show a slight tug of war between: "this is a cash grab, a sell-out" (as if: tons more people will buy it now, maybe Sony dumped a bucket of money on Squad.) - and - worries that the port will be bad, ('KSP is too complex to hand over to a primarily mobile developer'), PC development will suffer, it can't be nearly as successful on consoles as it's been on PC/Mac/Linux, too many keyboard commands to work well on a console controller, mod difficulties - ('the game I enjoy on PC is mainly thanks to great mods'), The "cash grab" opinion seems to be in the minority, the others (which point out problems with the easy money theory, if that's what "cash grab" means) have a lot more they can write about. The truth will probably end up somewhere in the middle, as it normally does. I've written in other posts that I wish Squad success in this endeavor. Any additional income, if wisely reinvested in KSP development, should help make KSP better for everyone.
  10. I pulled out my copy of Cosmos, and it's discussed on page 287. It was not primarily intended to indicate our planet's location, but to share with the discoverer a cross-section of what it means to be human, if that is even possible. (If it doesn't get used for target practice, or vaporized as random space junk by passing aliens )
  11. This nicely worded post could have been made in any of the three active threads. 5.) Someone would have been unhappy. This is the internet! It's inevitable
  12. That's sheer speculation, we have no idea what money Squad has not spent or on what. Perhaps we are starting to see the benefits of more development money right now, with the collaboration (hiring?) of FT for the PS4 port. Which, Maxmaps has said has already paid off with their Unity 5 help. Most of the two years for resources was spent working on other features... and deciding what the resource system should be. Actual implementation was handled in much less time, by RoverDude, who crafted a variation of Karbonite. Career mode got most of the focus in recent updates, with the addition (v.90) and then expansion (v1.0) of Arsonide's Fine Print contract extensions. The Aero overhaul is part of the simulation. It could have been released without new spaceplane parts. I think its awesome that we did get the new parts, and the bigger wings and landing gears. (Only Squad could say if one was waiting on the other.) Squad has always straddled a line between simulation and gameplay; FAR in my view, was always going to be "too FAR" for Squad's taste. While it's true that the community is full of talent, Squad has in fact tapped that talent from time to time. Witness RoverDude's work on the resource system, Arsonide's contracts, and Porkjet's spaceplane parts. Staggering, you say? Sheer speculation. We have no way to know what amount of cash is lying around unspent. let go? More speculation. We only know what some have chosen to share. The last two to announce that they are leaving Squad did so in the Devnotes, suggesting they left on good terms.
  13. Talking about dollar amounts is pointless and distracting. We should all want a great game for all platforms Squad cares to support. More players, more and better features - if Squad gets some more money out of this deal, it should help the game in the long run.
  14. Don't forget the part about 'two versions' - just because PS4, doesn't mean that Squad has to dump or 'dumb down' PC UI. I think everyone knows by now how clunky the Skyrim UI was (thus the popular mod "Sky UI" which improved on it) and Squad will be at pains to make something less clunky.
  15. Controllers can chord and sequence button presses to duplicate the PC inputs. And there's no need to remove PC shortcuts from the PC version. Mu announced the UI for v1.1 on Unity 5 was getting an overhaul, thanks to new tools in Unity 5. I think there will have to be fly-out scrolling lists like in Skyrim, for things like selecting and setting up Action Groups on PS4. But, Squad would not dump keyboard shortcuts on PC, just because there's a fancy new UI. Maxmaps said it in the FAQ: two versions.
  16. Mu announced the UI for v1.1 on Unity 5 was getting an overhaul. I think there will have to be fly-out scrolling lists like in Skyrim, for things like Action groups on PS4. But, Squad would not dump keyboard shortcuts on PC just because of a fancy new optional UI, that also works well with consoles. If I can't push number keys on the PC for action groups in v1.1, I'll be annoyed. So annoyed, that I really don't expect Squad is going to risk that kind of forum rage, by removing keyboard shortcuts.
  17. Fair enough, I gave my opinion on 1.0.3, based on previous Devnotes and Squadcast comments. If you haven't seen these statements before, please check them out and see if they affect your opinion. Delta-V indication was postponed out of 1.0 for more UI work related to Kerbal skills, but not forgotten, expected for v1.1. Many of these features you list... are features I'd like to see as well. Something like KAC would be especially good to have in the Stock game. But I can't recall seeing them described in any Squad posting as a "core feature" - that they have failed to deliver. Only delta-V fits that scenario.
  18. Without some quotes or links to back this up, It's just speculation to suggest bugfixes are delayed for any reason other than different bugs taking different amounts of developer time to understand and fix. The expected v1.0.3 patch has been undergoing extended testing, due to a modification of the heating system, affecting just about every part in the game. Squad was embarrassed by the need for v1.0.2, a mere 6 hours after v1.0.1 and doesn't wish to repeat that scenario. What "core features" do you think should have been implemented? I ask because sometimes what one player thinks is important, is more of a wish-list item, or some small feature Squad mentioned in the past and hoped to get to, "some day."
  19. It's just speculation to think that 1.0 was "rushed," given their previous release schedule of something new every 4 months or so. Each and every release, early access or the one Beta, players wished for more bug fixing and features and testing. It's then another leap of speculation that it was "rushed" because Sony asked for it by a certain date. Sony announces the game should be available next year, I think if Sony was so demanding, it would have been announced today for holiday delivery, not some unspecified date in 2016. A Holiday 2015 release would be the fastest way to build on free advertising, from E3 news reports.
  20. Multiplayer progress was briefly discussed in this recent Squadcast. After 1.0.3 is released and work on v1.1 has all the developer's attention:
  21. More money (if people buy it on PS4 in sufficient numbers) if wisely reinvested in the game, will make the game better for everyone in the long run. Only if most of the new income is unwisely cashed out, does this become a bad thing. Companies have gone bankrupt after cash infusions, by wasting money on fancy new offices.
  22. Emphasis added: perhaps you mean are progressing? You make it sound like the KSP on PC / Unity 5 engine update, is close to release. Which does not seem likely Edit: ninja'd by Randazzo, posted in the same minute
  23. Controls: it's not impossible. (reposting self) I imagine various things will be chorded or sequenced; so you would press one "mode" button to call up options for symmetry type, symmetry amount. And press one button to enter the part functions 1-2-3-4 (move part, rotate, re-root.) Action groups could be done by pressing one button for "action" which calls up a list you scroll with d-pad, trigger to select.
  24. We can't knock it until we've tried it... I imagine various things will be chorded or sequenced; so you would press one "mode" button to call up options for symmetry type, symmetry amount. And press one button to enter the part functions 1-2-3-4 (move part, rotate, re-root.)
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