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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. I second the resource-everywhere comment. It looks really easy to find a decent spot. Then again, if depletion is on the menu, perhaps the "good spot" is very short-lived?
  2. on the AMA Nova asked for more details about their process. I'd recommend checking out Shapeways info, they have a good . In it you can get an idea of the amount of manual labor involved, validating and cleaning up models.
  3. Thx once again for the summary. Awesome looking drill. New types of rescue missions!
  4. Some other items might be less controversial. In the other thread, I suggested: Vulcan harp Three-dimensional chessboard IDIC (infinite diversity, infinite combinations) symbol Bridge science station hooded viewer Any of these items could be worked into one of the KSC background pictures. It doesn't have to be an item you find in the solar system.
  5. Had known about it for close to a year, before the splashy 23.5 ARM update pushed me over the edge, toward Space!
  6. An iconic actor in a beloved series. That scene in ST II is going to be even harder to sit through. I wish the suits at Paramount had let him do more with the franchise, after he proved himself as capable behind the camera, as he was in front of it. +1 to Cairan's idea! Some other items that might work: the Vulcan harp, a three-dimensional chessboard, an IDIC (infinite diversity, infinite combinations) symbol, the bridge Science station hooded viewer.
  7. Just by reading (I haven't used this) Regolith includes the concept of scanner resolution, returning various levels of information, and some of this can be tied into first visiting a biome -umm, geographic area / region. And thus, any new scansat type of science could also be an advanced tech feature, either requiring a ground survey first, or the ground visit unlocking / providing the most detailed info - independently of satellite parts.
  8. Biome, geome... I was thinking let's just calling them Regions, since the map geography is all we are told to care about, per your point that there is no bio stuff to be found. I've not used scansat, but seen some pictures, and think its a good idea. Exposing the garish texture map colors used to designate biomes to players all at once, would be immersion breaking, in my view. I would like to see a more in-character way (like scansat, and perhaps a kerbal in-helmet HUD) to show biome-regional information to players. Without mapping information, I have no way to know that this or that crater or hill might be worth investigating, until I go there. And it might be a looong distance away. The game needs to offer better clues to players. Experienced players don't just want more science variety (great ideas there,) they should have reasons to DO the science - the Great Rebalance will hopefully need a ton more science to be performed, to unlock all the toys. (Fine Print contract "science" seems a bit tacked on, hehe. After the tree is unlocked, only the money matters.) My hopes for more reasons for doing science are pinned on Resources, something that has greater use for mid-to-late game scenarios. Edit: tater's ideas of more realistically tying certain types of science activities to game abilities or parts , would be awesome. But would some players balk at being required to do specific things they might not enjoy as much, versus following the cheapest, easiest, or their favorite route to science points and all the unlocks, that they follow today?
  9. Great ideas tater. I'm of two minds, since I also like the "cuteness factor" that was established by just calling everything "science" to support a single "science" resource for career mode. We can declare everything we do is "For Science!" and lol or roll eyes at the Hitchhiker can IVA labels
  10. I think the idea of some science being transmit or recovery only, is interesting, but the thread title was very broad, and invites more than just this I'm not sure where to place the dividing line among existing science gathering methods. In RL, we are doing almost all planetary science remotely, and transmitting. Recovery of samples would obviously get us "more data." It might be nice to have a new surface sampling part, I thought that would be an interesting way to introduce comets, and make them a little different from asteroids or new planets, that many players would like to see added. So, I like that we can transmit SOME data about a surface sample, perhaps in the Great Rebalancing, the transmit value could be reduced. Since surface sampling today is a thing only Kerbals can do, most of the time we are doing a return mission and getting full value.
  11. Great discussion fodder. I recall something, perhaps in a Squadcast summary, that suggested Science might be getting a look for 1.0. That wasn't a commitment to What or How. I think its a mess for new players to sort out, requiring right-clicks on the various science parts attached to a ship... that you have to go looking for, when in space. I would like to see a new Science UI panel expose all the different science gathering possibilities that are available on a craft. Somewhat related to this, is a discussion (that grew into) how science parts might be changed.
  12. regex: sounds reasonable to me I think upgradeable is a more appropriate term, in this case. As you advance in the tech tree, more capabilities would be unlocked.
  13. I think my point still stands: I've listed a bunch of parts on top of the goo container, that our stock craft designs could benefit from, if they were offered in both radial and in-line versions.
  14. I support this approach, and can verify the OP practices what he preaches
  15. KSP is incredibly mod friendly, but Squad devs have to prioritize their own ideas first, even where they may take inspiration from mods. Some problems, like the one Budgie mentions, may come from the Unity game engine and its physics implementation. Players were talking Robotics and rotators in last week's DevNote post here. So, the developers have thought about these kinds of features. FlowerChild tested and noted this problem.
  16. The printed model pictured in the first post looks like the brittle sandstone process used by Shapeways to print other Kerbal models. All one piece. The material allows fine detail and great color, but don't drop it.
  17. This. KSP is about "building" things, after all. A snap-together kit full of rocket parts would do the job just fine
  18. For its size and cost, it (mobile processing lab) should have those basic science options (goo and science Jr) built-in.
  19. This part is one of many, that could use alternate mounting. I wonder if gaps were left intentionally, to create design challenges? XL parachute: the small version offers both mounting styles. This is the most clear cut case for a 'missing part,' in my view. Z4K battery: need a radial step in between, because Z400 is the largest radial version. air intakes: no radial version for the three highest capacity intakes. adapters: bi / tri / quad in-line adapters could use a radial mount version. separators: I don't know why I would want this, but, stock has no radial separators (blue version.) RCS: inline version. This would turn four parts into one, in cases where you want to use four RCS in radial symmetry. Should also have monoprop capacity. following up the pincushionman: reaction wheels and probe cores, even command pods: radial mount version would be nice, sometimes I stick these on the sides of things, costing an extra part.
  20. This is a tremendous upgrade for the 'stock' game, which currently has one to choose from... but as always, modders will (and have) find some niche to fill; in style, or substance.
  21. No bug, just minor frustration. If you could take the ship back to Kerbin and launch another one - in the VAB, you can / could have assigned Vernor toggling, to an action group. The stock game doesn't permit setting action group hotkeys in space, once you leave the ship editor (VAB / SPH).
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