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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. Rgr. Found it on page 7. Sigh. I'm still happy with my "no" vote... the info that most caters to my interests always gets back to these forums, within hours of appearing anywhere else. I don't feel ignored, when Devnote Tuesday rolls around, and when major behind-the-scenes development articles are posted, where HarvesteR often takes the time to respond to questions.
  2. We have our say in these forums all the time, anything Squad wants to research, they can just jump into a thread. We never know when they do, because they rarely post. To your second point, the first mention of those sites I noticed are in a post by regex, making a passing comment about wondering what might be posted on SA, if anything; and he condemned 4Chan, didn't say anything was posted there.
  3. This. While Squad could gather some information about improving the tutorials here, these official forums are mostly frequented by experienced players, and the ones who take the time to create accounts and make posts here, have moved a step up in terms of KSP experience, interest, or engagement. Reddit (which I don't enjoy parsing thru walloftext either) includes lots of casuals and non-players, the kind of people Squad would want to hear from, so that they can try to address their issues, and grow the KSP player base.
  4. The nuclear waste storage/disposal problem... is a big problem. Nobody wants it, within 100 miles of their backyard. So most of it sits in pools at the reactors that used it. Yucca Flats storage facility was shot down, after millions (billions?) were already spent toward it. I think the Hanford reservation in WA is going to be a blight on that area for another 100 years, though I'm sure some people over there are happy for the steady jobs. I'll be happy to embrace nook-ular, when Fusion tech comes out of the lab. So, I look forward to more wind and solar projects.
  5. The greatest amount of new, detailed info, by comparison, is revealed to us here, in Devnote Tuesday and long-form blog articles. What we get here, in actual paragraphs, far outweighs the occasional tweet or reddit comment.
  6. While "it would be nice" if someone posting a new thing elsewhere would remember to link it here, The info does end up back here, very quickly. So, I don't think there's a problem that needs solving. The greatest and most detailed info is almost always posted here: Devnote Tuesday, and behind-the-scenes blogs & articles.
  7. Tweets are just Tantalizing Tidbits, actual paragraphs come on Devnote Tuesday.
  8. "Engineers" could mean "engineers report." I expect / hope for more details, in the next Devnote Tuesday.
  9. I don't use FAR - and find that adding fins does work in stock, you just need sufficient lifting force. Delta wings with elevons do good work for me (though I usually combine this with some SAS.) Agreed! Would be a good area for kerbal skills to apply. Smarter Kerbals would anticipate getting near to the mark: less overshoots at high skill levels, and when using more expensive probe cores.
  10. Though it would be nice to see a stabilization fix before 1.0, it is unlikely, because the restart work around does exist, and the problem manifests itself for different players at different times, depending on craft complexity and other factors. In software development, a "hotfix" is usually reserved for easily reproduced, widely seen crashing bugs, for example: "attach this part to this other part, BOOM, app crash every time." I'm keeping fingers crossed, for stability improvements in 1.0.
  11. This isn't terribly helpful, but I watch the VAB Kerbal animations, and try not to click things, when they are paused by the glitch.
  12. Thank you for this. All I could think of, was the qualification "when CoM shifts... loss of control." If you don't have stabilizing fins or SAS at the bottom, (a design problem) it is BECAUSE available torque is greater with a high CoM, that control is lost faster (when thrust is continuous, a problem more often experienced with SRB first stages that can't throttle down) than if CoM was lower.- - - Updated - - - We might get that, in a back-door sort of way, with the new drag system. If landing gears offer more drag when extended, they could be used to simulate this
  13. Its "meant" to be tied into the Abort group, which is available at all upgrade levels, IIRC. That said, I don't use LES, and re-purpose Abort to control other things. Limiting custom action groups to the final upgrade tier, is kind of harsh. I also re-program Gear for something else, and leave gear down all the time
  14. Do the no-stages / no control - craft, have a probe core? If not, try adding any probe core, to see if probe core enables control of stages. (I put probe cores on just about everything, even with kerbal crew, as a backup control.)
  15. I have this problem with the base game, no mods to speak of. After about 10 times back and forth from the VAB to the Launchpad, to try out crafts with 200+ parts in them, the game eventually chokes & I need to restart it. Some have reported a memory leak (where memory consumption slowly climbs) but this may not be all of the problem(s). One clue to watch for (so you can restart on your own ahead of time, without a crash) is a periodic "catch" in responsiveness and animations, every 5-10 seconds. This has been explained as an artifact of the Unity game engine "garbage collection" routine. We are expecting a substantial overhaul when 1.0 is released; many old bugs are expected to be addressed, so for my part, I'm just waiting it out
  16. For deflecting asteroids from Earth collision, *if detected early enough* - The Planetary Society proposes laser satellites. Vaporization at target points would cause outgassing, microscopically nudging the asteroid over time.
  17. Now posting in "EVE is dying" thread. Oh wait, wrong game...
  18. While waiting for most of my crew (at the 12-member limit upgrade level) to return from a Duna mission, I decided to skill up some of my other guys by sending them to Minimus, and at the same time a satellite contract popped up, so I also took a detachable probe for that. While heading out there, the arrival at Minimus just happened to coincide with the arrival of the other group back at Kerbin. I had the Minimus satellite + crew lander separately capturing into Minimus orbit, and Kerbin aerobrake all happen in the same hour. I was immersed And thank goodness not distracted by life support running out somewhere else, at the same time The Skyrim RPG was released with 100's of hours of gameplay, but they too have a vibrant mod community that continually adds items, quests and stuff to do for folks who have exhausted the base game, or are just looking for something new. KSP is going to be no different, in that regard. I think you're right though about adding a resource system. For the longest time they were against the idea, now they have rethought it. No clue if it will have time-based mechanics. The main developer has written on the topic of resources, and the feeling of reaching the end of what you can do in games generally, in this 2013 post.
  19. Time is in short supply I'd rather Squad spent development time expanding exploration stuff to find and interact with, or new stuff I can spend science on - than creating a greater role for the passage of time on various game events. This brainstorming though, is exactly what drives the vibrant mod and alternate-game-mode community in KSP. Someone will pick up this torch, if Squad does not
  20. Most contracts allow years to pass - once accepted. And, i'd never feel rushed to accept a contract that has just 4 hours left for me to accept, unless everything was "ready already..." b/c the contract system is constantly generating them. Many features would need expanding or revising, to give the passage of time a greater role. I don't think its worth the trouble. When I think of KSP, and read STEAM comments - the core game people think about is rockets, orbits, moon landings, and explosions. Why should I either wait, or have to timewarp through a build process - it seems an artificial roadblock to add now, after not having it thus far.
  21. Some mods will be adopted into the core game over time, but others will not, for many reasons, and despite their popularity. HarvesteR has replied to this type of question, in this post.
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