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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. Just because a survey mission is offered in your early rocketry era before flight tech stuff is unlocked.... doesn't mean you have to take it Someone else (not saying ME) may not mind the expense or challenge of landing on target, in a rocket / ballistic trajectory survey.
  2. This is a thread in Support opened mainly for the 64-bit career problems, it may have some things you can try now, like force-destroying your buildings, and new stuff may pop in, as more folks post in it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103115-The-buildings-start-out-fully-upgraded-in-career-mode%21-Please-please-help%21
  3. If you tried KSP 64-bit version, it may have visually upgraded your buildings, but the game still treats them like they are not upgraded. A few posts back, Flying Wolf quoted from the FAQ. But you should be able to downgrade buildings in the save file, and continue playing regular 32-bit version. If you have KSP via Steam, look here for your save file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\[name you gave to career mode game]\persistent.sfs 1. Before doing anything, make a backup copy of persistent.sfs into a new file, like persistent.sfs.BAK 2. Open persistent.sfs in notepad. 3. Search for the section "name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities", and set all to "lvl = 0"
  4. A minor observation: the fully upgraded SPH/VAB have a flag on the wall. The first and second tier don't have one. I think that should be a constant in all tiers. I think your chosen "space program flag" should always be on display. Perhaps in the first tier, its draped over some crates in the corner... then in the second upgrade, someone hangs it on a wall, but didn't do a very neat job of it.
  5. I tried out Carbon v1.3 today, and wanted to leave some tips for others who might try running it against .craft files from v23.5. (no mods) 1. A parts list isn't included with the 1.3 download. Carbon AutoAnalyzer makes it for you. (This was a great idea, for forward-compatibility!) 2. If you run Carbon AutoAnalyzer from the main KSP folder, it will pick up some incorrect data, resulting in a "null value" JIT debug error, when you attempt to load the newly-created parts list file. 3. To work around this, run Carbon AutoAnalyzer from the Parts sub-folders. 4. Copy it first in the folder ...Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts, run it and open the parts.list text file. 5. Copy it second to the folder ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NASAmission\Parts, run it and open the parts.list text file. 6. Copy the NASAmission parts text, to the end of the Squad parts list text file, save this, and use this combined parts.list file with the main Carbon app. Some part naming syntax may have changed in v23.5. Some parts names in the parts.list file contain "_" underscores, but when loading some .craft files, an error will appear that a part could not be found... the same part name, but containing a "." instead. Example: an entry for fuelTank_long appeared twice in the Carbon AutoAnalyzer created parts.list. Workaround: edit one instance of fuelTank_long to fuelTank.long. Also seen with ksp_r_largeBatteryPack. Suggestion for future: It would be nice if we only had to load the parts list file one time, such that it persisted across all three tab functions
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